
The Syrians that are running do not have weapons. Its hard to take on a bunch of armed fanatics without the kit required to do so.

There are two sides in the Syria conflict.Pro Assad government forces and anti Assad rebels ISIS being on the side of the latter.If they wanted to fight against ISIS Assad has the weapons to do the job.The question then being why run instead of joining Assad’s forces and standing and fighting.

Unless the so called ‘refugees’ are actually an ISIS infiltration sleeper exercise in Europe.Which would answer those questions.Bearing in mind that ‘if’ it is an ISIS plot the weapons they’ll need are probably already here waiting for them sitting in a load of containers somewhere.

If we allow the migrant hordes in without restriction.then… .our future will be a muslim one. People should wake up to this threat. That is why certain European countries will only allow Christian migrants.
There is more to this mass migration than is being reported. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the world. This normally liberal and passive country is gripped by violent turf wars and a drugs epidemic. What does the future now hold for Germany? Murders in Sicily and France. The fundamentalists must be encouraging this mass exodus. This is a strategic move by the islamic war mongers. They will not stop until the whole world is islamic. Wherever these migrants settle, they will want a mosque, when this happens it becomes muslim land. It is invasion by stealth.
We ignore what is going on at our peril.

The point is Tommy, that our forces are not disorganised. And as a supposedly civilised society, we should not stand by and allow murderous thugs, ■■■■ women at will, destroy ancient ruins, decapitate whom ever they please, and terrorise folk in order to land grab.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not one to poke my nose into other people’s business, but along with other Countries, we ARE getting involved indirectly as the influx of migrants fleeing these masked cowards seek asylum here.

Its about time various Governments grew a pair, and got rid of these fanatics.

An argument which collapses assuming that you’re making some naive wild under estimation of just how much support that ISIS has in the Middle East.IE a murderous ideology that can’t be trusted and which mistreats women is a reasonable description of most of the Islamic world.

The Syrians that are running do not have weapons. Its hard to take on a bunch of armed fanatics without the kit required to do so.

and the majority of us here in the uk don’t have weapons, but we wouldn’t just abandon our homes way of life for scum like isis

If we allow the migrant hordes in without restriction.then… .our future will be a muslim one. People should wake up to this threat. That is why certain European countries will only allow Christian migrants.
There is more to this mass migration than is being reported. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the world. This normally liberal and passive country is gripped by violent turf wars and a drugs epidemic. What does the future now hold for Germany? Murders in Sicily and France. The fundamentalists must be encouraging this mass exodus. This is a strategic move by the islamic war mongers. They will not stop until the whole world is islamic. Wherever these migrants settle, they will want a mosque, when this happens it becomes muslim land. It is invasion by stealth.
We ignore what is going on at our peril.

It seems clear enough that such an invasion would have been planned in a way which works by turning Europe’s bleeding heart weakness against it.

tommy t:

The Syrians that are running do not have weapons. Its hard to take on a bunch of armed fanatics without the kit required to do so.

and the majority of us here in the uk don’t have weapons, but we wouldn’t just abandon our homes way of life for scum like isis

Unfortunately ‘if’ things go the way they potentially could go,the knowledge that,unlike America,any large scale sleeper operation is facing an unarmed population,then your idea would/could/will be proved to be catastrophically wrong.IE a defence policy based on strategic warfare won’t work in an urban guerrilla warfare situation against an unarmed population reliant on small regular forces reliant on heavy weaponry for its defence.IE Syria and Afghanistan etc brought home to UK streets.

And for those bleeding heart’s here are some truths

Currently, if a refugee can get a foot on a European beach, or be fished out of the sea by a European rescue vessel, they get privileged access to asylum. That is why they take the risk.

So the problem is not helped by open door policy

Some more here

tommy t:

The Syrians that are running do not have weapons. Its hard to take on a bunch of armed fanatics without the kit required to do so.

and the majority of us here in the uk don’t have weapons, but we wouldn’t just abandon our homes way of life for scum like isis

The security services are significantly worried about the threat and have said publicly its not possible to prevent all the potential attacks forever and with the quietly returning number of “trained” nutters coming back to spread their war stories and vitriol to other young impressionables within their communities the risk is going to sharply increase.

The UK isn’t very well geared up for internal underground terror threats on a large scale. It struggled like hell to deal with the IRA threat on these shores. The time for nipping it in the bud has gone. It should have been amped up before the returning come back and disperse, recruiting amongst the disaffected young men in the communities. Just like the IRA infact. They recruited impressionable disaffected young men seeking a cause and the chance to be someone in their circle.

Unfortunately with a highly liberal, head-in-sand society strangled by self guilt and fear of putting a foot down, it will not be controlled any more than you can hold onto water. The communities themselves seem particularly mute on the point, preffering to winge on radio or TV that “we’re not all the same” rather than getting their house in order and recognising they’re the closest link to identifying and stopping this threat. Problem is they’re conflicted by a fierce loyalty and doctrine. So no wonder there’s little help there.

The modern British way is to believe everyone is cuddly if you love them hard enough. Imbecilic and childish crap. God knows how we ended up so childish. I think a lot of bright young things educated in ideology but haven’t seen the world and have no idea that however hard they wish for it to be true, the world doesn’t spin like that. The strong with evil intentions will always abuse and out manipulate the weak minded, and nieve.

The people who I speak to face to face, who seem sympathetic to the migrant cause, seem to believe it’s only the good people of these countries fleeing persecution. I’m willing to wager a significant number of them are criminals in their own lands. They show little regard for the laws of the European Countries they travel through or to. Will this change once they are granted asylum? No. Who am I though? I’m just one of the silent majority, bristling with anger as our government mishandle this parasite invasion.

Freight Dog:
The security services are significantly worried about the threat and have said publicly its not possible to prevent all the potential attacks forever and with the quietly returning number of “trained” nutters coming back to spread their war stories and vitriol to other young impressionables within their communities the risk is going to sharply increase.

The UK isn’t very well geared up for internal underground terror threats on a large scale. It struggled like hell to deal with the IRA threat on these shores. The time for nipping it in the bud has gone. It should have been amped up before the returning come back and disperse, recruiting amongst the disaffected young men in the communities. Just like the IRA infact. They recruited impressionable disaffected young men seeking a cause and the chance to be someone in their circle.

Unfortunately with a highly liberal, head-in-sand society strangled by self guilt and fear of putting a foot down, it will not be controlled any more than you can hold onto water. The communities themselves seem particularly mute on the point, preffering to winge on radio or TV that “we’re not all the same” rather than getting their house in order and recognising they’re the closest link to identifying and stopping this threat. Problem is they’re conflicted by a fierce loyalty and doctrine. So no wonder there’s little help there.

The modern British way is to believe everyone is cuddly if you love them hard enough. Imbecilic and childish crap. God knows how we ended up so childish. I think a lot of bright young things educated in ideology but haven’t seen the world and have no idea that however hard they wish for it to be true, the world doesn’t spin like that. The strong with evil intentions will always abuse and out manipulate the weak minded, and nieve.

Firstly assuming the worst case scenario what we’re seeing is something a lot more than a ‘number of nutters coming back’.More like coming back together with their own invasion force under cover of illegal immigration/refugee status.

While ironically your third paragraph contradicts the fourth in making the naive assumption that the established culture in question isn’t actually just putting on a show of loyalty or even split loyalty as part of your final sentence.Make no mistake the motivation,or goal/end game,or the rules they go by,have absolutely no connection whatsoever,with the type of ‘issues’ which we faced,in the case of the IRA’s misguided attempt to change the settlement which Collins ( rightly ) reached. :bulb:


Freight Dog:
The security services are significantly worried about the threat and have said publicly its not possible to prevent all the potential attacks forever and with the quietly returning number of “trained” nutters coming back to spread their war stories and vitriol to other young impressionables within their communities the risk is going to sharply increase.

The UK isn’t very well geared up for internal underground terror threats on a large scale. It struggled like hell to deal with the IRA threat on these shores. The time for nipping it in the bud has gone. It should have been amped up before the returning come back and disperse, recruiting amongst the disaffected young men in the communities. Just like the IRA infact. They recruited impressionable disaffected young men seeking a cause and the chance to be someone in their circle.

Unfortunately with a highly liberal, head-in-sand society strangled by self guilt and fear of putting a foot down, it will not be controlled any more than you can hold onto water. The communities themselves seem particularly mute on the point, preffering to winge on radio or TV that “we’re not all the same” rather than getting their house in order and recognising they’re the closest link to identifying and stopping this threat. Problem is they’re conflicted by a fierce loyalty and doctrine. So no wonder there’s little help there.

The modern British way is to believe everyone is cuddly if you love them hard enough. Imbecilic and childish crap. God knows how we ended up so childish. I think a lot of bright young things educated in ideology but haven’t seen the world and have no idea that however hard they wish for it to be true, the world doesn’t spin like that. The strong with evil intentions will always abuse and out manipulate the weak minded, and nieve.

Firstly assuming the worst case scenario what we’re seeing is something a lot more than a ‘number of nutters coming back’.More like coming back together with their own invasion force under cover of illegal immigration/refugee status.

While ironically your third paragraph contradicts the fourth in making the naive assumption that the established culture in question isn’t actually just putting on a show of loyalty or even split loyalty as part of your final sentence.Make no mistake the motivation,or goal/end game,or the rules they go by,have absolutely no connection whatsoever,with the type of ‘issues’ which we faced,in the case of the IRA’s misguided attempt to change the settlement which Collins ( rightly ) reached. :bulb:

Oh no, you again boss. “It’s ironic”. Oh no, is it? Oh right, go on then, where did I make the “naive” assumption :unamused: :smiley: ? Point that out, you’re going to tell us. Stating “the modern British way” does not do say whether that’s a national tendency or some plot by the government to trick us into being so liberal for their ill gotten gains. Either way, whether you believe foul play at force or it’s the Martians fault - the result is the same. But I do see what you’re saying, that there’s a lot going on behind the scenes albeit what I was saying wasn’t discounting that. At least I didn’t think I was when I wrote it. I think it’s right as well that some will use the cover of refugee status.

Can I just ask you something CF chief? I don’t want this to sound like an insult but I am genuinely interested/bemused.

You do have a bizarre way of talking down to every poster on here when you reckon you have some sort of upper hand like you’ve just done. You know if another poster had made the same point we’d probably be discussing it like mates with equal respect? Not sure why you feel the need to do it.

At first it was funny, with the submarines, bridges, American lorries, politics, aviation and how much expertise you want to pass on about endless, endless topics. Now I’m backing off with you. I’m starting to realize its real and you’re most likely like it in real life and it’s not a joking matter. Its like you’re unable to discuss things using respect for others views, lest you don’t look like you have the answers. It’s odd behaviour. It really is.

You’re displaying the kind of persona - your online persona at least, that CRM was invented for to winkle out. We cover characters that display your group relation traits every year in recurrent training and the accidents that have been caused by them and the more I’ve had conversations with you the more the similarities in the psychology are uncanny.

I was going to say I support some of what you’ve said too and big your points up but I can’t muster the enthusiasm anymore as It’ll fall on deaf ears. Maybe an inferiority thing. Who knows. You can be liked and respected in this world without having to fight like a possessed to appear clever all the time you know mate. Some of us like people for being just easy to get on with and don’t care about anything else. Good luck Carryfast.

you can say what you like about adolfs lot,but if he hadn’t lost the plot as well as the war,then we might all be speaking german now,but there wouldn’t be any mass immigration problem,and the prisons would be 90% empty.simple as Ireland,about 85% pf the prison population is macodougalls,with 10% of the remaining flipflops,then the rest is made u for your indigenous paddys and terrorist ira dudes. id imagine its similar stastistics in uk mainland,take away the Taliban and flipflops and there wouldn’t be overcrowding in the prisons.if adolf had won,then at this time we would undoubtedly have a better standard of life.ireland would have capitulated,hence no macodougalls left,no mass immigration from illegals,and most likely they would just have gassed the gingers as well just to be on the safe side… :smiley:

you can say what you like about adolfs lot,but if he hadn’t lost the plot as well as the war,then we might all be speaking german now,but there wouldn’t be any mass immigration problem,and the prisons would be 90% empty.simple as Ireland,about 85% pf the prison population is macodougalls,with 10% of the remaining flipflops,then the rest is made u for your indigenous paddys and terrorist ira dudes. id imagine its similar stastistics in uk mainland,take away the Taliban and flipflops and there wouldn’t be overcrowding in the prisons.if adolf had won,then at this time we would undoubtedly have a better standard of life.ireland would have capitulated,hence no macodougalls left,no mass immigration from illegals,and most likely they would just have gassed the gingers as well just to be on the safe side… :smiley:[/quote

We’d all be driving beetles. That would be crap!

The people who I speak to face to face, who seem sympathetic to the migrant cause, seem to believe it’s only the good people of these countries fleeing persecution. I’m willing to wager a significant number of them are criminals in their own lands. They show little regard for the laws of the European Countries they travel through or to. Will this change once they are granted asylum? No. Who am I though? I’m just one of the silent majority, bristling with anger as our government mishandle this parasite invasion.

Then why stay silent? If you’re against it let your local MP know. Write or email them about your position, if you don’t let them know they have a reason to do as they wish. It’s your kind of attitude that these people rely on, it gives them a chance to say " well nobody has complained to me about them coming here so they must be ok with it"
Everybody on here complains but do they do anything about it? No.

There are two sides in the Syria conflict.Pro Assad government forces and anti Assad rebels ISIS being on the side of the latter.If they wanted to fight against ISIS Assad has the weapons to do the job.The question then being why run instead of joining Assad’s forces and standing and fighting.

Unless the so called ‘refugees’ are actually an ISIS infiltration sleeper exercise in Europe.Which would answer those questions.Bearing in mind that ‘if’ it is an ISIS plot the weapons they’ll need are probably already here waiting for them sitting in a load of containers somewhere.
[/quote }


If 10,000 immigrants are allowed in from Syria I suppose as soon as they get settled in they will be entitled to apply for their extended families to come over and join them. In some cases this could be half a village or we end up paying to look after them where they are.
Add in the breeding like rabbits mentality and the original 10,000 could be doubled in not many years.
Last time I flew into this country I was told as my passport had a camera symbol on it I could check in through a machine. I said I wanted to be dealt with by a person as I wanted to seek asylum and have a place to live and some new furniture. I think it was the blackest look I got back from anybody ever.


IE a murderous ideology that can’t be trusted and which mistreats women is a reasonable description of most of the Islamic world.

Most of the christian one as well. Well to be fair women arent treated to bad but dont mention the gays. No matter stronger the faith bigger the sinner.

If we allow the migrant hordes in without restriction.then… .our future will be a muslim one. People should wake up to this threat. That is why certain European countries will only allow Christian migrants.
There is more to this mass migration than is being reported. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the world. This normally liberal and passive country is gripped by violent turf wars and a drugs epidemic. What does the future now hold for Germany? Murders in Sicily and France. The fundamentalists must be encouraging this mass exodus. This is a strategic move by the islamic war mongers. They will not stop until the whole world is islamic. Wherever these migrants settle, they will want a mosque, when this happens it becomes muslim land. It is invasion by stealth.
We ignore what is going on at our peril.

What a racist, bigoted point of view you have. You really do live in the dark ages. We live in a modern borderless world where every human being has the right to settle wherever they choose. These poor people that are trying to get to our multicultural EUtopia are doing so to escape persecution in their homelands. Once here they live in harmony amongst us and pose no threat to us at all. Even though the majority of these people are young males and IS have already said they will spread to Europe I see no reason to believe that they pose any threat to the uk. I certainly don’t see any evidence of this in my leafy village in the Cotswolds, admittley we don’t have any people of colour in our village but we’d welcome them with open arms if they wished to come here.

That view probably makes up for about half of the votes on the government petition and the other half will be Muslim.
Meanwhile back in the real world those of us that can see what is really going on are up against the stupidity of liberalism with the backing of the government and the media


If we allow the migrant hordes in without restriction.then… .our future will be a muslim one. People should wake up to this threat. That is why certain European countries will only allow Christian migrants.
There is more to this mass migration than is being reported. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the world. This normally liberal and passive country is gripped by violent turf wars and a drugs epidemic. What does the future now hold for Germany? Murders in Sicily and France. The fundamentalists must be encouraging this mass exodus. This is a strategic move by the islamic war mongers. They will not stop until the whole world is islamic. Wherever these migrants settle, they will want a mosque, when this happens it becomes muslim land. It is invasion by stealth.
We ignore what is going on at our peril.

What a racist, bigoted point of view you have. You really do live in the dark ages. We live in a modern borderless world where every human being has the right to settle wherever they choose. These poor people that are trying to get to our multicultural EUtopia are doing so to escape persecution in their homelands. Once here they live in harmony amongst us and pose no threat to us at all. Even though the majority of these people are young males and IS have already said they will spread to Europe I see no reason to believe that they pose any threat to the uk. I certainly don’t see any evidence of this in my leafy village in the Cotswolds, admittley we don’t have any people of colour in our village but we’d welcome them with open arms if they wished to come here.

That view probably makes up for about half of the votes on the government petition and the other half will be Muslim.
Meanwhile back in the real world those of us that can see what is really going on are up against the stupidity of liberalism with the backing of the government and the media

Isn’t that the truth. It breaks my heart when I look at my lovely granddaughter and I realise what the future almost certainly holds for her.
Regards. John.

If we allow the migrant hordes in without restriction.then… .our future will be a muslim one. People should wake up to this threat. That is why certain European countries will only allow Christian migrants.
There is more to this mass migration than is being reported. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the world. This normally liberal and passive country is gripped by violent turf wars and a drugs epidemic. What does the future now hold for Germany? Murders in Sicily and France. The fundamentalists must be encouraging this mass exodus. This is a strategic move by the islamic war mongers. They will not stop until the whole world is islamic. Wherever these migrants settle, they will want a mosque, when this happens it becomes muslim land. It is invasion by stealth.
We ignore what is going on at our peril.

Bang on.