In Cab Camera...

we’re expecting them to come with our new Volvo fleet November/December :frowning:

we’re expecting them to come with our new Volvo fleet November/December :frowning:

They keep pushing the boundaries until they achieve it that this type of crap is the done thing…but only because they get away with it.
Same old same old, :unamused: … If drivers just strapped a pair on each, got together and said ‘‘Look, this is just downright unreasonable, we aint having it, you’re not on’’ …but the ‘BOBBS’’ and the ‘‘Yes men’’ will prevail as usual in this job, as it is no good just one or two standing up for themselves among a load of wimps.


You can’t really blame employers wanting to install in cab cameras can you. … urney.html

Yeah old Fred Bloggs once again letting down the industry, oh wait :unamused:

It’s always the secondary action with you people, company employs chimp, chimp does as expected so what’s your answer? do we as an employer admit we were wrong, we paid peanuts and surprise surprise all we got was a chimp, no do we buggery say that, we use Chester as a fine example of secondary action (shifting the blame from us, who employed a chimp, onto all drivers), assume one size fits all based on the lowest common denominator…ie chimp.

The people who should have been in the dock beside the chimp are the people who passed him as fit to drive, and those who employed him, agency or not, it’s still someone’s O licence they are risking by allowing idiots out in public without a carer :unamused:

Juddian a lot of what you say makes sense but in this case you come across as completely deluded.
I can assure you these idiots do not just exist in the lower paid jobs. I know a company that pays top money and they are fed up with drivers being reported using hand held phones amongst other things.
Regarding it being the employers fault is complete nonsense as well. Many drivers can act very professional at interviews or on driving assessments yet when they get out on their own they do exactly as they want and not what they should be doing.
I would also say this is more likely to happen to individuals with a little more intelligence as the dummies do not have the ability to put on an act.

I haven’t found any cameras except the usual side scan ones. In the cab I reckon they’re within the actual data recorder as on either side of the face of the unit are two black perspex squares, no more than 4mm2.
No we weren’t “consulted” most of the newer trucks have ordinary dash cams, we were told the new wagons would have all round cameras though.

If the facts are as you state, then your employer is probably in breach of GDPA. Any consent to filming must be given freely by the employee, and cannot be bundled in with other Terms and Conditions. No consent = breach of GDPA. … -cctv-gdpr

This valuable piece of EU regulation will still apply to the UK post-Brexit, BTW.

Fines for breaches of GDPA are up to €20 million or 4% of global turnover.

More than enough to wipe most transport companies out.

Three of our new Merc rigids have these in-cab cameras. For the first few months drivers were putting stickers over the bubble, but there’s now a notice in the office warning of doom for anyone caught doing this. The same notice stresses that the footage is only downloaded and viewed in the event of an accident. I am prepared to believe this, but only once I’ve seen a pig fly out of my own ■■■ at least twice. 5G is on the way. Give it another couple of years and these cameras will not only be in every cab, they’ll be actively monitored as a management tool to check on length of breaks, driving style, etc. I plan on being long gone by then.


Not a fan of them. Never had to encounter them though the microlise has a cam on the front. Not sure if it records but when I worked at Tesco the Union blole said Tesco could never use it against you if it was recording. Bit different if they had proper cams in.

He did state that if you had an accident and they went through all the footage and found something else they couldn’t use it against you either.

I can understand why companies want them in but all it’s going to do is put drivers off and some companies can’t even get drivers as it is. I know if I was thinking of coming into the industry and cams facing drivers was the norm I’d avoid it.

These cams picking up what your saying on the phone in your downtime and recording you.

No thanks.

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One of the advantages of driving for a small family company. All we have are trackers, can’t blame them for wanting to know where the truck is.

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Three of our new Merc rigids have these in-cab cameras. For the first few months drivers were putting stickers over the bubble, but there’s now a notice in the office warning of doom for anyone caught doing this. The same notice stresses that the footage is only downloaded and viewed in the event of an accident. I am prepared to believe this, but only once I’ve seen a pig fly out of my own ■■■ at least twice. 5G is on the way. Give it another couple of years and these cameras will not only be in every cab, they’ll be actively monitored as a management tool to check on length of breaks, driving style, etc. I plan on being long gone by then.

Hate to say it but you are quite correct. They will be in all vehicles within a few years and anyone not wanting to be spied on better find other employment.
Also hate to say it but as usual drivers have brought this upon themselves by not following a few simple rules.

The really scary thing is there are more “If you arent doing anything wrong then what do you have to worry about?” brainwashed and indoctrinated sheep than there are of those willing to resist it

One problem is that the younger generation are used to being on camera permanently having grown up with camera phones and YouTube etc
They won’t lament a loss of privacy (and trust) they have never felt.

Personally I change units regularly on agency and have a good scour of the units and cover any cameras that I find, which is not that many to be fair. Nothing has ever been said so far.

I would not take a full time job with in cab cameras ever

The thing is I cannot find anything resembling a camera, no perspex bubble or little black square above the doors, except these small black lenses on the data recorder. I can’t even find these “in fridge/freezer cameras.”

You can’t really blame employers wanting to install in cab cameras can you. … urney.html

  1. Knew there was a camera in his truck. Still used his phone.
  2. Millions of drivers on the roads daily, a dozen or so accidents, maybe some of them due to phone use - let’s put cameras in all cabs, because see 1.

One problem is that the younger generation are used to being on camera permanently having grown up with camera phones and YouTube etc
They won’t lament a loss of privacy (and trust) they have never felt.

Agreed. 15 years ago today’s google, android, iOS and Windows 10, facebook etc. would’ve been banned before on day 1 of their release. Somehow over the years the right to privacy was given away by users themselves in the promise of better, free(er) stuff and with the help of (heavily lobbied) governments of world leading nations.


  1. Knew there was a camera in his truck. Still used his phone.
  2. Millions of drivers on the roads daily, a dozen or so accidents, maybe some of them due to phone use - let’s put cameras in all cabs, because see 1.

One problem is that the younger generation are used to being on camera permanently having grown up with camera phones and YouTube etc
They won’t lament a loss of privacy (and trust) they have never felt.

Agreed. 15 years ago today’s google, android, iOS and Windows 10, facebook etc. would’ve been banned before on day 1 of their release. Somehow over the years the right to privacy was given away by users themselves in the promise of better, free(er) stuff and with the help of (heavily lobbied) governments of world leading nations.

:open_mouth: Wow! Where do I start? :open_mouth:

Firstly I’m assuming you’re referring to constant surveillance cameras as thread, rather than the ‘accident/incident only’ recording camera…
Please tell me you are not. :neutral_face: … I know things are bad now, but surely drivers today have not got to THAT stage of the ‘roll over with no pride or resistance’ state, where they are actually volunteering for this form of abuse and indignity. :open_mouth:

So, for arguments sake let’s assume you are. :neutral_face:

If what you say is true in ‘1’ what is a camera going to achieve exactly in terms of prevention and bad practice eradication if, as you say, these idiots are going to carry on using their phones anyway. :bulb:
I say ‘idiots’ not drivers, so why should I as a driver and others like me who are relatively responsible in comparison, have to suffer the indignity of a camera facing me because of the idiots?

Your second point does not add up, does a ratio of millions of drivers to dozens of accidents justify this advocation of cameras in ALL cabs?..
Seriously? :open_mouth:

Your last paragraph… I don’t give a flying ■■■■ about facebook and all the rest of the crap you list, I do know that I and millions like me certainly did not ‘voluntarily give away privacy’ in any shape or form. :bulb:

So, for arguments sake let’s assume you are. :neutral_face:

Someone needs to get you one of these



  1. Knew there was a camera in his truck. Still used his phone.
  2. Millions of drivers on the roads daily, a dozen or so accidents, maybe some of them due to phone use - let’s put cameras in all cabs, because see 1.

One problem is that the younger generation are used to being on camera permanently having grown up with camera phones and YouTube etc
They won’t lament a loss of privacy (and trust) they have never felt.

Agreed. 15 years ago today’s google, android, iOS and Windows 10, facebook etc. would’ve been banned before on day 1 of their release. Somehow over the years the right to privacy was given away by users themselves in the promise of better, free(er) stuff and with the help of (heavily lobbied) governments of world leading nations.

:open_mouth: Wow! Where do I start? :open_mouth:

Firstly I’m assuming you’re referring to constant surveillance cameras as thread, rather than the ‘accident/incident only’ recording camera…
Please tell me you are not. :neutral_face: … I know things are bad now, but surely drivers today have not got to THAT stage of the ‘roll over with no pride or resistance’ state, where they are actually volunteering for this form of abuse and indignity. :open_mouth:

So, for arguments sake let’s assume you are. :neutral_face:

If what you say is true in ‘1’ what is a camera going to achieve exactly in terms of prevention and bad practice eradication if, as you say, these idiots are going to carry on using their phones anyway. :bulb:
I say ‘idiots’ not drivers, so why should I as a driver and others like me who are relatively responsible in comparison, have to suffer the indignity of a camera facing me because of the idiots?

Your second point does not add up, does a ratio of millions of drivers to dozens of accidents justify this advocation of cameras in ALL cabs?..
Seriously? :open_mouth:

I think youve misread his point Rob.
He was telling chester that the camera didnt stop the clown using his phone, despite knowing it was there, so it didnt make any difference.
His second point was sarcasm/satire saying that despite millions of people driving without incident, because of a dozen incidents lets make everyone else suffer.

I do know that I and millions like me certainly did not ‘voluntarily give away privacy’ in any shape or form. :bulb:

Yes but the likes of you and I grew up before social media. There is an entire generation out there who are so used to putting their entire lives online for all to see that they will willingly sign all their rights to privacy away with the tick of a box so they can do so.
People like us are getting rarer and rarer and eventually, we will be no more and the entire world will be made up of social media sheep who will give full access to their entire lives to anyone with a laptop and an internet connection. They wont know what privacy is. The tinfoil hat-wearing part of me also thinks this level of privacy giveaway is slowly, bit by bit, creeping into everyday life by our esteemed masters and the sheep are rolling over to allow it because the likes of FB and twitter have numbed them to it, they cant see whats happening and itll continue till there is no such thing as privacy anymore.
Ive got maybe 40 or 50 years left in the world and I hope im long gone before the “woke” social media, brainwashed millenial generation have given all our rights away

There is little to be gained from an in cab camera anyway, unless it gives some sort of perverse pleasure to a manager (who recruited an imbecile in the first place :bulb: ) to view in all its glory said imbecile’s various gormless expressions as the latest catastrophe unfolds, oh how amusing that must be as we crowd around the monitor chortling and belittling the antics of the chimp ‘‘we’’ employed :unamused:

You can’t turn back time and prevent an event happening (same as the now defanged and politicised police can’t unburgle or unstab you), if you pointed twenty cameras at said imbecile it won’t change what he is, if you’ve recruited from the bottom of the barrel and the results are coming in thick and fast and expensively, it can’t be beyond the wit of these armies of managers to realise that they might have got it wrong.

Fix the problem, not the secondary issues, stop employing idiots with licences and get back to employing lorry drivers, sadly you’ll have to pay to attract them and to train decent potentials up properly but that will be more cost effective over time, as well as better for your business in so many other ways :bulb: , than doing more of the same one size fits all deskilling style that’s got us to where we are now.

:blush: ETS…Looks likd it’s my turn to apologise :smiley: , I totally misread your post and got it arse about face.

Cheers Snowman for pointing out my lifelong tendency of being too bloody quick to jump :blush: :laughing: .

Come to think of it…I’m beginning to think I’m being picked on here, I’m done with this forum, Goodbye. :imp:

(I can hear the ‘Hoorays’ and ‘’ ■■■■ offs ‘’ from here :laughing: )

What it is I just hate all this big brother stuff in the job with a passion.
It started all those years ago with tachos, then phones, then trackers, and now all this ■■■■■■■■, the final nail in the coffin of a job I once loved.
Not really going btw so put the flags back in the drawer. :laughing:

I’ve always wanted to do a Trucknet ‘‘Flounce Off’’ :sunglasses: :smiley:

Isn’t the best way to curb the further roll out of these cameras across the industry, for drivers to stop consistently getting caught by them breaking the law? As usual drivers are not covering themselves in glory, at all.

Based on what I have seen first hand there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that there is a link between quality of driver and illegal use of phones behind the wheel. I have been shocked by some of the characters I have seen fall foul, reliable well regarded drivers with years of experience and impeccable accident records caught ■■■■■■■ about with their phone whilst driving. The idea that these cameras are merely catching the chimps is totally false. It’s no wonder other haulage outfits and their insurers are questioning whether their drivers can be trusted and now wanting cameras put in cabs.

I honestly believe you could put in cab cameras in the cabs of the highest paid drivers in the country in the most prestigious jobs & you would still get drivers being caught on phones. It’s a pandemic.

Guys on here can lament the fact drivers didn’t ‘stick together’ (always a pipe dream) and get these cameras stopped in the first place, but we have totally ■■■■■■ it up now. Drivers have been caught with their pants down en masse, so any protest against the cameras now just looks like us not wanting to get caught.

Isn’t the best way to curb the further roll out of these cameras across the industry, for drivers to stop consistently getting caught by them breaking the law? As usual drivers are not covering themselves in glory, at all.

Based on what I have seen first hand there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that there is a link between quality of driver and illegal use of phones behind the wheel. I have been shocked by some of the characters I have seen fall foul, reliable well regarded drivers with years of experience and impeccable accident records caught ■■■■■■■ about with their phone whilst driving. The idea that these cameras are merely catching the chimps is totally false. It’s no wonder other haulage outfits and their insurers are questioning whether their drivers can be trusted and now wanting cameras put in cabs.

I honestly believe you could put in cab cameras in the cabs of the highest paid drivers in the country in the most prestigious jobs & you would still get drivers being caught on phones. It’s a pandemic.

Guys on here can lament the fact drivers didn’t ‘stick together’ (always a pipe dream) and get these cameras stopped in the first place, but we have totally [zb] it up now. Drivers have been caught with their pants down en masse, so any protest against the cameras now just looks like us not wanting to get caught.

Absolutely. Nail on head Rob 22888.