In cab safety

I’ve been gassed aswell small luggage straps saved them getting into my daf . They pulled night heater exhaust off and put a pipie through to release the gass. 1hr north of la jonquera

if you can get through to these guys i recommend them… an awesome bit of kit. Go on the outside of the cab and cover the door handles… bit expensive but according to twitter they r having a sale… They are very hard to get into contact with though. took me about two months till i finally got a reply

I’ve been gassed aswell small luggage straps saved them getting into my daf . They pulled night heater exhaust off and put a pipie through to release the gass. 1hr north of la jonquera

Having fitted quite a few night heaters in y time I can tell you categorically that the exhaust is not, in any way, connected to the interior of the cab. The heater recycles the interior air, it does NOT bring air in from the outside. The burner uses external air and exhausts to the exterior. consequently there is THERE IS NO WAY that this can possibly be true.

How become you could not hear anyone messing about with the night heater.And not be woken up by that?
Next time you visit a Doctor or hospital,ask them how you can be knocked out by gas.
A thief wants a quick escape and not attract attention by fiddling by the side of the cab.
Not another “My mate got gassed” tosh.

I didn’t get knocked out, I was asleep, it was the rocking of the cab that woke me as he tried looking through my Curtains. I presume the gas came through night heater as the exhaust was missing when I tried to see how gas got in , the next day after recovering .

I didn’t get knocked out, I was asleep, it was the rocking of the cab that woke me as he tried looking through my Curtains. I presume the gas came through night heater as the exhaust was missing when I tried to see how gas got in , the next day after recovering .

So you weren’t gassed then? Yet another wannabe walter mitty

Gas does not exist in any form.List the chemical formulae on here and i will pass it to my doctor.How much dose for a skinny man?
How much dose for an obese man?
Show us the Police reports of death by gas all over Europe.If the cab curtains are shut,how would the Phantom gasser guage your BMI and dosage.
?With Xray vision.?

The rocking of the cab woke me, I opend the curtain to see a man on my step trying to look in. He walked away, I got out cab to chase him but couldn’t coorinate properly, my blood felt like it was turned to ice water and had a pain in my head like a migraine, of which I don’t suffer. The two poslish trucks parked at the side of me, one driver was bieng sick and the other felt the same as me, so I suppose the burglar was quiet busy doing his bmi calculations although he got them wrong. All I can is I hope this doesn’t happen to you because it’s not a plesent experience. Iam no Walter mitty. I was there it happend ,

The rocking of the cab woke me, I opend the curtain to see a man on my step trying to look in. He walked away, I got out cab to chase him but couldn’t coorinate properly, my blood felt like it was turned to ice water and had a pain in my head like a migraine, of which I don’t suffer. The two poslish trucks parked at the side of me, one driver was bieng sick and the other felt the same as me, so I suppose the burglar was quiet busy doing his bmi calculations although he got them wrong. All I can is I hope this doesn’t happen to you because it’s not a plesent experience. Iam no Walter mitty. I was there it happend ,

Good stuff that Polish vodka.

Wasn’t a letter written to a toxicologist by a member on here, and their response was it wouldn’t be possible to “gas” someone in their cab with commercially available products, and indeed the Russian special forces siege where they gassed people didn’t work too well

Yes, there was a letter from an anaethistist,not a toxic expert.

Yes, there was a letter from an anaethistist,not a toxic expert.

Ahh ok, I thought there was

The only time I suffered from any thing like this, it was self inflicted! I had a pod over the sleeper cab, no night heater, in Swiss in the middle of winter. Used to go to bed inside two sleeping bags and wearing a wholly hat. Over night the temp dropped to minus a daft amount and the condensation had frozen around the small sliding side windows inside the pod. I woke up at around 0700ish and reached out and lit up my single camping gas burner which was up there just to heat / thaw out the pod before I got up.

Anyway, I fell back to sleep and woke up abruptly a short while later. My head was banging, I felt sick and the burner had gone out but was still pumping out gas! The flame had eaten the oxygen out of the air in the pod and because the windows were sealed shut through the ice condensation, there was no fresh feed of oxygen / air. Scary stuff and after that I never used a gas burner in the pod again preferring to put up with the freezing cold than risk poisoning myself!

That was my experience of coming close to being gassed, all be it by myself!!! :laughing:

I was parked by a frozen lake at St Moritz.Night heater not working.
It was warmer outside than inside the cab.
Inside windows frozen.And camping gas cooker to keep warm.

Gas does not exist in any form.List the chemical formulae on here and i will pass it to my doctor.How much dose for a skinny man?
How much dose for an obese man?
Show us the Police reports of death by gas all over Europe.If the cab curtains are shut,how would the Phantom gasser guage your BMI and dosage.
?With Xray vision.?

You really do seem to have a bee in your bonnet over this Toby. I think people have got the message.

You are right there Switcher,did i see you go northbound on the M6 North of Birmingham a few weeks ago.
On the Southbound there were 3 artics and a car stopped in lane 1 opposite the Msa.
A small car had spun round with a PL truck attached to the side of it.
I was assisting the old couple and glanced around to see a black Volvo with a Virginia fridge.?



I’m still looking for these kind of cab door locks.

Anyone know where I can order them from ■■

Nedbro’s post said Roye Truckstop 25euro’s Geoffo.

Nedbro’s post said Roye Truckstop 25euro’s Geoffo.

I did see it Kindle, but unfortunately for me I don’t pass Roye. :frowning: :frowning:
I guess I’ll have to keep looking out elsewhere…