Is it just me or?

Does anybody else find a lot of the threads on her totally pointless or boring?
There are some great ones and some interesting people but JEEZ some of them are totally worthless… :confused:

Some of the worthwhile ones are made worthless by the minority being keyboard warriors slagging people off

Yes I totally agree Tom.

What’s worthless to some people may be interesting to others, there’s no accounting for taste or interest.

Having said that, I do agree with TT that some potentially interesting threads are made worthless by so called keyboard warriors.

Does anybody else find a lot of the threads on her totally pointless or boring?
There are some great ones and some interesting people but JEEZ some of them are totally worthless… :confused:

And this thread comes under which category, pointless or boring ?

I get your point though, do you think a lot of the posts should now be sent to archive, as we seem to get a lot of old posts getting resurrected ?

I don’t find that any of the threads I read are boring or worthless. Although this one has come pretty close … :stuck_out_tongue:

Not every topic interests me, but I don’t read them if that’s the case, although I will have a look through as sometimes the tangents threads drift off to can make even the most uninteresting thing worth a look.

I would rather look through something that doesn’t excite me than read another thread about how boring a particular topic is.

I am offended by people who get offended :wink:

I think once you’ve been involved with something for a while and see the same stuff going around and around then it can get a bit samey. Like Newmercman says sometimes the tangent threads take is more interesting than the OP, I also tend to just look at two or 3 threads that interest me and ignore a lot more.

Forums are like television, you don’t have to look at them.

Does anybody else find a lot of the threads on her totally pointless or boring?
There are some great ones and some interesting people but JEEZ some of them are totally worthless… :confused:

IMHO, that’s a great question!!

I also think that we can liken the posts on here to programmes on TV.

The programmes/posts are as diverse as the audience/contributors.


Does anybody else find a lot of the threads on her totally pointless or boring?
There are some great ones and some interesting people but JEEZ some of them are totally worthless… :confused:

IMHO, that’s a great question!!

I also think that we can liken the posts on here to programmes on TV.

The programmes/posts are as diverse as the audience/contributors.

You have a great point there dieseldave.I find a lot of what is on TV pointless and boring as well.Anyway I still enjoy reading the good stuff on here and there are some great characters as well!



Does anybody else find a lot of the threads on her totally pointless or boring?
There are some great ones and some interesting people but JEEZ some of them are totally worthless… :confused:

IMHO, that’s a great question!!

I also think that we can liken the posts on here to programmes on TV.

The programmes/posts are as diverse as the audience/contributors.

You have a great point there dieseldave.I find a lot of what is on TV pointless and boring as well.Anyway I still enjoy reading the good stuff on here and there are some great characters as well!

It is like life in general you try and pick out the bits you like and enjoy them.

I agree with NMM in that it’s the tangents some of the threads that go off to that make them interesting.

For example there is currently a thread about what caravan to buy, a perfectly reasonable thread and the op was well within his rights to post, it’s a forum after all. However I have zero interest in caravans but I do return to the thread each time a new post appears because as sure as night follows day it’ll end up in a bunfight and pistols at dawn!

And that is exactly how I think it should be too. :smiley:

My favourite colour is orange

My favourite colour is orange

I disagree, it has to be purple :laughing: :laughing:

Purple is for old ladies only. You know nothing. Bet you’ve got frilly curtains. Blah blah blah. You probably ride a “bicycle” and wear “lycra”. Fool. :stuck_out_tongue:

Purple is for old ladies only. You know nothing. Bet you’ve got frilly curtains. Blah blah blah. You probably ride a “bicycle” and wear “lycra”. Fool. :stuck_out_tongue:

Worse than that - a Tosco Merc Axor :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anybody else find a lot of the threads on her totally pointless or boring?
There are some great ones and some interesting people but JEEZ some of them are totally worthless… :confused:

Don’t worry Albion, the irony is not lost on me.




Does anybody else find a lot of the threads on her totally pointless or boring?
There are some great ones and some interesting people but JEEZ some of them are totally worthless… :confused:

IMHO, that’s a great question!!

I also think that we can liken the posts on here to programmes on TV.

The programmes/posts are as diverse as the audience/contributors.

You have a great point there dieseldave.I find a lot of what is on TV pointless and boring as well.Anyway I still enjoy reading the good stuff on here and there are some great characters as well!

It is like life in general you try and pick out the bits you like and enjoy them.

Albion certainly enjoys that lol

Does anybody else find a lot of the threads on her totally pointless or boring?
There are some great ones and some interesting people but JEEZ some of them are totally worthless… :confused:

Post something about frilly curtains ,pelmets or stobarts, : bingo youve cracked it :smiley: :smiley: