injury time

any of you lads out there injured yourself while on the hgvs,i was a bit of a muppet last Friday nearly breaking my own nose,i was pulling a curtain forward and the metal post in the front of said curtain snapped round and smacked me right on the bridge of the nose and cut me ,but being a hgv driver I just soldiered on,lets face it all hgv drivers are hard,lol

I injured myself once, reaching right down out the window to press a security entry button that was designed for car drivers. Weren’t enough space to open the door and had cars behind me. Ended up cracking my rib with that one.

Spent the next three weeks getting in and out the cab like an invalid and trying to steer and change gear with my left hand. Looking back perhaps not the safest of things to do with a truck, but didn’t want to lose money and have never claimed sickness in my working life.

I injured myself once, reaching right down out the window to press a security entry button that was designed for car drivers. Weren’t enough space to open the door and had cars behind me. Ended up cracking my rib with that one.

Spent the next three weeks getting in and out the cab like an invalid and trying to steer and change gear with my left hand. Looking back perhaps not the safest of things to do with a truck, but didn’t want to lose money and have never claimed sickness in my working life.

yeah, I know the feeling about the money side of things, I am the same

Although I live in constant fear of injuring myself through my own muppetry, to date I have only suffered a couple of minors. Touch wood etc

Sprained ankle jumping off trailer bed in rigger boots, looked a right numpty limping back to the cab.
Glued forehead in hospital after scaffold tube slipped off a chain twanger.

No time lost off work. Both 20+years ago when I was a daft whippersnapper.

I injured myself when driving class2 after pulling forward from the bay climbed up grabbed the shutter door ,oops it came down pretty quick ,I fell off the back knocked myself out ,when I kind of came too another driver was looking down at me and said are you going to be long drive im on the bay next …was the longest drive home ever …

Severed my extensor tendon on the back of the thumb on a sharp piece of metal. Had operation to re attach, had to wear a large comedy thumb plaster and got signed off driving for 8 weeks. Luckily got sick pay from company I worked for albeit basic hours. While in waiting room for one of the many physio sessions at the hand clinic I had to attend I got talking to a guy in a driver hire hi viz. He was waiting to be assessed and had a large bandage on his hand, he told me he trapped it in a tail lift and it was crushed. Felt sorry for the guy as he may not get sick pay. I didn’t have the heart to tell him he may not be allowed to drive for a while.

Moral of the story look after your hands as they are the tools of our trade.

paper reels on the roll , big crowbar to get them moving to the back where the clamp truck lifted them off . obviously the bar had to slip and my elbow made violent contact with the deck , very sore for a while and quite a nice shade of purple . carried on regardless , as you do . fast forward 10 years and my elbow locked , had an X-ray to find that the end of the bone was broken off and had worked round over the years and was wedged in the joint . cue a painful operation to remove the offending piece of bone . dave

I injured myself when driving class2 after pulling forward from the bay climbed up grabbed the shutter door ,oops it came down pretty quick ,I fell off the back knocked myself out ,when I kind of came too another driver was looking down at me and said are you going to be long drive im on the bay next …was the longest drive home ever …

very considerate wasn’t he

Although I live in constant fear of injuring myself through my own muppetry, to date I have only suffered a couple of minors. Touch wood etc

Sprained ankle jumping off trailer bed in rigger boots, looked a right numpty limping back to the cab.
Glued forehead in hospital after scaffold tube slipped off a chain twanger.

No time lost off work. Both 20+years ago when I was a daft whippersnapper.

still bad enough though

Severed my extensor tendon on the back of the thumb on a sharp piece of metal. Had operation to re attach, had to wear a large comedy thumb plaster and got signed off driving for 8 weeks. Luckily got sick pay from company I worked for albeit basic hours. While in waiting room for one of the many physio sessions at the hand clinic I had to attend I got talking to a guy in a driver hire hi viz. He was waiting to be assessed and had a large bandage on his hand, he told me he trapped it in a tail lift and it was crushed. Felt sorry for the guy as he may not get sick pay. I didn’t have the heart to tell him he may not be allowed to drive for a while.

Moral of the story look after your hands as they are the tools of our trade.

never done that,but sod that

Its only a matter of time before that bloody gearknob on my manual Scania wears my left knee down to the bone.

paper reels on the roll , big crowbar to get them moving to the back where the clamp truck lifted them off . obviously the bar had to slip and my elbow made violent contact with the deck , very sore for a while and quite a nice shade of purple . carried on regardless , as you do . fast forward 10 years and my elbow locked , had an X-ray to find that the end of the bone was broken off and had worked round over the years and was wedged in the joint . cue a painful operation to remove the offending piece of bone . dave

nasty,hit my elbow before but don’t think as bad as that

Its only a matter of time before that bloody gearknob on my manual Scania wears my left knee down to the bone.

never enough room in those scanias

Winding legs up on trailer,wound it to far and handle sprung back and hit me just above left eye,lucky not took my eye out,was quite swollen.Bag of Frozen Peas came in handy

Not injured myself whilst on the lorries, but I did partially sever my right hand when I was working on a building site. The smaller of the 2 bones in my forearm snapped about halfway up and my hand was completely dislocated at the wrist from the larger of the bones. Snapped all 4 major nerves that run down the back of your arm and tore the muscle and tendons. Had to have 1x 5 hour and 2x 3 hour operations skin grafted from my leg and was in plaster for 12 weeks and physiotherapy and occupational therapy for 12 months but thanks to the surgeons and staff at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital I regained full use of my hand all be it with a couple of pretty big scars some loss of movement in the wrist.

Am I the only one that has released a roof post in a curtainsider,one of those with the handle that you lift up,when it popped out and smacked me on the bridge of my nose.
I knew it was coming and I knew it was going to hurt in that millisecond before it sat me on my backside.

I was doing school kitchen deliveries a few years back and I got put in a 7.5 fridge with no tail lift and a dozen cages on the back of all different shapes and sizes. Got to one primary school, did the drop no problem. Only problem I had was that the cages would only fit on the truck in a certain way (not the way I wanted). Anyway I got a bit aggressive with one cage and decided to kick it back into place which caused the cage to flip back at me, knocking me clean off the back. My back hurt, but not as much as my pride as it was 08:50 in the morning and I was in full view of the children and their mums going into the school!!!

I was doing a shift one sunday morning and it had been snowing thenight before. I arrived at half 6 and got given keys. walking across yard which is a slight down hill I felt my feet go. Cue cartoon comedy running of feet on the spot before down I went and hit the deck hard. Hurt my elbow (and my pride!) but got up and carried on. Got gear in cab and started doing my checks. 3/4 of way round and down I went again. Hurt my wrist AND my knee this time. Swore to myself and got up and got my screwdriver as trailer lights wern’t working. Half way to back of trailer and,yep you guessed it, down I went again. Jarring impact caused a headache which lasted all day. So I had 3 falls which resulted in a sprained wrist,scraped knee and elbow and a headache all in the space of 15 minutes. Not my finest moment! :laughing:

Disgo-your reply made me laugh mate.

Its like a game of Russian Roulette opening trailer posts! That sticker that says ’ Only release one post at a time ’ is the best piece of advice since yellow snow.

Severely injured my dignity in our yard the other week. Some contractors were working and had laid a line of motorway sized traffic cones out, I parked alongside them and climbed out of the cab using the three points of contact malarky when suddenly there was four points of contact! I’d lowered my starfish onto the top of the cone! I flailed about for what seemed ages (but could only have been a second or so) before toppling gracelessly backwards off of the cone. I had £5 underpants on with about £4.50’s worth shoved right up the poop shute. I quickly picked myself up and looked around (as you do) to make sure nobody had seen, but unfortunately two of the contractors were howling with laughter at me :blush: . Hey ho, I’ll never meet them again I suppose.