Is this true, are truckers the fattest?

When i was 21 i weighed 18 stone, then up and down like a yo yo, i still weigh 18 stone today (15yrs on) only difference is i’m not comfortable with it.

ive been class one since 21 and still weigh the same but look a lot better now thanks to running around and getting ones arse into gear when needed! i feel as stiff as a board at the best of times just lke 90% of the users on ere!! but after a couple of minutes its full steam ahead!!

At one time i spent most of my time smoking and talking on the phone,
therefore i didn’t think about food,
it’s the governments fault, and traffic commisioners, and vosa, and muslims.
But not mine. :laughing:

Yea I’m with limey on this one :laughing: :laughing:


I dont have any excuses left. Im just fat. No one left to blame. except the muslims and Beverley Bell :wink:

It’s printed in The Sun, so it must be true right :exclamation: why don’t they print it in the News of the World as well, renowned for printing ‘accurate articles’ :angry:

When i leave the dock in the morning, usually morning!, the first place i stop is tesco’s to get some chicken salad sandwhiches, bernard mathews turkey breast, skimmed milk, bananas etc, and yes i know that the salt content is a bit high in some of them 0.9g per pack :open_mouth:

Anyway according to the ‘media’ 49% the country are obese, and 49% are anorexic, that leaves 2% of normal people like me :sunglasses:

I’m not overweight…i’m undertall :laughing: