Innovate logistics

There has been various rumours floating about concerning Innovate, TruckNet UK has a very good relationship with Innovate and I am sure that via various means if any of these rumours were true we would be among the first to know.

Innovate have released the following statement concerning the rumours.

The Board of Directors would like to clarify that rumours circulated earlier this week regarding the trading position of the Innovate Group of companies are completely false. We would like to reassure our customers, suppliers and competitors that we retain our strong position within the industry and consider our situation to be favourable. We are always working closely with our parent company Eimskip who have pledged their support to the new team at the helm of Innovate; working with the recently appointed Group CEO, Michael Young.

Rumours regarding the current trading position of the company are completely untrue, and we have instructed lawyers to commence action against any individual or company which is found to be spreading malicious comments about the group.

Take this as a fair warning, Post facts that you can back up. every indication we have recieved is that Innovate are in a strong, healthy position. post on these forums anything different be very sure you can back up what you say.

Please remember that in current UK law posting on a forum is seen as publishing, posting “gossip” as you hear it is exactly the same as a newspaper or magazine. Just be very careful in what you say.

The Board of Directors …

… and we have instructed lawyers to commence action against any individual or company which is found to be spreading malicious comments about the group.

I’m just playing devil’s advocate here, i know nothing of Innovate (apart from the fact they have flash trucks :slight_smile: ), but this is just laughable tbh.

Aren’t their lawyers familiar with the term “anonymous proxy”?

TruckNet UK has a very good relationship with Innovate

And a fair few members with ‘their ear close to the ground’ with regard to this company. Whilst there are concerns amongst the workforce regarding certain management styles and issues, there is certainly nothing in current circulation that would question their trading position.

when a football club gets a new chairman the first thing he says to the manager is your job is safe and we all know what happens next :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

TruckNet UK has a very good relationship with Innovate and I am sure that via various means if any of these rumours were true we would be among the first to know

What relationship is that? Ihave never seen any imput from them into these forums nor have i seen anything productive from

a very good relationship with Innovate

or Rbi and Eimskip have plush meals in the Ivy?

Rikki just because they are upset about people repeating rumours or commenting on such does not mean that we should be censored in our views and opinions.

Maybe your sentence should read.

Reed Business Informations chairman and Innov@tes chairman both play golf together and one is upset. What should be water off a ducks back gets Mr Innov@ate is upset (maybe touching a nerve) the fact that some people post comments about his company on Mr Reeds website is making him lose sleep. So over a cigar and a £2000 bottle of wine in the 19th hole they agree to drag the manager of the forum over the coals. As i am the manager please stop commenting on Innov@te. Thank You.

Looking at the EDRI website i don’t see why they are upset. Reed may well be upset as they are the “publishers” of this site now. But as for the poster on the forum they have nothing to worry about in there claims as they are opinion only and are posted as such. I’m sure people don’t post “FACT” only there opinion.

So who is complaining to you Rikki Reed or Innov@te direct?

There has been various rumours floating about concerning Innovate, TruckNet UK has a very good relationship with Innovate and I am sure that via various means if any of these rumours were true we would be among the first to know.

Innovate have released the following statement concerning the rumours.

The Board of Directors would like to clarify that rumours circulated earlier this week regarding the trading position of the Innovate Group of companies are completely false. We would like to reassure our customers, suppliers and competitors that we retain our strong position within the industry and consider our situation to be favourable. We are always working closely with our parent company Eimskip who have pledged their support to the new team at the helm of Innovate; working with the recently appointed Group CEO, Michael Young.

Rumours regarding the current trading position of the company are completely untrue, and we have instructed lawyers to commence action against any individual or company which is found to be spreading malicious comments about the group.

Take this as a fair warning, Post facts that you can back up. every indication we have recieved is that Innovate are in a strong, healthy position. post on these forums anything different be very sure you can back up what you say.

Please remember that in current UK law posting on a forum is seen as publishing, posting “gossip” as you hear it is exactly the same as a newspaper or magazine. Just be very careful in what you say.

I’ve heard enough it is true you have sold your soul Rikki :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Actually if you read the statement its nothing that has been posted on here that has lead to this statement being released. Rather a lot of gossip going around at the CV show. the statement was released to the press en masse including us.

As there has been “Some” speculation on here I felt it appropriate to

  1. Publish their statement
  2. Remind members here that they are still responsible for the content of their posts

I have not been asked to stop comments about Innovate or any other company, nor was I asked to post the above press release, I am not stopping any comment about Innovate either. Comments have been made and as always I feel Innovate have the right to reply… the statement above I believe covers that

What relationship is that? Ihave never seen any input from them into these forums nor have i seen anything productive from

You never know who is who when they are using an alias, :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: I never said they used the forums though, but as I suspect you can imagine with the comments posted on here about many companies I have a lot of contact and discussion with those companies regarding what has been posted. Innovate I have found is one of the more accessable companies and understanding of the nature of user generated content.

As part of my job within RBI I also have resposibility for user generated content on other RBI websites. and as part of that role I regularly speak with many companies, and try to ensure that TruckNet UK is promoted to them at the appropriate times.

Well I think it’s a shame that in this day and age that we as people can’t talk about or share hearsay, ok ok gossip about all and sundry

Bleeding libellous lawyers

You never know who is who when they are using an alias, :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Which swings both ways.

As has been said before this ‘statement’ sounds like the dreaded ‘vote of confidence’.


But why are Inastate getting so touchy?

Other companies get a pasting on here from time to time,and they don’t issue statements.


As I said above, it wasnt on here, it was rumours being spread at the CV show.

At a show that big where many of the industry leaders would be attending a rumour like that could potentially be very damaging. Imagine if some of their customers heard the rumour and decided to be safe and move their business elsewhere, if enough customers did it then the rumour itself, while when started had no truth in it, becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

I would say Eimskip that own Innovate are absolutely mega minted so no chance of Innovate running out of cash. Innovate have achieved a dominant market share in temperature controlled logistics and I wouldn’t bet against them. I would say these rumours popped up purely because Mr. Osborne who was the most known public face within the group decided to leave to persue other interests, the man does not make the company. People just speculate that he must have known the wind was turning and is getting out quick. I would guess he’s just tired, has made his money and wants a break.

Must admit to not having heard of Innovate until this thread appeared, have since googled them and updated my failing knowledge.

There’s any number of hauliers ‘on the edge’ so whats so special about this one? Most just carry on without the need to make profound statements, its a bit like the man thats just jumped off the cliff “there’s absolutely no truth in the rumour I’m suicidal” (as he hurtles to the ground at lightening speed).

Or the goverments claim there is no recession “its just a blip” say the politicians (as thousands lose their homes) :open_mouth:

Just my opinion which is woth FA, but I felt better for saying it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


PS Rumours are like smelly ■■■■■, everbody gets to savour them but nobody knows where they came from.

and we have instructed lawyers to commence action against any individual or company which is found to be spreading malicious comments about the group.

…just put in the sentence “allegedly” or MMTM and you should be fine when expressing an opinion… :laughing: :laughing:

All I can say is the Pawsons episode was posted on here about 3-4 weeks before they went bust.
It was a rumour to start with then they were ‘apparently’ doing fine and riding the storm etc :unamused: next thing they are out of business. :open_mouth:

Rumours usually start from somewhere,A lot of drivers talk absolute ■■■ a lot of the time,but usually there is a hint of truth to most rumours albeit exaggerated to a certain degree.

Its just a shame a lot of these companies dont do themselves any favours by not telling staff exactly whats going on with the companies position,before the rumours start.
Most people are’nt stupid and can usually sense when something’s not right.and thats how it usually starts. :wink:
usually around that time the Directors are busy stashing cash down their pants,so there’s nothing left for the proper workers. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Im sure Innovate only employ ethical Directors though who get there hands dirty and muck in with the ‘grass roots’ staff at every opportunity. :wink:

Its just a shame a lot of these companies dont do themselves any favours by not telling staff exactly whats going on with the companies position,before the rumours start.
Most people are’nt stupid and can usually sense when something’s not right.and thats how it usually starts.

How true. Especially when

The Board of Directors would like to clarify that rumours circulated earlier this week regarding the trading position of the Innovate Group of companies are completely false. We would like to reassure our customers, suppliers and competitors that we retain our strong position within the industry and consider our situation to be favourable. We are always working closely with our parent company Eimskip who have pledged their support to the new team at the helm of Innovate; working with the recently appointed Group CEO, Michael Young.

Rumours regarding the current trading position of the company are completely untrue, and we have instructed lawyers to commence action against any individual or company which is found to be spreading malicious comments about the group.

there is no mention of their own staff who will undoubtedly be the company’s greatest asset! In my opinion. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Anyone running a book on the position of inov@te by August? reported:-

Pre-tax loss for Innovate Logistics climbed to £1.5m in the year to March 2006 from £515,464 in 2005. Operating loss also rose to £1.5m in 2006 from £522,050 the previous year. Turnover for 2006 was £1.8m.

Doing OK then! If the figures are correct.

Smart Mart: reported:-

Pre-tax loss for Innovate Logistics climbed to £1.5m in the year to March 2006 from £515,464 in 2005. Operating loss also rose to £1.5m in 2006 from £522,050 the previous year. Turnover for 2006 was £1.8m.

Doing OK then! If the figures are correct.

So they made a £1.5m pre-tax loss on a turnover of £1.8m■■?

A big corner shop might turn over £1.8m in a year…


Yeah I thought that Catman - but thats what was reported. Maybe someone will correct the figures?

No Dis-respect to yourself Rikki,I think your probably great. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
but surely by posting a thread on Innovate basically saying dont start rumours etc about Innovate ,surely would start more of a discussion about it and more rumours. :open_mouth: :astonished:
whereas if you had’nt mentioned it,nobody probably would of been none the wiser,cause like you said it was started at the CV show. :confused: and had’nt really started on here (yet)but it has now :confused: :confused: :smiley: