is it just me?

or does anyone else think there are some real nobheads on here?ime sure i will get the normal abuse from them for mentioning this fact,and you may think ime one of them,but if you havent got a constuctive comment to make with a thread why be aggresive?no you wont run me off the road or punch my lights out because you have no idea who i am or what i drive,and even if you you did you still wouldnt.

or does anyone else think there are some real nobheads on here?ime sure i will get the normal abuse from them for mentioning this fact,and you may think ime one of them,but if you havent got a constuctive comment to make with a thread why be aggresive?no you wont run me off the road or punch my lights out because you have no idea who i am or what i drive,and even if you you did you still wouldnt.

strongbow … i prefer guinness myself…

oh and good evening … :smiley:

Hey don’t let them get to you! :smiling_imp: like you say nobody is in your face unless you want them to be? :astonished: Sometimes I have thought the same, but I have also been proven wrong when I’ve counted to three and listened to their point of view :grimacing: For the others well I just thank god I’m not married to them! :laughing: :laughing:

If you were Sam, would you poison them or drink it yourself? :laughing:

If you were Sam, would you poison them or drink it yourself? :laughing:

So Muckaway have we met before■■? tell me more, what have you been told■■?

There are a lot more witty,knowledgeable,experienced etc. posters on here than the ones you describe.Just put your nob filters on,and don’t rise to the bait :smiley: :smiley:


If you were Sam, would you poison them or drink it yourself? :laughing:

So Muckaway have we met before■■? tell me more, what have you been told■■?

You said thank god you weren’t married to them… If you were, would you want to poison them or drink it yourself? Bit of a chicken and egg situation… :smiley:

If you want a constructive intelligent discussion on here, your wasting your time - most completely miss the point :unamused: but then what are most drivers you know, like…Yeah as thick as [zb]! :wink: :laughing:



If you were Sam, would you poison them or drink it yourself? :laughing:

So Muckaway have we met before■■? tell me more, what have you been told■■?

You said thank god you weren’t married to them… If you were, would you want to poison them or drink it yourself? Bit of a chicken and egg situation… :smiley:

Oh just thought you had some inside info about me? :blush: He deserved everything he got!! :smiling_imp:
but it has put me off drinking Magners tho, I wonder if he thinks it tastes different now? :unamused:

Oooooooooooooooooooh :laughing: :laughing:

Oooooooooooooooooooh :laughing: :laughing:

pmsl :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

i think you should name and shame and really liven this thread up.

Mr B:
i think you should name and shame and really liven this thread up.

Everyone in this thread who said they would undertake him :wink: :laughing:


Mr B:
i think you should name and shame and really liven this thread up.

Everyone in this thread who said they would undertake him :wink: :laughing:

hmmm yep i’ve just read that thread and i agree fully with strongbowpeter there are some proper knobs on here.
who in their right mind would pull into the middle lane to prevent faster traffic. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Mr B:


Mr B:
i think you should name and shame and really liven this thread up.

Everyone in this thread who said they would undertake him :wink: :laughing:

hmmm yep i’ve just read that thread and i agree fully with strongbowpeter there are some proper knobs on here.
who in their right mind would pull into the middle lane to prevent faster traffic. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

People with a small ■■■■■ who are trying to compensate for their shortcomings but can’t afford a flash sports car? :wink:

or does anyone else think there are some real nobheads on here?ime sure i will get the normal abuse from them for mentioning this fact,and you may think ime one of them,but if you havent got a constuctive comment to make with a thread why be aggresive?no you wont run me off the road or punch my lights out because you have no idea who i am or what i drive,and even if you you did you still wouldnt.

Yeah,like you! :smiley:

And some of them can spell! :laughing:

Why don’t you just reply in the thread you started about Stobart speed limiters and defend you comments or excuse them rather than starting a new thread about how the big boys are bullying you? I’ve already tried to put your comments in context for you as you were nowhere to be seen & i’m nice like that. I did that because I didn’t think you were serious about doing what you said, if you were then it’s you who is the tool.

Great Vic & Bob photo btw. :laughing:

Without the pillocks this forum would be boring. Don’t get wound up about what people say on here, most of them say the same thing in the street and nobody bothers about it.

or does anyone else think there are some real nobheads on here?

here, there, everywhere. its life, dont waste your time thinking about them

Most ive met post crap like this

“who sets there limiters?2 of there scanias came past me yesterday and my satnav was showing i was doing 55mph and they didnt creep by,then i get to ibco in manchester and there both on the bays waiting to tip fizzy drinks,2hrs later i get to tip my 4 pallets,was i piffed off o yes!!! if i see one coming up behind me again ime moving into the middle lane,there not allowed in the outside lane yet are they?dont supose it will be long,and when it gets dark either theres get quicker or mine slows down!!! sour grapes you bet your biffin it is haha”