is it just me?

The members on this forum basically reflect the people working in this industry, or who have worked in the industry or have some interest in road transport.
And like the people you meet in RDC’s and Cafe’s some you don’t mind, some you’d hope to meet again and some you wish you never had the missfortune waste part of your life listening to or reading the stuff they post

And in one case on this site, just having to read the stuff they post, even though you know it’s [zb] but you just can’t believe they keep posting the same stuff again and again. :laughing:

or does anyone else think there are some real nobheads on here?ime sure i will get the normal abuse from them for mentioning this fact,and you may think ime one of them,but if you havent got a constuctive comment to make with a thread why be aggresive?no you wont run me off the road or punch my lights out because you have no idea who i am or what i drive,and even if you you did you still wouldnt.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH “PLOP” :open_mouth: …ah crap, i just laughed my head off! :laughing:

Is it me muckles when I go on about the silly WTD and its poa,ho I go on about firemen on for stobarts, I think most come on here to instill debate and have some light hearted banter .

Is it me muckles when I go on about the silly WTD and its poa,ho I go on about firemen on for stobarts, I think most come on here to instill debate and have some light hearted banter .

Nope it’s not you, Fuse. :smiley:
Banter and debate aren’t a problem for me, and I’m all for people holding strong opinions even if they are different to mine, but constant hijacking of threads to does annoy me. (says he whilst hijacking a thread :laughing: )

I hope the person I’m refering to doesn’t ask though :laughing:


Is it me muckles when I go on about the silly WTD and its poa,ho I go on about firemen on for stobarts, I think most come on here to instill debate and have some light hearted banter .

Nope it’s not you, Fuse. :smiley:
Banter and debate aren’t a problem for me, and I’m all for people holding strong opinions even if they are different to mine, but constant hijacking of threads to does annoy me. (says he whilst hijacking a thread :laughing: )

I hope the person I’m refering to doesn’t ask though :laughing:

Would you give them an honest answer if they asked you?

I think you just need to get a sense of humour :wink:


or does anyone else think there are some real nobheads on here?

here, there, everywhere. its life, dont waste your time thinking about them

Off topic but how did your new venture at the beginning of this year go? Weren’t you going to be working in a call centre or sommat?



Is it me muckles when I go on about the silly WTD and its poa,ho I go on about firemen on for stobarts, I think most come on here to instill debate and have some light hearted banter .

Nope it’s not you, Fuse. :smiley:
Banter and debate aren’t a problem for me, and I’m all for people holding strong opinions even if they are different to mine, but constant hijacking of threads to does annoy me. (says he whilst hijacking a thread :laughing: )

I hope the person I’m refering to doesn’t ask though :laughing:

1st guess, Carryfast :open_mouth:

2nd guess, Carryfast :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

3rd guess, Carryfast :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

4th guess, me :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

i was born to be a knobhead

defo some knobs on ere the been and dunit men never made a mistake dwell on peoples down falls

or does anyone else think there are some real nobheads on here?ime sure i will get the normal abuse from them for mentioning this fact,and you may think ime one of them,but if you havent got a constuctive comment to make with a thread why be aggresive?no you wont run me off the road or punch my lights out because you have no idea who i am or what i drive,and even if you you did you still wouldnt.

Yes you are right, RE; Knobheads on here, hence I dont come here often now and I RARELY post cos you have the whiter than white boys and the ones who have done everything seen everything and they know the best way as it is the only way!!

i was born to be a knobhead

Same here and I have never been ashamed to admit it.

As least we CAN and WILL make mistakes and probably learn from them.

lets face it, if you don,t agree with someone elses point of view, or they dont agree with your point of view your a knobhead, end of story…

well thats how most see it anyway,

Yeah most truckers are knobheads its true, beer bellys, tattoos and earings with bad attitude… Topic of conversation in transport office on friday, price of prostitutes… Yep, makes you feel ashamed sometimes being a trucker…

Yeah but…How much :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

£25 to £30 for the manky junkies down leith, edinburgh… :unamused:

hook, line, sinker…i thank you :smiley:

hook, line & sinker■■? :confused: you be stinker if your off down there for a shag… :sunglasses:

£25 to £30 for the manky junkies down leith, edinburgh… :unamused:

That’s the Hibs fans, what about the prostitutes.* :wink:

*I am aware of course that Hibs fans of both sexes and prostitutes are often one and the same, it’s the only way the pond life can fund their habits.