In Cab Camera...

So, the new truck I’m driving has an ARK Fleetech in cab/ all round camera system. Apparently there are cameras in the fridge and freezer compartment (a good idea as I can’t be blamed if night loaders load damaged/wrong stock etc) but…
…I’ve just looked at the recorder in the cab and the “power” and “rec” lights are on even when the ignition is off. I take it I’m being filmed drinking coffee and eating my lunch then?

Welcome to Big Brother.


Were you consulted during the impact assessment conducted before this driver facing spyware was fitted, was your driver rep or union steward or the union itself consulted? did you or the rep (after consultation with the drivers/members agree to the implementation of these things?

If not, genuinely you could have a valid claim for constructive dismissal if the thing gives you enough stress and you find you cannot cope with it.

If you google search you will find the relevant statements on the govts own website covering cameras aimed at individuals.

So, the new truck I’m driving has an ARK Fleetech in cab/ all round camera system. Apparently there are cameras in the fridge and freezer compartment (a good idea as I can’t be blamed if night loaders load damaged/wrong stock etc) but…
…I’ve just looked at the recorder in the cab and the “power” and “rec” lights are on even when the ignition is off. I take it I’m being filmed drinking coffee and eating my lunch then?

What are you going to do when reading the latest edition of Razzler ? :smiley:

bald bloke:

So, the new truck I’m driving has an ARK Fleetech in cab/ all round camera system. Apparently there are cameras in the fridge and freezer compartment (a good idea as I can’t be blamed if night loaders load damaged/wrong stock etc) but…
…I’ve just looked at the recorder in the cab and the “power” and “rec” lights are on even when the ignition is off. I take it I’m being filmed drinking coffee and eating my lunch then?

What are you going to do when reading the latest edition of Razzler ? :smiley:

Put on a show :smiling_imp:

So, the new truck I’m driving has an ARK Fleetech in cab/ all round camera system. Apparently there are cameras in the fridge and freezer compartment (a good idea as I can’t be blamed if night loaders load damaged/wrong stock etc) but…
…I’ve just looked at the recorder in the cab and the “power” and “rec” lights are on even when the ignition is off. I take it I’m being filmed drinking coffee and eating my lunch then?

give us a clue of the company you work for.

You can’t really blame employers wanting to install in cab cameras can you. … urney.html

On break just place a bag in the way , after your break take it off again ,simple as that ,or go for a walk ,any thing but not sit them and see you on break , or if you do not like it even more , "leave "

When you have a valuable load park in the worse place you can think of for stealing and then go missing for your break or if tramping even better
You could not sit in cab on break or whatever while the camera was recording

You can’t really blame employers wanting to install in cab cameras can you. … urney.html

Yeah old Fred Bloggs once again letting down the industry, oh wait :unamused:

It’s always the secondary action with you people, company employs chimp, chimp does as expected so what’s your answer? do we as an employer admit we were wrong, we paid peanuts and surprise surprise all we got was a chimp, no do we buggery say that, we use Chester as a fine example of secondary action (shifting the blame from us, who employed a chimp, onto all drivers), assume one size fits all based on the lowest common denominator…ie chimp.

The people who should have been in the dock beside the chimp are the people who passed him as fit to drive, and those who employed him, agency or not, it’s still someone’s O licence they are risking by allowing idiots out in public without a carer :unamused:

bald bloke:

So, the new truck I’m driving has an ARK Fleetech in cab/ all round camera system. Apparently there are cameras in the fridge and freezer compartment (a good idea as I can’t be blamed if night loaders load damaged/wrong stock etc) but…
…I’ve just looked at the recorder in the cab and the “power” and “rec” lights are on even when the ignition is off. I take it I’m being filmed drinking coffee and eating my lunch then?

What are you going to do when reading the latest edition of Razzler ? :smiley:

Someone is showing their age [emoji16]

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I’ve said everything there is to say on this forum in the past about this downright ■■■■ liberty against drivers, so my position is clear on it.

Can’t believe some of you are joking about it,.you should be ■■■■ outraged that this has crept into our industry (and I don’t give a flying ■■■■ that other industries have it as the norm before someone says it…, I work in this one.)

Uncaring Cowboy came out with a good phrase on a similar thread, he referred to the "Bent over and Bummed Brigade’’ :laughing: …(hereby known as The BOBBs :smiley: …)
No doubt that crew will be along soon repeating all the crap they are fed about ‘‘For our own good’’ and ‘‘If you are doing nothing wrong why worry about it’’ :unamused: …keep it up BOBBs. :smiley:

Enough said I reck. :neutral_face:

Gave a weeks notice today with my lot,crafty buggers sprung the new cameras when employees haven’t had a good chance to make alternative plans.Sod that for a lark.

I haven’t found any cameras except the usual side scan ones. In the cab I reckon they’re within the actual data recorder as on either side of the face of the unit are two black perspex squares, no more than 4mm2.
No we weren’t “consulted” most of the newer trucks have ordinary dash cams, we were told the new wagons would have all round cameras though.

If they put a cam in my fridge, all they would see is my beer


bald bloke:

So, the new truck I’m driving has an ARK Fleetech in cab/ all round camera system. Apparently there are cameras in the fridge and freezer compartment (a good idea as I can’t be blamed if night loaders load damaged/wrong stock etc) but…
…I’ve just looked at the recorder in the cab and the “power” and “rec” lights are on even when the ignition is off. I take it I’m being filmed drinking coffee and eating my lunch then?

What are you going to do when reading the latest edition of Razzler ? :smiley:

Stroke one off :smiling_imp:

FTFY :wink:

I like to ■■■■■■■■■■ while on the road, helps to pass the time.

Didn’t realise my lot had in cab cameras until they pulled me in to ask me not to the other day.

This is what I tell bellends in RDC waiting rooms when they start going on about in cab cameras

Were you consulted during the impact assessment conducted before this driver facing spyware was fitted, was your driver rep or union steward or the union itself consulted? did you or the rep (after consultation with the drivers/members agree to the implementation of these things?

If not, genuinely you could have a valid claim for constructive dismissal if the thing gives you enough stress and you find you cannot cope with it.

If you google search you will find the relevant statements on the govts own website covering cameras aimed at individuals.

Would love to see that stand up in court.

I’ve said everything there is to say on this forum in the past about this downright [zb] liberty against drivers, so my position is clear on it.

Can’t believe some of you are joking about it,.you should be [zb] outraged that this has crept into our industry (and I don’t give a flying [zb] that other industries have it as the norm before someone says it…, I work in this one.)

Uncaring Cowboy came out with a good phrase on a similar thread, he referred to the "Bent over and Bummed Brigade’’ :laughing: …(hereby known as The BOBBs :smiley: …)
No doubt that crew will be along soon repeating all the crap they are fed about ‘‘For our own good’’ and ‘‘If you are doing nothing wrong why worry about it’’ :unamused: …keep it up BOBBs. :smiley:

Enough said I reck. :neutral_face:

I can’t believe some drivers like you said,
Why do they roll over for a tummy tickle :confused:
If I was a bus driver I would probably want a camera on me all do for my safety but I drive a lorry for the privacy and freedom so some of you comparing that to “buses have them” it isn’t the same.
I know my gaffer will never get them,we don’t even have trackers,we don’t need all this rubbish because we are a bunch of grown ups and we do the job properly.