Is salaried pay really what it seems

I think i,ve seen coltons at tnt kingsbury do they do much trunk work?

He gives you a code now Des, so no code no go, there’s no arguments about it now. Apart from the idiot drivers who agree to get a code in the morning :unamused:

I think i,ve seen coltons at tnt kingsbury do they do much trunk work?

Yes we have 4 trunks a night and one on day hire ex barking

I’m salaried and certainly don’t do anything like max hours (more like 42-45 hrs a week working time and we don’t use POA). No nights out, no weekend working (if the occasional Saturday run ever does get offered it’s paid extra - at O/T rates), start around 6-7am and usually home in time to cook something for tea. Not the best paid job I’ve ever had at around £25k but the work:life balance is about right for me.

Am salaried with a twist, annualised hours :smiling_imp: got ye by the baws

Salary pay would work if POA hadn’t been invented.

Just don’t use poa i don’t and i’m salaried. :wink:

Am salaried with a twist, annualised hours :smiling_imp: got ye by the baws

When I started at ASDA 11 years ago I was on annulised hours. Would go back to it in a heartbeat, if the salary was right, in the region of £28000-£30000

60 hours weeks (45 salaried basic) and every 4th week off. Nice!

Salaried certainly works for me.

Got back to the yard about an hour ago, asked for a start time in the morning to be told.
No loads going out, stay by your phone incase they is owt for Friday.

Happy happy happy.

We work on a 48hr avg week, although I’ve can only ever recall going over 48hrs in a week a couple of times.
Just to add…our loads are not normal :wink:

Im salaried and I wouldn’t have it any other way, no chasing around (only if you want to get home) :slight_smile: i earned £27800 last year and seeing im probably 60% in the office and the rest out on the road (uk&Europe) I dont think its too bad…
we do specialist work so its a bit different from most of you and the kits getting better :slight_smile:
I love being out on the road and the fact we have nobody chasing us over the phone makes alot of difference to the job satisfaction :slight_smile: :slight_smile: