

You got to hand it to the government and the loony left. They drive down wages with immigration to the point where you can make more money sat on benefits. Then they blame us for not working and hail immigrants who will work for peanuts as our saviour. Good tactics really.

And all those White girls raped by asians. Just a coincidence. Nothing racial about that at all :unamused:

You folks don’t want a huge continuous torrent of immigrants?

Pure racism. I mean… they just want to integrate and drink tea. [emoji57]

And Merkel wants to let in as many as the Brits will take. :unamused: :imp:

Meanwhile welcome to multicultural Germany.Hope they like the beer,schnapps and Pork sausages. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

I normally try to stay away from these type of discussions, as they invariably end up a tad depressing.

I try to imagine what I would do to look after my family and friends. The answer is ’ Whatever it takes '. We are fortunate in who we are. Each of us had no choice in who we are or where we were born. The UK is not a large Country however, and it has already been mentioned on this thread that the Asian’s are breeding us out. We have enough problems of our own in this regard, without the added pressure of immigrants.

Our land cannot grow, yet our population will. I do not know what the breaking point will be, or in how many years, but it seems inevitable to me that conflict is inevitable. Most human beings are very selfish, and across the world we keep breeding, even though in lots of Countries, a decent standard of life is not on the cards for offspring.

Countries with a decent standard of living will be very highly sought after in a couple of decades. It seems obvious that the UK will become a glorified ghetto in the future. How many of us here will be looking to get out of the UK?

I normally try to stay away from these type of discussions, as they invariably end up a tad depressing.

I try to imagine what I would do to look after my family and friends. The answer is ’ Whatever it takes '. We are fortunate in who we are. Each of us had no choice in who we are or where we were born. The UK is not a large Country however, and it has already been mentioned on this thread that the Asian’s are breeding us out. We have enough problems of our own in this regard, without the added pressure of immigrants.

Our land cannot grow, yet our population will. I do not know what the breaking point will be, or in how many years, but it seems inevitable to me that conflict is inevitable. Most human beings are very selfish, and across the world we keep breeding, even though in lots of Countries, a decent standard of life is not on the cards for offspring.

Countries with a decent standard of living will be very highly sought after in a couple of decades. It seems obvious that the UK will become a glorified ghetto in the future. How many of us here will be looking to get out of the UK?

This is right on the money, our birthrates are not even at replacement rate yet the Muslim demographic doubles every 10 years.

Which means at least half of the school children in this country will be Muslim by 2030 - if that’s not cause for concern I don’t know what is.


You folks don’t want a huge continuous torrent of immigrants?

Pure racism. I mean… they just want to integrate and drink tea. [emoji57]

And Merkel wants to let in as many as the Brits will take. :unamused: :imp:

Meanwhile welcome to multicultural Germany.Hope they like the beer,schnapps and Pork sausages. :smiling_imp: [emoji38]

And so does Cameron by the looks of it, you just couldn’t make this stuff up [emoji38]




You folks don’t want a huge continuous torrent of immigrants?

Pure racism. I mean… they just want to integrate and drink tea. [emoji57]

And Merkel wants to let in as many as the Brits will take. :unamused: :imp:

Meanwhile welcome to multicultural Germany.Hope they like the beer,schnapps and Pork sausages. :smiling_imp: [emoji38]

And so does Cameron by the looks of it, you just couldn’t make this stuff up [emoji38]

The LabLibdemCon alliance in action and still the sheep voted for it instead of Farage. :open_mouth: :frowning:

Hopefully we’ll get a Le Pen v Merkel cat fight that should be good. :smiling_imp: :smiley:




You folks don’t want a huge continuous torrent of immigrants?

Pure racism. I mean… they just want to integrate and drink tea. [emoji57]

And Merkel wants to let in as many as the Brits will take. :unamused: :imp:

Meanwhile welcome to multicultural Germany.Hope they like the beer,schnapps and Pork sausages. :smiling_imp: [emoji38]

And so does Cameron by the looks of it, you just couldn’t make this stuff up [emoji38]

The LabLibdemCon alliance in action and still the sheep voted for it instead of Farage. :open_mouth: :frowning:

Hopefully we’ll get a Le Pen v Merkel cat fight that should be good. :smiling_imp: :smiley:

I know, it’s depressing isn’t it, Farage could’ve actually made a positive difference. I just can’t under how people make the same mistake time in, time out.

Yes, le pen is a breath of fresh air, hopefully her popularity will soar, for Frances sake… they’re in a bigger mess than us [emoji20]

We the people as a collective can send a very clear message to government that we don’t want to become more Muslim and we are not going to do that, and why TF should we?
And if this bleeding heart bs don’t stop along with the swarms that are invading our shores , basically we the people have had enough already,

If government don’t listen and take heed, there will be big troubles ahead, I listened to a load of bs on CH4 earlier on with the wannabe labour leaders, none are remotely anti migration , none are desperate to see B-lair on trial for war crimes , all talk a load of the same old BS , it’s we should do this or that, councils across the country could home 10 illegals each, not a thought of what we the people/tax payers want, no consultation with the people, we are only remotely important at election time when they want us to vote them in,
That latter bit is the same across all political parties as none of them give a s*it about us , that sadly is the main reason we ended up with the tory crap for yet another 5yrs, because the masses didn’t vote, as they felt that there wasn’t anything worth the effort of voting, as none would have changed things for the better

I agree Tommy. There will be a right-wing backlash. When will people wake up to this insidious, islamic invasion? I know I am not alone when I say I would rather die than submit to some smelly r*gheads mistaken religious nonsense.

I agree Tommy. There will be a right-wing backlash. When will people wake up to this insidious, islamic invasion? I know I am not alone when I say I would rather die than submit to some smelly [zb] mistaken religious nonsense.

The problem is that the right wing backlash will probably happen when it’s too late. It can’t come soon enough,and it needs to be robust.

The people I’ve talked to are extremely naive to the threat we’re facing over the next decade or two.

And something else to consider… even if we completely halted immigration - we still are in deep sh#t, the damage looks beyond repair, the religion of peace has layed its foundations.

It is just a matter of time now before the country descends into chaos. Our security services cannot hold them back forever. With an exploding population (No pun intended [emoji38] ) they won’t be able to catch 'em all.


I agree Tommy. There will be a right-wing backlash. When will people wake up to this insidious, islamic invasion? I know I am not alone when I say I would rather die than submit to some smelly [zb] mistaken religious nonsense.

The problem is that the right wing backlash will probably happen when it’s too late. It can’t come soon enough,and it needs to be robust.

The people I’ve talked to are extremely naive to the threat we’re facing over the next decade or two.

And something else to consider… even if we completely halted immigration - we still are in deep sh#t, the damage looks beyond repair, the religion of peace has layed its foundations.

It is just a matter of time now before the country descends into chaos. Our security services cannot hold them back forever. With an exploding population (No pun intended [emoji38] ) they won’t be able to catch 'em all.

The key will be the idea of realising that an anti immigration nationalist stance is in fact a centre position.While the descriptions of so called left v so called right have long been an irrelevance being that Fascism is just another type of Socialism.While the cheap labour agenda of the so called centre right is no different to the Socialist ideology in terms of its ideas regarding removal of the idea of the nation state for its own ends.

On that note the socialist cheap labour alliance has now obviously arbitrarily changed the status of the economic and/or Islamic takeover immigrants to firstly ‘migrants’ and now ‘refugees’ to spin the issue in favour of letting them all in.

Holocaust denial on trucknet?!

I work with a lot of Germans. They certainly believe it happened. The national guilt is so strong when talking about WW2 they struggle saying the word ■■■■ or SS when WW2 comes up in discussion. They actually wince a bit when talking about it as if they did it themselves as individuals. Had some really interesting conversations with them. One guy told me no jokes are made whatsoever about it as in Germany it’s as if it happened only a few years ago. I think if you were to mention your “it didn’t happen” rubbish to even Germans they would be horrified.

I dont usually get drawn into these debates, being half english, half german I usually confuse myself anyway.


Bking - especially for you…back in my previous life as a joiner, I did some shuttering work on the lakeside banks right next to the imposing mansion which “hosted” the ■■■■ elite’s Wansee conference. On one of the large brick pillars supporting the huge twin wrought iron gates was (is) a sizeable brass plaque, declaring that this was the venue where the “final solution” details were agreed upon. Would you conclude from this that it’s all an elaborate hoax perpetrated by the German government? You absolute ■■■■.

I also visited the sachsenhausen camp, where I saw execution trenches, ovens, and photos of crates of hair, spectacles, children’s shoes and other sickening images of the horrors carried out there. You are utterly discredited as a person who’s words carry any value at all.

Pics from my trip to Belsen…

Maybe these 1000 poor souls died of natural causes?

Reckon old Burgerking should stick to his grease monkeying activities, I’ve always had him down as a wind up merchant bordering on a bit of a ■■■■. He has definitely surpassed himself on this thread.
I’ve seen the evidence at Auschwitz, the rooms full of hair, shoes, clothes and suitcases, and all the rest of it.
The Commandant at Auschwitz Rudolf Hoess on trial for his life did not deny it to defend himself, the guards did not deny it, why not if it didn’t happen. And what about the survivors, those that worked in the crematoria for instance, was it all a conspiracy?
Bking mate you are an absolute disgrace with your bizzare views.

However the biased cheap labour and socialist alliance pro immigration agenda like that being pushed by the BBC amongst others,that takes advantage of the holocaust,is even worse than bking’s ideas.The inconvenient truth being that the issues which created the holocaust were solved by nationalism and the idea of the nation state.Not the type of pro immigration bs that the Socialists and their pro immigration media are trying to lumber us all with.The latest piece of biased BBC propaganda being the idea that the majority of the country wants Cameron to let them all in.With Cameron pretending that he doesn’t agree but having given himself away by going for the change in status from illegal immigrants to now so called ‘refugees’. :unamused:

The Commandant at Auschwitz Rudolf Hoess on trial for his life did not deny it to defend himself, the guards did not deny it, why not if it didn’t happen.

Or for that matter there wasn’t much point in all those SS guards massacred by the US army after the liberation of Dachau trying to say it didn’t happen,before they got a .45 bullet put in their head. :bulb: :wink: