Is it just me or?

Half past five.

Pluto, as it’s not a planet really. And at the speed of light it would take around 2.5 million years to reach the Andromeda Galaxy. Not even a V8 Skoda with extra lights could do it any quicker… :laughing: :laughing:

Godwin’s Law.

Rhythm Thief:
Godwin’s Law.

Fascist :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Murphy’s Law

para 6, subsection 21e

every time they finish sorting Dunragit bridge some paddy will try to wrap his rig round it

i personally believe that if you know you have made a mistake in posting an item[and i have a number of times]then you should be given the option to delete straight away,but i cannot see any way of doing it,i could be wrong though

i personally believe that if you know you have made a mistake in posting an item[and i have a number of times]then you should be given the option to delete straight away,but i cannot see any way of doing it,i could be wrong though

You can’t delete a post but you can delete the content of the post.


i personally believe that if you know you have made a mistake in posting an item[and i have a number of times]then you should be given the option to delete straight away,but i cannot see any way of doing it,i could be wrong though

You can’t delete a post but you can delete the content of the post.

This is what happened when i had this problem!



i personally believe that if you know you have made a mistake in posting an item[and i have a number of times]then you should be given the option to delete straight away,but i cannot see any way of doing it,i could be wrong though

You can’t delete a post but you can delete the content of the post.

This is what happened when i had this problem!

Nearly six years old now and still going strong :smiley:




i personally believe that if you know you have made a mistake in posting an item[and i have a number of times]then you should be given the option to delete straight away,but i cannot see any way of doing it,i could be wrong though

You can’t delete a post but you can delete the content of the post.

This is what happened when i had this problem!

Nearly six years old now and still going strong :smiley:

We’re still ignoring it though Kindle :laughing:

Does anybody else find a lot of the threads on her totally pointless or boring?
There are some great ones and some interesting people but JEEZ some of them are totally worthless… :confused:

Fortunately, you can decide whether to read them or not. Us mods need to read them to make sure everythings tickety boo ! Ok, i’m sure we may miss some :smiley:
But who wants to read…Thanks to the fella that pulled out on me on the M25 in a [insert company name] lorry? I always feel like saying, just [zb] off, but i’m far too polite :smiley:

And then as sure as eggs is eggs, you get someone like you who appears to repeat the same mantra on most posts, especially if it involves bad driving !! And you just feel like saying, …yeah you’re right Albion !!! :smiley:
Or as Mrs.Brown says…thats nice !! :smiley:

But no matter what we think, testament to their communicative value is in the replies to the posts/threads…

There is a need for a lot of posters to use the search facility first, there isn’t much new in road transport, and you can bet your last groat, your question will have been answered at some point. I have only been here 10 years but I can remember a lot of stuff that went before.

Wheel Nut:
There is a need for a lot of posters to use the search facility first, there isn’t much new in road transport, and you can bet your last groat, your question will have been answered at some point. I have only been here 10 years but I can remember a lot of stuff that went before.

Maybe, but if everyones already covered everything, there’s no point being here so we might as well all leave.
Someone turn the light off on the way out.


Wheel Nut:
There is a need for a lot of posters to use the search facility first, there isn’t much new in road transport, and you can bet your last groat, your question will have been answered at some point. I have only been here 10 years but I can remember a lot of stuff that went before.

Maybe, but if everyones already covered everything, there’s no point being here so we might as well all leave.
Someone turn the light off on the way out.

I agree with Malc’s comment, but I can also see both sides of the discussion.

Of course, some stuff doesn’t change, like a truck has to have a wheel at each corner. :grimacing:

Some stuff, particularly rules and regs, gets updated and there are sometimes changes to rules etc, so IMHO there’s merit in both points of view.

As an example of this, just look at the numerous recent and quite fundamental changes to the LGV driving test and the widespread ignorance of the driver DCPC. :open_mouth:

:bulb: Another reason for what might appear as a repeated or daft question is that a new poster is getting to grips with posting on a forum.
Not everybody is as technicallylogical as the next person, which includes me sometimes. :blush:


i personally believe that if you know you have made a mistake in posting an item[and i have a number of times]then you should be given the option to delete straight away,but i cannot see any way of doing it,i could be wrong though

You can’t delete a post but you can delete the content of the post.
