Uncle Albie:
We all know you do not need high IQ to become a lorry driver but what do you reckon the average lorry drivers IQ is?
In my view it is probably lower than average especially with the antics of some on the roads. Obviously all lorry drivers are not thick but as we see on this forum there tends to be more thick ones than bright ones.
And before you have a go at me I have driven lorries for many years but have a few more strings to my bow.
Also in my view standards have dropped in recent years or is that not the case?
The way this statement is created and the generalisation of this statement clearly point to a low IQ.
Anybody with a higher than average IQ, would put a more clearer statement, and avoided genaralisation.
The statement of “having more strings on my bow” doesn’t mean anything without making clear what these will be.
You could be for example an very good shoe polisher, a top street sweeper, a top drain un-blocker.
This is just trying to be a troll, insult people, and willy waving all for the wrong reasons.
Yes, I have done for several jobs an IQ test, and score above 100, but it doesn’t mean anything when I cannot do my own shoes up.
I am fluent in 3 languages (degree) and speak several more, but it doesn’t help me when I can’t change a lightbulb.
Been in Transport for 38 years, in all different guises, and yes the new lorry drivers appear to be simpler, less thinking for theirselves.
But that is how the world has become, you don’t need to think for yourself.
I use to remember over a 1000 telephone numbers, I don’t do now, they are all in my phone.
Use to remember at least an 800-900 delivery addresses all over Europe and beyond, I don’t have to now, hey are either in my computer or in my sat nav.
It becomes pointless to gather all this information in your head, when there are easier and more reliable ways to do it.
Being clever is getting around in live on the easiest way possible, not to make it look smart.
People in work are not expected to be smart or clever, you have to follow the instructions from people who think they are smarter than you.
They aren’t, but they think so, to let them believe that shows that you are more cleverer than them, don’t fight the enemy, they will destroy theirselves.
The only time you are not clever, is the moment you THINK you know it all, and stop learning.
Everyday is a school day, and everybody and nobody is the teacher.