IQ of the average lorry driver

Linking bad driving with a low IQ displays a lack of logic in my opinion.

It’s useful to have an above average IQ to be a rocket scientist, or whatever the modern equivalent is (probably still applies, thinking about it) but I don’t imagine many ex-brain surgeons are driving trucks for a living. What I’m, saying is, this business is not rocket science is it? (though many very clever people are hopelessly impractical IMO).

Intelligence is an abstract concept, and what is intelligent in one situation is a handicap in another. There’s also a lot of different types of intelligence, and IQ only measures the cognitive/spatial/logical type, not the emotional, inter-personal, kinesthetic, or artistic/musical. Think of David Beckham or Wayne Rooney - the blokes would bore you to death at a party with their lack of character, and seeming low intelligence. Yet their kinesthetic intelligence (being skilled at control and manipulation of objects using coordination and the body) is of the highest calibre.

After spending most of my working like associating with drivers, as a driver and as a TM, I think the answer to the OP’s question is - Highly Variable. I could give examples of very bright guys who saw driving as an easy way to make enough to live on and to allow them time to do whatever really interested them. One guy got a BA from the open university, mostly while hanging around at RDCs. I could also talk about drivers for whom one wondered how they had ever managed to pass the HGV test.

IQ is a nonsense any as indicated above - you can train for the test and get a high score, or go in with a hangover and get a low one. It is no indicator at all of how successful one will be at negotiating life’s pitfalls, let alone Cornish lanes. I remember as a teenager in the 50s, watching a bunch of farm labourers playing darts - they had no problem subtracting the scores or calculating that they needed 25, triple 19 and double top to get out. I have known barely literate people who ran successful businesses, and clever ones who were living rough.

Some drivers I know are very well educated and have very high IQ levels, however they posses zero common sense. On the flip side I know a lot of people who are streetwise and full of common sense but they’d never get a degree or get involved in deep conversations about politics/science etc. Both sets of people are good fun to be around in their own ways and good mates to have…not bad drivers either as it goes.

Trying to put the square peg in the round hole at the psychometric test wouldnt be an automatic failure at most truck driving interviews…

Nice to see a different willy waving thread. It’s normally wage related, but this one is a brain power version.

Maybe we should start a " Who has the fittest partner " thread…or we could have an actual ■■■■■ measurement thread.

Uncle Albie:
I asked a perfectly legitimate question.
Looking at the replies so far seem to confirm I was correct.

Drive safely guys.

mines 156 :grimacing: tick as tuck me! :laughing:

Beavs. Who actually cares?

Sent using smoke and mirrors.

No one mate. Just those who have small knobs and no friends.

An obvious troll is an obvious troll is an obvious troll. Still, it gave us some reading material whilst the op jacked off in his bedroom as he convinced himself that “he’d really stirred up a hornets nest” this time. Both sad and pathetic at the same time.

Come on guys, the OP has got a point …

Come on guys, the OP has got a point …

So has a pencil, but neither the op or a pencil are interesting enough to hold my attention.

the maoster:

Come on guys, the OP has got a point …

So has a pencil, but neither the op or a pencil are interesting enough to hold my attention.

:smiley: :smiley:

Come on guys, the OP has got a point …

I don’t reckon he does. Some very aggressive people have high IQs. Not that IQ is a mark of anything uselful in life.

…or we could have an actual ■■■■■ measurement thread.

Excellent idea. Me…i dont need to p1ss in a bottle i just hang mine out the window while driving…

Enough said :grimacing:

This driver didn’t need a high IQ to make his “drives” either.


…just to remind ourselves just how thick this guy really is…

This is my IQ, or have i misunderstood the question

Be honest, did that come in a box with one of those hand held transmitters that has thumb sticks and an aerial poking out the top?

I am fluent in 3 languages (degree) and speak several more, but it doesn’t help me when I can’t change a lightbulb.

I hope one of those degrees isn’t in English given the inability to punctuate a sentence correctly.

What I’m, saying is, this business is not rocket science is it? (though many very clever people are hopelessly impractical IMO).

The job doesn’t require academic intelligence but it requires common sense, the ability to think for oneself and solve problems as they arise which are the three things that tend to be lacking in many drivers.