
isnt the old SS training building now the police headquarters in Dachau?

and that place has to be one of the most sobering places I have ever visited.

and my own personal point on if we were being bombed tortured etc. I wouldn’t want to be dragging my family hundreds of miles beyond the first safe place who would take me, which to me makes them after 1 thing and 1 thing only - free money / house / car / phone etc.

my own personal point on if we were being bombed tortured etc. I wouldn’t want to be dragging my family hundreds of miles beyond the first safe place who would take me, which to me makes them after 1 thing and 1 thing only - free money / house / car / phone etc.

Firstly it’s more a case of them fighting each other.Usually with the aim of getting rid of moderates like Assad and replacing him with ISIS and the Taliban etc.On that note I wouldn’t want to bet that a large proportion of those trying to get in are not part of that same agenda in bringing the fight to us.With the win win situation,from their point of view,that our bleeding heart pro immigration agenda will help them to do it.


The Commandant at Auschwitz Rudolf Hoess on trial for his life did not deny it to defend himself, the guards did not deny it, why not if it didn’t happen.

Or for that matter there wasn’t much point in all those SS guards massacred by the US army after the liberation of Dachau trying to say it didn’t happen,before they got a .45 bullet put in their head. :bulb: :wink:

How could they deny it anyway, the presence of piled up bodies in the camp, and the railway trucks with bodies that had been left to starve kind of refuted it, but maybe Bking will have an explanation for this, mass suicide maybe. :unamused:


my own personal point on if we were being bombed tortured etc. I wouldn’t want to be dragging my family hundreds of miles beyond the first safe place who would take me, which to me makes them after 1 thing and 1 thing only - free money / house / car / phone etc.

Firstly it’s more a case of them fighting each other.Usually with the aim of getting rid of moderates like Assad and replacing him with ISIS and the Taliban etc.On that note I wouldn’t want to bet that a large proportion of those trying to get in are not part of that same agenda in bringing the fight to us.With the win win situation,from their point of view,that our bleeding heart pro immigration agenda will help them to do it.

I’m getting really pished off with all this pro migration bs on the bbc and channel 4 , If i was scamercon i would tell them all to fork off with their bleeding heart bs, unless of course they are offering to house feed clothe,and pay for education and health care that they need for as long as they stay here for, because we are skint hence all the cuts made, now what part of that do these tossers not understand?

We have our own homeless people sleeping on the streets and the impoverished so even working that need food banks to survive , then there’s all those who where found fit for work who have died soon after that decision , thousands of people, and the bias bleeding heart pro migration BBC didn’t think that our own people are more important, and they seriously think that they are worth a licence fee? also i can’t hear the bleeding hearts brigade protesting about what government has done to it’s own people.It’s enough to turn anyone racist,

Greece and italy should make sure that all those that they rescue are registered in their countries, and that is the only place that they can apply for asylum from ,and of course they will have to stay there whilst they await the outcome of their application, those unsuccessful should then be deported/repatriated no if’s and buts, it gets done this way or not at all,

The all are welcome approach isn’t ever going to solve this problem, only encourage more to run to Europe, the longer they are able to go where they choose without issues the longer this will go on, As for the uk taking more, NO!!! Murtle the turtle, giving the uk orders ■■? Cheeky beeyatch , we aren’t ruled by Germany fortunately We should not take more we have enough,in fact too many here already, Well If scamercon caves in to the bleeding hearts , he will not like the result of the forthcoming referendum ,



The Commandant at Auschwitz Rudolf Hoess on trial for his life did not deny it to defend himself, the guards did not deny it, why not if it didn’t happen.

Or for that matter there wasn’t much point in all those SS guards massacred by the US army after the liberation of Dachau trying to say it didn’t happen,before they got a .45 bullet put in their head. :bulb: :wink:

How could they deny it anyway, the presence of piled up bodies in the camp, and the railway trucks with bodies that had been left to starve kind of refuted it, but maybe Bking will have an explanation for this, mass suicide maybe. :unamused:

Bking’s version of history Hitler declared neutrality and WW2 was just mass hysteria leading to mass suicide on the part of everyone else. :open_mouth: :unamused:

Although it’s no surprise that in the real world the Socialists under Stalin and Hitler were all in it together until one lot turned on the other.Which leads to the question why would the supposed ‘liberators’ of the East European death camps have then tried to help the Arabs to wipe the Jewish state off the map ?.

On that note ‘if’ there was any conspiracy it ‘would’ logically have been along the lines of Soviet complicity not ■■■■ innocence.In which case was the Wansee conference just a cover story for something that had actually been put into place much earlier previously and which might explain the location so far east of Treblinka for example.Bearing in mind the extra logistics headache which would have been caused by the extra distance.Followed by Churchill’s obvious wish not to upset our new found Soviet ‘allies’ when they’d changed sides and the obvious need to avoid upsetting Russia during the post war period.

What is certain is the link between Socialism in all it’s forms and anti Semitism.It’s my guess that the present Islamic infiltration of Europe is all part of that ongoing plan. :bulb: … der_Stalin

tommy t:
I’m getting really pished off with all this pro migration bs on the bbc and channel 4 , If i was scamercon i would tell them all to fork off with their bleeding heart bs, unless of course they are offering to house feed clothe,and pay for education and health care that they need for as long as they stay here for, because we are skint hence all the cuts made, now what part of that do these tossers not understand?

We have our own homeless people sleeping on the streets and the impoverished so even working that need food banks to survive , then there’s all those who where found fit for work who have died soon after that decision , thousands of people, and the bias bleeding heart pro migration BBC didn’t think that our own people are more important, and they seriously think that they are worth a licence fee? also i can’t hear the bleeding hearts brigade protesting about what government has done to it’s own people.It’s enough to turn anyone racist,

Greece and italy should make sure that all those that they rescue are registered in their countries, and that is the only place that they can apply for asylum from ,and of course they will have to stay there whilst they await the outcome of their application, those unsuccessful should then be deported/repatriated no if’s and buts, it gets done this way or not at all,

The all are welcome approach isn’t ever going to solve this problem, only encourage more to run to Europe, the longer they are able to go where they choose without issues the longer this will go on, As for the uk taking more, NO!!! Murtle the turtle, giving the uk orders ■■? Cheeky beeyatch , we aren’t ruled by Germany fortunately We should not take more we have enough,in fact too many here already, Well If scamercon caves in to the bleeding hearts , he will not like the result of the forthcoming referendum ,

Hopefully the whole argument will turn into a Farage and Le Pen v Merkel and Cameron fight.It seems obvious that Hollande has already bottled out so they can forget about any help from that Socialist zb.As for Eastern Europe it looks like the Hungarians have so far come to the aid of their Austrian and Southern German anti Merkel faction allies.But all the signs are that we’ll be rail roaded into what looks like a Socialist plan to open the flood gates that has probably already succeeded. :open_mouth: In which case Cameron has already caved in,assuming he ever opposed it.By obviously going along with an obvious socialist propaganda change in status of the issue,from one of illegal immigration,to one of a so called ‘refugee’ issue.While the concerted campaign,against any opposition to the pro immigration agenda,has the grubby paw prints of socialist infiltration of both government and media all over it.Including the idea of calling themselves ‘liberals’ instead of what the zb’s really are being zb Socialists. :unamused: … tion-drive

As usual the vast majority are missing the point…

You’ve been brainwashed by the media to blame the players and not the tossers that invented the game and made the rules.

Why do they all travel through “safe” countries and risk deportation to try and cross the channel to the UK? Simple, because the government and the EU want them in the UK, that’s why the vile wife of traitor Blair pushed through the Human Rights Act and why they all want to be in the UK, they get a better deal than they get elsewhere. This is why they live in squalid camps in France, the French give them SFA, so do the other European countries. Of course that doesn’t apply to all asylum seekers, families are looked after in most countries, but the single blokes don’t qualify, so they go to the place where they will get a better life, the UK.

As usual the vast majority are missing the point…

You’ve been brainwashed by the media to blame the players and not the tossers that invented the game and made the rules.

Why do they all travel through “safe” countries and risk deportation to try and cross the channel to the UK? Simple, because the government and the EU want them in the UK, that’s why the vile wife of traitor Blair pushed through the Human Rights Act and why they all want to be in the UK, they get a better deal than they get elsewhere. This is why they live in squalid camps in France, the French give them SFA, so do the other European countries. Of course that doesn’t apply to all asylum seekers, families are looked after in most countries, but the single blokes don’t qualify, so they go to the place where they will get a better life, the UK.

The game has moved on from that point.Hollande can’t give them much even though,just like Blair and Cameron,he wants them here.The reason being that the more he is seen to support the policy the more ammunition that gives to Le Pen and the FN.While the Elephant in the room here now is Merkel.With Cameron in a lesser type of catch 22 v UKIP than Hollande is v the FN.This is now turning into the long over due real Socialist v anti Socialist fight that Europe needs to sort the issue.With Eastern Europe ironically being in an anti immigration alliance with the French in that regard.Which just leaves what happens here regards Cameron v Farage in the coming Euro referendum to tip the balance either way. :bulb:

Meanwhile in Birmingham… I just couldn’t believe the amount of gullible white idiots approaching them…

The mass ■■■■■■ of white children across the country in over 40 towns and cities still couldn’t deter them…

Seriously Geoffrey!

How many times has the political party in “charge” changed in the past? Has any of them made any significant changes for the better? It’s the same thing no matter who is sat at the top table.

They spend most of their time bickering with each other on Parliament while marching to the drums of their paymasters.

If you honestly believe that voting for any of the candidates in any future election will make a significant change then you’re seriously deluded.

If voting made any difference they wouldn’t allow it…

thoughts and opinions on a postcard :sunglasses:

Seriously Geoffrey!

How many times has the political party in “charge” changed in the past? Has any of them made any significant changes for the better? It’s the same thing no matter who is sat at the top table.

They spend most of their time bickering with each other on Parliament while marching to the drums of their paymasters.

If you honestly believe that voting for any of the candidates in any future election will make a significant change then you’re seriously deluded.

If voting made any difference they wouldn’t allow it…

You’ve said it yourself.The French give them zb all,unlike here and increasingly in Germany.It seems obvious that Hollande is tied in that regard being that ideologically,just like Merkel,he’d like to let them all in and give them everything.IE in this case I think we can trust Farage,Le Pen and numerous east euro leaders to mean and do what they say on the tin and it’s only that fact that is stopping Cameron and Hollande from saying to Merkel we’ll take them all.While it seems equally obvious that we’ve got an increasingly entrenched massive divide amongst our own concerning the bleeding heart let them all in agenda v the we’ve had enough the boat is full.Which,as I said in this case is personified between Hollande,Cameron and Merkel and all their raving pro immigration supporters v Farage,Le Pen and the general feeling in east euroland.Hopefully the latter will win out.


thoughts and opinions on a postcard :sunglasses:

Socialism in action.It might as well have said let them all in to live here thereby making us foreigners in our own country.Although Socialists don’t recognise anything as inconvenient as the idea of the nation state.


thoughts and opinions on a postcard :sunglasses:

We are officially dying as a country by cultural marxism.

My thoughts are criminal damage to the bus shelter, And what is written is factually incorrect bleeding heart bs, has humans are responsible for their own actions ,and they should respect the laws of the country they are in, Those who break into lorries and stow away in order to enter this country have done so illegally therefore are illegal immigrants not migrants
There needs to be some enforcing of the existing laws, ie the 1st safe EU country is the only place that they are able to claim asylum , not the rest of the EU, Then Italy / Greece may have a re think, and it think if that old hag turtle continues with her all are welcome , the german people will kick off in a big way , many are already pished about asylum seekers living amongst them , maybe when the people of one of the countries go postal and riot and start beating their unwanted guests the clowns in office will start to listen to what the people want, instead of having these immigrants foistered amongst them , because they think multiculturalism is a good thing, when underneath the media hype, the hatred is bubbling away.

I don’t normally bother with threads like this as it’s usually the same old arguments, but for some reason I read this lot and a couple of bits made me smile.
One person saying we need Richard 1, I assume because he attacked the Islamic people, actually he killed almost as many Christians!
Richard was probably the second worst king this country has had. He was a Frenchman who hated England and the English and only used the country to pay for his misguided crusade. His mother then bled the country dry to pay for his ransom when the idiot got captured by a kraut.
Then another person slagging off Churchill an Englishman who loved his country, fought for it and saved it. You may not have liked some of the ways he did it( I’m sure he didn’t either) but it was a means to a successful end.

Another slightly different thought. About a month ago I read Enoch Powell’s "Rivers of blood " speech and couldn’t help wondering if it wasn’t more applicable now than it was then.

PS to deny the holocaust I think is showing signs of some sort of insanity!

The title of this thread is wrong it should be Invaders

I don’t normally bother with threads like this as it’s usually the same old arguments, but for some reason I read this lot and a couple of bits made me smile.
One person saying we need Richard 1, I assume because he attacked the Islamic people, actually he killed almost as many Christians!
Richard was probably the second worst king this country has had. He was a Frenchman who hated England and the English and only used the country to pay for his misguided crusade. His mother then bled the country dry to pay for his ransom when the idiot got captured by a kraut.
Then another person slagging off Churchill an Englishman who loved his country, fought for it and saved it. You may not have liked some of the ways he did it( I’m sure he didn’t either) but it was a means to a successful end.

Another slightly different thought. About a month ago I read Enoch Powell’s "Rivers of blood " speech and couldn’t help wondering if it wasn’t more applicable now than it was then.

PS to deny the holocaust I think is showing signs of some sort of insanity!

This country was ruled by an invading alien French dynasty from 1066.The big question being why didn’t it rise up to re instate its Anglo Saxon administration when William the Conqueror died.

As for Churchill he actually made his name in what was really just a predictable inevitable continuation of the unjustified war which he and France kicked off against Germany in 1914.Loving the country and saving it would have been at least declaring it neutral in 1914.As opposed to kicking off two wars which the country would never recover from in an economic sense let alone the cost in lives.

As for the holocaust that was the unfortunate inevitable price which was always going to happen at some point in being the catalyst that re created the Jewish state.Which contrasts with the dysfunctional,murderous,societal mess which characterises the rest of the Middle East.A mess which the bleeding heart do gooders seem only too keen to bring to these shores.

tommy t:
they think multiculturalism is a good thing, when underneath the media hype, the hatred is bubbling away.

Which is more or less an exact description of what happened in the former Yugoslavia.

Back in the 21st century this is what people are up to.
It’s had over 18,000 signatures in the last hour & it’s well over the number required to have it considered for a parliamentary debate. Looks like some on here are going to be disappointed, again.