
How many of these signatures are from people who were not born here I wonder?

Why would the country rise up after William the conqueror died to all intents and purposes the country was French. The ■■■■■■■ made sure that there was nobody left to argue, especially in the north. Even the language was French for many years after. Sadly the country took a long, long time to recover after William was finished it.
By the way William would have my vote as the worst King this country ever had. Another Frenchman who hated the English, there’s a bit of a theme here.

Here’s a petition…

Just take a look at the bottom paragraph. Beggars belief.

But a petition to accept MORE “asylum seekers” sky rocketing? Bloody hell [emoji49]

Here’s a petition…

Just take a look at the bottom paragraph. Beggars belief.

But a petition to accept MORE “asylum seekers” sky rocketing? Bloody hell [emoji49]

No surprise that there seems to be no opposing petition for some reason though.Which can hopefully start with the unrepresented 4,000,000 UKIP vote.

Why would the country rise up after William the conqueror died to all intents and purposes the country was French. The [zb] made sure that there was nobody left to argue, especially in the north. Even the language was French for many years after. Sadly the country took a long, long time to recover after William was finished it.
By the way William would have my vote as the worst King this country ever had. Another Frenchman who hated the English, there’s a bit of a theme here.

And the idea of the Irish,Welsh and Scottish nation states.To be replaced with an administration dedicated to the idea of Federalism and Assimilition across Europe and the Middle East.Definitely a theme there the point being that we never did recover our previous nation state status as part of that.

If you locked 100 ordinary people from across the world, each individually different in some tiny aspect, into 1 small room for a period of 1yr then what do you think would happen?

Now, put those very same people into another room for 1yr but this time there are 2 politicians, each with a different agenda. Now what do you think would happen?

Reading some of TNUK’s thoughts on the current (manufactured) crisis is actually quite funny, if it weren’t, sadly, a reflection on the lower depths of our society.

It just re iterates just how zb ed up this country is , So until these immigrants start to fear living here as it becomes an unsafe place, nothing will change, but by then it will be too late,
I wonder when the government announces increases in income tax and other taxes will those bleeding heart tossers still be as eager to have plagues /swarms of them here? because it will be ultimately the tax payer who will fund it all, what when they go and start fighting for radical or terrorists ? or worse still start killing our people ? we do not know who many of these parasites are, or where they are from, they are not screened or properly processed for terrorist links
Again channel 4 tonight broadcasting more bleeding heart propaganda And on another note once all the Syrians and god only knows what else have left their homeland, Do they really think that these people will ever go back to nothing, what ever is left will fade away,

To kill a weed, you need to kill the root.

The evil root in question in this case, is the bunch of masked, cowardly fanatics who call themselves IS.




Here’s a petition…

Just take a look at the bottom paragraph. Beggars belief.

But a petition to accept MORE “asylum seekers” sky rocketing? Bloody hell [emoji49]

No surprise that there seems to be no opposing petition for some reason though.Which can hopefully start with the unrepresented 4,000,000 UKIP vote.

Opposing petition? Where do I sign? [emoji38]

Exactly… over 4 million votes and 1 seat, that’s not democracy in my eyes.


Here’s a petition…

Just take a look at the bottom paragraph. Beggars belief.

But a petition to accept MORE “asylum seekers” sky rocketing? Bloody hell [emoji49]

No surprise that there seems to be no opposing petition for some reason though.Which can hopefully start with the unrepresented 4,000,000 UKIP vote.

So instead of banging on about it to the few on here, why don’t you start an opposing petition? See how you get on with those 4 mill.

I don’t normally bother with threads like this as it’s usually the same old arguments, but for some reason I read this lot and a couple of bits made me smile.
One person saying we need Richard 1, I assume because he attacked the Islamic people, actually he killed almost as many Christians!
Richard was probably the second worst king this country has had. He was a Frenchman who hated England and the English and only used the country to pay for his misguided crusade. His mother then bled the country dry to pay for his ransom when the idiot got captured by a kraut.
Then another person slagging off Churchill an Englishman who loved his country, fought for it and saved it. You may not have liked some of the ways he did it( I’m sure he didn’t either) but it was a means to a successful end.

Another slightly different thought. About a month ago I read Enoch Powell’s "Rivers of blood " speech and couldn’t help wondering if it wasn’t more applicable now than it was then.

PS to deny the holocaust I think is showing signs of some sort of insanity!

I think that is the point of what Enoch said, he was not talking of his time, he predicted what would happen in his future, our time.


Just when you think you’ve seen it all…

To kill a weed, you need to kill the root.

The evil root in question in this case, is the bunch of masked, cowardly fanatics who call themselves IS.



But lets put the shoe on the other foot, so to speak, lets say that our forces are a disorganised bunch who ran away and isis decided to try and take us on :open_mouth: :open_mouth: what do you think the people of this country would do,? run away like cowards or unite and defeat then, kill every one of them ? ISIS aren’t some superior race or group of people, however the Syrians choose to run, like cowards along side them without any doubt some extremists , but why did they run? was because they knew that most of the EU is a soft touch perhaps? if so then this needs to change

The point is Tommy, that our forces are not disorganised. And as a supposedly civilised society, we should not stand by and allow murderous thugs, ■■■■ women at will, destroy ancient ruins, decapitate whom ever they please, and terrorise folk in order to land grab.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not one to poke my nose into other people’s business, but along with other Countries, we ARE getting involved indirectly as the influx of migrants fleeing these masked cowards seek asylum here.

Its about time various Governments grew a pair, and got rid of these fanatics.

The Syrians that are running do not have weapons. Its hard to take on a bunch of armed fanatics without the kit required to do so.

How many of these signatures are from people who were not born here I wonder?

Why is that relevant?

I am very well acquainted with a man who left his country of birth to live, work and marry a lady from his adopted country. He has a son and has taken the nationality of his adopted country. If signing a petition to the government of his new country was to be denied him because his nationality was not granted at birth seems very harsh and a barrier to playing his part as a good citizen.

The man in question is my son.

Its relevant because the majority of people in this country are ■■■■■■ off with people piling in to it. Someone who was not born here should not have a right to vote, or influence decisions about our future.

Its relevant because the majority of people in this country are ■■■■■■ off with people piling in to it. Someone who was not born here should not have a right to vote, or influence decisions about our future.

Even if they enter legally, play by the rules, meet the criteria for citizenship and adopt the nationality of the host country? And wouldn’t “our” future also be “their” future?

No. If you are not born here, you should not have a say.

Would your Son have still gone abroad to his country of choice, if he was told " You can live here, but cant vote " ?

I am pretty sure he would. And so would I. If I went to live in Canada, and was told I can contribute, but not vote, that would be fine by me. Because I wouldn’t be Canadian. I would be British. A British immigrant. And grateful.

Strange that your position was, in part, the reason for the American revolution. No taxation without representation!!!

To answer your question yes he possibly would have gone but might also have sought to have his now wife join him here. He accepts that he will never be President but he does have a basic democratic ethos.