Is this true, are truckers the fattest? … 731342.ece

Don’t know where they get their fiqures from.

A spokesman said: “Lorry drivers have a sedentary job with hours spent driving past greasy cafes and service stations filled with fast food outlets."

Obviously NOT driving past them, :laughing:

Is this why the MAM weights were up-rated a few years ago :question: :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Me and a mate were discussing this recently.

If you are out on the road in any capacity, especially in a large vehicle, there is NOWHERE you can get healthy food if you need to buy it.

The closest you can get is those packaged salad’s at the M&S shops in Moto’s these days. But they are expensive and probably aren’t that fresh either.
Why is it that nobody produces food thats good for you, if you don’t have time to stop and make it yourself?


Me and a mate were discussing this recently.

If you are out on the road in any capacity, especially in a large vehicle, there is NOWHERE you can get healthy food if you need to buy it.

The closest you can get is those packaged salad’s at the M&S shops in Moto’s these days. But they are expensive and probably aren’t that fresh either.
Why is it that nobody produces food thats good for you, if you don’t have time to stop and make it yourself?


its cheaper to buy a burger and chips than a salad sandwich in most services so what do they expect :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

As a driver and an IT contractor I claim two of the top ten!!!
:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I’m dooooommmmmed…

since stopping the full time driving have managed to drop 5stone to now just over 13stone. dont think it was the food while driving just can’t afford to buy the bugger now :frowning: :frowning: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

since stopping the full time driving have managed to drop 5stone to now just over 13stone. dont think it was the food while driving just can’t afford to buy the bugger now :frowning: :frowning: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Was that supposed to read burger :question: :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The top ten fatties list says it all really…

They’re all the people that are too busy to get any beneficial exercise / eat correctly.

The top ten skinnies do nowt at work (with the exception of farmers) so have plenty of energy and time to go to the gym, cook healthy food, etc.

considering they only used 5000 men for this so called study, i would hardly say its a fair comparison. when was the last time you a taxi driver with a 30" waist (which i DO have :sunglasses: )

NEVER believe statistics like that. they never show an accurate percentage of the people they are supposedly portraying

Must admit since starting nights last October I have put on 16lbs :blush: Just cant seem to get in a decent eating habit! Start at 6pm finish at 3am, normally up at 10am have breakfast, lunch around 2pm, something before i go out at 5.30pm then normally getting the munchies around 11pm so into reading services for a pastie & coffee and most times a bar of chocolate too :blush: :blush:
Have started to not take to much money out with me at night, so lately just been getting a coffee, also started taking a bottle of water too, Diet starts NOW!! :unamused:

some of these replies make HEAVY reading :wink:

I just wonder why people don’t mind there own business, my weight is MY problem, nobody else’s, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke but I like my curry/Chinese etc, and if it kills me, tough.

And don’t give me the ■■■■■■■■ about costing the NHS a fortune, my brother in law who is “fit” has spent more time of work in the last few years with sporting injuries (football) than Ive had in 30, I know two paraplegics caused by rugby, wont happen to me.

A friend who is a casualty nurse tells me that A and E at the hospital where she works is packed with fit people with broken bones, sprains, dislocations, every weekend.

And what about the idiots who cost millions of pounds in costs every year to the emergency services, the mountain climbers, potholers, fell walkers, sailors, nobody goes on that it costs about £8000 per hour on choppers to rescue these idiots.

And why do people think they have a right to comment on my weight?, the other week a driver said I was a fat ■■■■■■■ so I replied he was an ugly ■■■■■ but I could slim, but he would always be an ugly ■■■■■ and he was offended, why did he think he could be abusive and I cant?.

The government tell us that we are living to long anyway so if I keel over at 60 so what.

Leave people alone, we all go to hell in our own way.


Don’t know where they get their fiqures from.

Why do people believe what they read in that comic, For christ sake they think they got a news story if a person on telly shows their knickers in public.
If you want something to do, write to the “editor” and ask him where he got the facts from,

Well iam a fatty but I play Rugby every Saturday…Badly, but I still play. mind you I did park up outside a Gym / swimming pool last night and went in this morning …for a shower :laughing: Charged me £1.30.

We could do with small gyms at the MSA they would be used I’m sure of that, if not by everybody but by most people, I wonder what the average age on here is am 46, most young people would use them and alot of old people would to. I’m rambling now so I will shut up.
I will be parked up at Newark tonight will I get exercise there■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I’m not sure that article is that representative of the truth.

Sure there’s lots of fat truckers, but there’s lots of skinny ones and lots of “normal” sized ones too.

If they are linking job activity to figure, why would “admin” or “travel agents” be in the top ten skinniest professions? Travel agents hardly have an active job do they?

I think the lack of healthy food available at roadside vans/cafes does play a large part. I think there would be a big market for this nowdays - not rabbit food, just not the usual lard fest.

I find it disgusting that police officers were among the 10 most lardy professions. If some scally’s off on his toes with my dvd player under his arm I want some copper who can run after him ( saying that, with the response times of the police these days, they wouldn’t be able to catch a criminiminal with the police helicopter). Thats just in my personal experience of course. As part of a uniformed service they should be made to do a BFT (basic fitness test) every year as we had to in the army…if you don’t pass…off you pop!!!

I will be parked up at Newark tonight will I get exercise there■■?

There is a recent post somewhere that says ‘travellers’ are parked up near the cattle market at Newark so if you see someone with a large jerry can running from your truck then you might get some exercise :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I find it disgusting that police officers were among the 10 most lardy professions. If some scally’s off on his toes with my dvd player under his arm I want some copper who can run after him ( saying that, with the response times of the police these days, they wouldn’t be able to catch a criminiminal with the police helicopter). Thats just in my personal experience of course. As part of a uniformed service they should be made to do a BFT (basic fitness test) every year as we had to in the army…if you don’t pass…off you pop!!!

The police do have to take general fitness checks every year, the guy who lives next door to me is a sergeant in the Northumbrian force, when its due the bike and the running shorts come out

take your own food and do some exercise!!! i tramp 5 days a week and get chance to go to the gym and eat quite well! ive been doing this job since 18 and am now 37 and i’m not a lard arse! bit of will power goes a long way!