Is this true, are truckers the fattest?


]take your own food and do some exercise!!! i tramp 5 days a week and get chance to go to the gym and eat quite well! ive been doing this job since 18 and am now 37 and i’m not a lard arse! bit of will power goes a long way!


I couldn’t agree more…I just wish I had more will power, if I did I would of played Rugby for England… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What can be done? Nothing nobody gives a toss about lard arse Truckers we are the scum of the earth.
Untill we change, the publics opinion will stay the same. What can we do to improve our image■■?

Its fools like truckermarcus I was getting at in my post, there are kids starving themselves to death because people like him refer to them as “lard arse” and other such things.

I’m my experience people like him don’t usually see in the mirror what the rest of us see in reality.

As I said I may be fat, but I could slim if I could be bothered, he’s a cretin and sadly cannot improve on that.

Robert Burns said “God give us the gift to see ourselves as others see us”.

so i’m a fool for looking after myself!! i’d rather be called cretin and fool than lard arse!! each to there own!

I did not say you are a fool for looking after yourself good on you, but dont slag of other people who do not want to preen and prance like a tart like your goodself.

and by the way… i was replying to the original post and have just read your post blunder bus and my original one was’t directed at you or anyone in particular so wind yer neck in !
i’m off for a run now!! :laughing:

Off for a mince, :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: well done,neck wound in

Yes, and I’d say 42% is a bit low.

Nobody ever seems to mention road safety when these debates come up. All the overweight drivers I have double manned with cant stay awake for love nor money, and the companies don’t want to know, they just want a driver. I have to share cabins on ferries with these huge drivers who then proceed to keep me awake all night with their endless snoring.

That’s not to mention the heightened risk of dropping dead from a heart attack or stroke at the wheel.

to Govenor

your eating when you should be ‘sleeping’ :confused:

think on this
have rquired amount of sleep
get up, breakfast, go to work
finish work slob about kick cat have tea watch telly
go to bed

so theoretically
finshing at 0300 go to bed 0800 to 1000 wake up 6,7,8 hours later then go to work

while at work have lunch

yep…so it seems,even when gardening! :unamused:

Last time I went to a gym,it cost me a £1 to use a machine.

Mind you they did contain Mars,Snickers,Kit Kat… :laughing:


I’m not fat my trousers are too small!!!
Mind you I had just had a Vindaloo and a kebab with 15 pints of Bitter!!
My snoring is not too bad, I never hear a thing… :wink:

yep…so it seems,even when gardening! :unamused:

Shocking :open_mouth: Fat, Ginger and out in the daylight :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

…a taxi driver with a 30" waist (which i DO have :sunglasses: )…

What do you have? A 30" waist or a taxi driver with a 30" waist? :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Seriously though… I worked nearly six months, in another job, off the road, last year. I lost just over two stone. Since I’ve been back to driving I’ve gained three stone. However, I think it’s a cop out blaming the fact that there’s nowhere around that provides a healthier option. After all, you’re the one who has the ultimate responsibility for what you put in your mouth!

Me and a mate were discussing this recently.

If you are out on the road in any capacity, especially in a large vehicle, there is NOWHERE you can get healthy food if you need to buy it.

The closest you can get is those packaged salad’s at the M&S shops in Moto’s these days. But they are expensive and probably aren’t that fresh either.
Why is it that nobody produces food thats good for you, if you don’t have time to stop and make it yourself?


  1. You and your mate must be blind. Show me any truckstop or MSA menu and I’ll show you the healthy option. It may not be what you fancy eating, but it’s there for the taking.

  2. There is no such thing as not having time to prepare food. If you’re doing 15s all the time then you must have at least 5 hours when your not driving. It only takes 5 minutes to knock up a sarnie, and I prepare a decent healthy meal every night in 15 minutes. It takes me about 3 to clean up afterwards. It just takes thought, effort, and organisation, which are the bits that are normally sadly lacking. Oh, and if I’m on a 9 hour break I plan my time so I can stop earlier in the evening to eat - just like the burger and chips boys do.

just been out on the mountain bike enjoying this glorious weather making some space for my curry later!! :sunglasses:

Just got back from the Rugby club, had a very Healthy meal after the game then washed it down with 5 pints of bitter half a bottle of port, a few shots of Sambuka and a kebab on the way home :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Oh and we won the game and no injuries :astonished: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It’s absolute nonsense to suggest that we aren’t fit, I once did two marathons in one day.

I believe they are called “Snickers” now.


  1. You and your mate must be blind. Show me any truckstop or MSA menu and I’ll show you the healthy option. It may not be what you fancy eating, but it’s there for the taking.

  2. There is no such thing as not having time to prepare food. If you’re doing 15s all the time then you must have at least 5 hours when your not driving. It only takes 5 minutes to knock up a sarnie, and I prepare a decent healthy meal every night in 15 minutes.

I agree, although “I’m fat but it’s somebody else’s fault” seems to be the current way of thinking among the Plebs.

Well I’ve been driving for 4years and I only have a 32" waist, and to be honest I actually thought truck drivers were mostly fat until I got into it, then you realise they’re not all fat at all. A lot of drivers are very active and eat well. I for one haven’t put on any weight since I started driving, we may pass shops and cafes all the time but I certainly don’t eat there, not at the prices they charge, it’s either packed lunch or RDC canteen meals for me (and not burger and chips).