So I’ve been seeing this bewer for a few month now and it’s been going great guns. Anyway, she wasn’t working today and I didn’t have much on so went round to her gaff this arvo. Gets there and this bloke is stood on her doorstep (who I’ve never seen before) and they’re have this major [zb] barny . I heard her say “anyway my other half is here now so you can deal with him” and then she turned round to pet the cat and left this bloke with me. So I asks this bloke what’s going on and he tells me that her car is blocking him in and he can’t get out. He asked my OH (Laura) if she would move her car and she said no.
So I goes and looks at the situation on the street and can see that her car is parked across the end of driveway and his car is on his drive. I says to Laura “why are you parked across the end of his driveway blocking him in?”
“I’m not blocking him in because he doesn’t have a driveway.” “He hasn’t got a dropped kerb and doesn’t have planning permission so he shouldn’t be parked there and should be on the street like everyone else.”
Bloke then points out he doesn’t need planning permission for a driveway (which is correct, but you do need a dropped kerb) and then says that he’s actually doing everyone else a favour because the parking is so bad round there that people have to park streets away, so by parking on his own land he’s actually freeing up space in the street by only needing a 7ft space (to drive his car through to go onto his driveway) rather than a 20ft space if he was parking on the street.
Laura then pipes up “but you’re not allowed to park there and by doing so you are dictating to everyone else where they can and can’t park!” . “You should park on the road like everyone else!”
So the bloke argues that he isn’t dictating anything to anyone, and is just parking his car off the road to save room. Laura is looking at me for back-up and I just said “well he’s right isn’t he!” and then went on to explain why but she just kept arguing about the lack of dropped kerb and she was right and going to get the council involved blah blah blah. I says to her “look, a dropped kerb can be sorted out easily enough once he’s paid his £300 to one of the council’s ‘approved contractors’ to do it, so what’s gonna be your argument then?”.
“Well it’s still not a proper driveway because he doesn’t have planning permission, blah blah blah, dictating to people where they can park, blah blah, he’s taking up valuable space in the street, blah blah, I have to park 13 streets away, blah blah blah”.
“Look, just move your [zb] car and let the bloke out and we’ll sort this out later.” Anyway she did do, reluctantly, tutting at the bloke and telling him this isn’t over, but then afterwards she laid into me with both barrels firstly because I agreed with the other bloke and secondly because as her OH I should always back her up regardless of whether she’s right or wrong. WTF. So I says to her "if you used your [zb] brain instead of using retarded female logic that makes no sense whatsoever then you’d get support from me, but until then… " And on and on she went…
So I just ended it all by saying “look if it bothers you that [zb] much get your own friggin driveway installed then PROBLEM OVER… until some [zb] parks in front of it like you’re doing to him and then you’ll understand how he feels”. And on that note I got on my bike and cycled back home as I’d had enough of all her ■■■■■■■■.
If you can imagine a female version of Carryfast, that’s what she was like today. So I’m firmly IN THE DOGHOUSE and the only contact I’ve had from her since I left was a SMS which read “nobhead”.