Is it worth taking class 1

Hi everyone,
I passed my class 2 a couple of years ago and have been driving for various agency’s, I am thinking of taking my class 1 but not sure if it’s worth the extra initial cost. Am I right in thinking class 1 work will be a little easier? Any help and advise would be much appreciated

Class 1 work is generally easier and pays more. In that sense, it’s a no brainer. My advice is to do it if you have the available funds but not to go into debt unless you have a firm job offer to make it worthwhile.

In a couple of weeks’ time, you’ll be able to take your test on auto (w+d or artic) and get a full manual licence. So that might make life a little easier. You can often get some driver cpc as well.

Make sure you stay away from brokers. Have a couple of assessments to see how you feel. Only book following a visit. The exception is booking on rock solid recommendation.

I suggest you go back to the company that trained you originally if you were happy with them. Then one or two others for comparison.

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

In a word Yes it is once you have it can take it anywhere gives you much more options as to where to work.

As for easier? You haven’t seen the shops we do, trying to drive the wrong way into a bus station then trying to pick your way thro buses to get to the service yard at the end lol.

Thanks guys, I drive an 18 tonne truck and it took a couple of weeks to get really used to it but now I drive it better than my car lol, how much harder is it to drive a class 1 wagon?

In a word Yes it is once you have it can take it anywhere gives you much more options as to where to work.

As for easier? You haven’t seen the shops we do, trying to drive the wrong way into a bus station then trying to pick your way thro buses to get to the service yard at the end lol.

Sounds just like John Lewis Aylesbury

As for easier? You haven’t seen the shops we do, trying to drive the wrong way into a bus station then trying to pick your way thro buses to get to the service yard at the end lol.


Poundland in accrington

Thanks guys, I drive an 18 tonne truck and it took a couple of weeks to get really used to it but now I drive it better than my car lol, how much harder is it to drive a class 1 wagon?

How much harder? Its getting used to how much swing you need to get round corners and islands best bet take both lanes if you have to dont let numpty car drivers sneak down the inside. You will be surprised where you can put an artic we can get a 33ft rear steer trailer in easier than a rigid can get.

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as clearing a a tight roundabout in the lines or backing on to an unmarked bay square in an artic. Trying to get it right is addictive. Getting it right is a proper buzz.

Don’t listen to the grumps, it’s bloomin’ fantastic.

Go for it

Si (newbie)

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as clearing a a tight roundabout in the lines or backing on to an unmarked bay square in an artic. Trying to get it right is addictive. Getting it right is a proper buzz.

Don’t listen to the grumps, it’s bloomin’ fantastic.

Go for it

Si (newbie)

Not that I’ve had to do any ‘proper’ driving yet but I can definitely recommend the ‘grin’ factor! :grimacing:

Its when you get out to have a look where you have to reverse into and a passer by asks "you wont get that in there " get the angle right before you reverse and in she goes :smiley:
The awkward ones are the best when you get people watching can just tell their thinking bloody show off lol.

Its when you get out to have a look where you have to reverse into and a passer by asks "you wont get that in there " get the angle right before you reverse and in she goes :smiley:
The awkward ones are the best when you get people watching can just tell their thinking bloody show off lol.

Yea, that’s the stuff of nightmares for me until I get some more experience! :smiley:

Take as long as it takes, each time it’ll take less.

It does feel a bit daunting at first, but you learn how the vehicle moves and it’s dimensions surprisingly fast.

I had a warehouse manager tell me I had the angle all wrong on my reverse turn, I didn’t want to upset them so I took it on the chin pulled forward and turned in the yard instead.

I looked at it as I drove past, and my instinct was that I had it spot on and could easily make it.

Next night they had stuck a load of pallets down making the exit tighter. I looked at it, thought to myself i could just avoid it… But I’ll never get better if I take that approach. I figured it would be just as easy getting the reverse turn in, but would need to be careful driving out as the trailer cuts in.

Hey presto. Reverse spot on. Gave the exit as much space as I could, and happily watched the trailer wheels clear the pallets with 2 ft to spare.

Lovely feeling. Glowing all day (was thinking I knew I could do it) lol

Still a long way off the shunters driving skills in our yard though. I could watch them all day. Brilliant control of the trailers, looks effortless. In awe of those guys! One day I want to be as good as them. Practice makes perfect.

Si (newbie).

Yes it does get easier with time. But on occasions you will get it wrong. I always watch the more experienced guys doing it. It’s surprising how many of them ■■■■ it up.

Peter Smythe:
In a couple of weeks’ time, you’ll be able to take your test on auto (w+d or artic) and get a full manual licence. So that might make life a little easier. You can often get some driver cpc as well.

Didn’t that rule change happen in January? I’m doing my C+E training on an auto w+d in a couple of weeks

The rules were expected to change in January this year. But delays have meant that they come into force 10th April. To be clear, anyone with a manual car licence will be able to pass a test in an auto truck or bus and get the relevant full, manual licence.

Hope this helps, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Cheers Pete, my training starts a couple days after the 10th so I should be ok! the people who passed before then will they have their licences upgraded or will they have to do another test?

the people who passed before then will they have their licences upgraded or will they have to do another test?

They can exchange their licence at DVLA to remove the “auto only” restriction.

All the best with your training, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Done my CE last year & never looked back & yep it does get easier but you still make mistakes

Had loads of space other day when doing a reverse & made a right mess with it but then earlier in week had an awkward blind side done that in 1 np so it just goes to show but dont worry bout it

Just remember when going round corners & roundabouts to make sure you have enough swing & if needs be use both lanes on approach

If you can sit behind 1 & watch how it moves how they take the corners etc it can help