Infringement advice please

First of all, did you miss me!? Sorry to return on a bit of a low.

The week before last, I got an infringement through - it happens I guess but only my second in over a year so I’m ok with it.

Then, last week, I think I might’ve earned another - I can’t get my head round it though and am hoping the V.U just threw a wobbly:

Manual entry, about 10mins “other work”
Drive for 2mins, couple up and stick it on break as I know I won’t be going anywhere for about 40mins and pop for a coffee and a ■■■
Return after 22mins break and change mode to poa
Drive for 4hrs 12mins
30min break
Continue driving and tacho flashes “driver 1 break, 5h10” (or similar).

Now, I kept going to be honest because as far as I’m concerned I did everything ok and if I didn’t, what’s done is done.

But why? And, should I refuse to sign the infringement if one does “come through”?

First of all, did you miss me!? Sorry to return on a bit of a low.

The week before last, I got an infringement through - it happens I guess but only my second in over a year so I’m ok with it.

Then, last week, I think I might’ve earned another - I can’t get my head round it though and am hoping the V.U just threw a wobbly:

Manual entry, about 10mins “other work”
Drive for 2mins, couple up and stick it on break as I know I won’t be going anywhere for about 40mins and pop for a coffee and a ■■■
Return after 22mins break and change mode to poa
Drive for 4hrs 12mins
30min break
Continue driving and tacho flashes “driver 1 break, 5h10” (or similar).

Now, I kept going to be honest because as far as I’m concerned I did everything ok and if I didn’t, what’s done is done.

But why? And, should I refuse to sign the infringement if one does “come through”?

How long was it on poa for ?Poa can clear the driving times if you were on it for more than 30 mins + your 22 mins break
it will clear your driving times. Forget that just read it again.

if im reading that correctly you shoud have had a 45 after the 4hrs 12mins drive , you only had 30 mins which only counts 15 mins surely .

or have i read that wrong ?

Only on poa for 5-10mins, sorry it’s all off the top of my head.

I remember hearing something similar about poa, hopefully that’s all it is.

Bowser, I’d already had a 15 (well, 22) before I actually set off - tiz a bit of a grey area but I do the same three times every week and never a problem. The only difference being I don’t normally bother putting it on poa (incidentally, that was the cause of the other: I went over 45 mins break, set off and then only had a 30).

Are you positive you put it on break mode after you coulpled up?

Was it your normal truck? Im just thinking it could be one of the new VDO/Continental/Siemans whatever you want to call them this week 1.4 tacho heads. They are the ones that prefix your name with a 1 and its very easy to mess up your manual entry so it thinks you have been working straight through.

I,m only ever on driving or bed the tacho flicks automatically. Never get infringments for it, only ones Ive had are 10 19 driving one day and 10 20 the next, and a coulpe of 4hrs 31 before breaks but thats it

but was’nt your 15mins before you drove 4hr 12mins ? that 15min cant count for after you done it , if you look at it from the start of the 4hr 12min drive you would need a 45 break at that point would’nt you ? and you only had 30 mins .

and i dont do poa … im too old for that crap :blush:

but was’nt your 15mins before you drove 4hr 12mins ? that 15min cant count for after you done it , if you look at it from the start of the 4hr 12min drive you would need a 45 break at that point would’nt you ? and you only had 30 mins .

and i dont do poa … im too old for that crap :blush:

Doesnt matter as the total driving before the second break wasnt 4.30

Drove 2mins
break 22mins
Drove 4.12 I think

Only needs 30mins

but was’nt your 15mins before you drove 4hr 12mins ? that 15min cant count for after you done it , if you look at it from the start of the 4hr 12min drive you would need a 45 break at that point would’nt you ? and you only had 30 mins .

and i dont do poa … im too old for that crap :blush:

Im with you there too Bowser, cant get my head around POA either

The way the OP is saying I think, could be interpreted to doing say

1 min Drive 45 Min break and then drive for 8hr 59 and then have another 45. Well officer I did have 45 during the 1st 4 and half,


but was’nt your 15mins before you drove 4hr 12mins ? that 15min cant count for after you done it , if you look at it from the start of the 4hr 12min drive you would need a 45 break at that point would’nt you ? and you only had 30 mins .

and i dont do poa … im too old for that crap :blush:

Im with you there too Bowser, cant get my head around POA either

The way the OP is saying I think, could be interpreted to doing say

1 min Drive 45 Min break and then drive for 8hr 59 and then have another 45. Well officer I did have 45 during the 1st 4 and half,

its all this new fangled ■■■■■ , digi this and digi that does my nut in … :smiley:

If I’m not sure why I had an infringement, I ask* for a breakdown of the activity for that day and pick over what’s actually recorded on the card. (*Well I don’t ask as I’ve card reader at home and look at it myself)

just another example of the equipment we are forced to use not being up to the job, you’d have thought that with tech today tachos would work properley and keep in step with the laws and rules in force

just another example of the equipment we are forced to use not being up to the job, you’d have thought that with tech today tachos would work properley and keep in step with the laws and rules in force

I think you,ll find theres nowt wrong with the tacho :smiley:

Drive for 2mins, couple up and stick it on break
Return after 22mins break and change mode to poa
Drive for 4hrs 12mins
30min break

That’s fine, legal and it should have reset the driving time clock after the 30 minute break.

Four suggestions and/or possible causes.

A. You messed up the manual entry at the start of the shift so it hasn’t recognised a daily rest period and has therefore included part of your driving from the previous shift. Unlikely because based on what you have said it should have flashed a break warning earlier if that was the case.

  1. You haven’t actually recorded one of the break periods even though you think you have, maybe didn’t select the mode correctly. The fact it started flashing up 5h10 doesn’t make this likely as it should have started flashing at 4h15 and again at 4h30 then nagging you continuously. Maybe you didn’t see it flashing earlier because it starting to flash at 5h10 is just weird.

iii. You’re confused. :smiley:

IV. Stop messing around with POA then it’s easier to sort this type of conundrum out if you don’t add in pointless stuff. :wink:

Can you take a printout and scan or photograph it and post it on this thread, blank out your personal details and the reg number.

Manual entry, about 10mins “other work”
Drive for 2mins, couple up and stick it on break as I know I won’t be going anywhere for about 40mins and pop for a coffee and a ■■■
Return after 22mins break and change mode to poa
Drive for 4hrs 12mins
30min break
Continue driving and tacho flashes “driver 1 break, 5h10” (or similar).

Now, I kept going to be honest because as far as I’m concerned I did everything ok and if I didn’t, what’s done is done.

But why? And, should I refuse to sign the infringement if one does “come through”?

The software in the tacho head has incorrectly counted the 22mins break and POA that followed it as a full break and reset the driving counter, meaning that the 22min wasn’t then counted with the later 30min as a break and so the 30min break didn’t reset the driving counter.

You did everything fine, the issue is with the software in the tacho head counting POA as break. If your employer’s analysis software gives you an infringment for it then they should be returning it to whoever they bought it off for a refund.



Manual entry, about 10mins “other work”
Drive for 2mins, couple up and stick it on break as I know I won’t be going anywhere for about 40mins and pop for a coffee and a ■■■
Return after 22mins break and change mode to poa
Drive for 4hrs 12mins
30min break
Continue driving and tacho flashes “driver 1 break, 5h10” (or similar).

Now, I kept going to be honest because as far as I’m concerned I did everything ok and if I didn’t, what’s done is done.

But why? And, should I refuse to sign the infringement if one does “come through”?

The software in the tacho head has incorrectly counted the 22mins break and POA that followed it as a full break and reset the driving counter, meaning that the 22min wasn’t then counted with the later 30min as a break and so the 30min break didn’t reset the driving counter.

You did everything fine, the issue is with the software in the tacho head counting POA as break. If your employer’s analysis software gives you an infringment for it then they should be returning it to whoever they bought it off for a refund.


It wont have you are relying on the op,s version of events and assuming. the software wont make arbitary conclusions, he is more liable to have made an error in event recall.


Drive for 2mins, couple up and stick it on break
Return after 22mins break and change mode to poa
Drive for 4hrs 12mins
30min break

That’s fine, legal and it should have reset the driving time clock after the 30 minute break.

Four suggestions and/or possible causes.

A. You messed up the manual entry at the start of the shift so it hasn’t recognised a daily rest period and has therefore included part of your driving from the previous shift. Unlikely because based on what you have said it should have flashed a break warning earlier if that was the case.

  1. You haven’t actually recorded one of the break periods even though you think you have, maybe didn’t select the mode correctly. The fact it started flashing up 5h10 doesn’t make this likely as it should have started flashing at 4h15 and again at 4h30 then nagging you continuously. Maybe you didn’t see it flashing earlier because it starting to flash at 5h10 is just weird.

iii. You’re confused. :smiley:

IV. Stop messing around with POA then it’s easier to sort this type of conundrum out if you don’t add in pointless stuff. :wink:

Can you take a printout and scan or photograph it and post it on this thread, blank out your personal details and the reg number.

Betcha it goes -

10 minutes OW
2 minutes driving
22 minutes break
30 (could be 23) minutes poa (resets drive time etc)
4.12 minutes drive
30 minutes break
58 minutes drive - flashes up driving time exceeded, total 5.10 once you stop.
It’ll have started flashing at 3 and 18 minutes after starting, but some tacho/truck combinations are less obvious than others.

If it’s this, you’re legal. It’s one of those stupid things that digi-tachos do.
This is one reason why I keep a diary. Just in case I do something like this. I know what driving time I’ve done, so I know my breaks are right, even if its flashed up on my dash/tacho as being wrong.

It wont have you are relying on the op,s version of events and assuming. the software wont make arbitary conclusions, he is more liable to have made an error in event recall.

Yes it will.
Digi tachos count poa as break, so 22 minutes break plus 23 or more minutes poa = 45 minutes break = reset driving time and break counter to 0.

The software in the tacho head has incorrectly counted the 22mins break and POA that followed it as a full break and reset the driving counter

22 minutes break
30 (could be 23) minutes poa (resets drive time etc)

He says he only recorded 5 or 10 minute POA which would not be enough, with the 22 minute break, to reset the driving counter.

Only on poa for 5-10mins