Is it worth taking class 1

Done my CE last year & never looked back & yep it does get easier but you still make mistakes

Had loads of space other day when doing a reverse & made a right mess with it but then earlier in week had an awkward blind side done that in 1 np so it just goes to show but dont worry bout it

Just remember when going round corners & roundabouts to make sure you have enough swing & if needs be use both lanes on approach

If you can sit behind 1 & watch how it moves how they take the corners etc it can help

Always the way the more room you have the more you need lol get a tight reverse and it goes in easier for some reason. Glad to see its not just me :smiley:

just make sure when you get somewhere new your delivering to try to stop somewhere and access it before going in or you will get stuck and have more problems trying to make it right,and if you have to reverse of a dead end road watch for traffic as they seem to think they’ve got time to get round the back or down the side of you instead of waiting.

This ^^^^^^^

Passed my test three week ago and it is the best feeling in the world!! The worst thing for me was getting used to the gearbox. After driving a mixer wagon for 18 months (daf cf 360) with a 4/4 box I was expecting to get into a artic and have no issues but on the first day of training I was faced with a merc actros with a sequential box which means the gears have to be pre selected which for me was a absolute nightmare!! But got better as the week went on and passed with one minor! Still think it’s a joke that you can pass a test in an auto but can legally drive a manual!! Surely that just makes no sense

Now I am driving a 58plate daf xf for a small family run firm out of penrith and I love it! Truck is great work is good and the pay is excellent! This is when we learn to drive! My second tip was into British gypsum in Kirkby thore in ■■■■■■■ and anyone who has been will tell you it is a nightmare place but wherever you go you take you time and make sure, it’s not worth damaging a truck or worse yourself to be that 5 mins quicker! Good luck mate

Peter Smythe:
The rules were expected to change in January this year. But delays have meant that they come into force 10th April. To be clear, anyone with a manual car licence will be able to pass a test in an auto truck or bus and get the relevant full, manual licence.

Hope this helps, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Is it still coming into force on the 10th pete? don’t suppose you know of any links to confirm it? tad worried i’ll end up with a restricted licence if I pass. Cheers … t-rules–2

Ha, found this 2 seconds after posting that