
Another thing that doesnt quite “fit” with the “holocaust”

So are you saying that all the records concerning the existence and actions of the Einsatzgruppen and the Wansee conference were all faked.Not to mention the fact that no where in Eichmann’s own defence at his trial did he say that it never happened.His defence was all about following orders. :unamused:

Thought this discussion was about immigration and yet its been side tracked with comments about ■■■■’s, denying the Holocaust… the final solution…what ever next

b king,if you feel so strongly about it give the ones who make it here your place,you can give them money and food, also I suggest you grow some balls and say the rubbish you are saying to a group of servicemen who have served,my guess is you wont have the bottle

tommy t:

Terry T:

Just one question .
How is it that when the "british " go to live in Spain,Cyprus,Portugal etc etc etc they are never immigrants they somehow become “expats”

Sure as hell sound like immigrants to me.

More british hypocrisy.

They’re definitely immigrants. It’s just that they don’t turn up in the backs of trucks after having threatened the drivers with knives and iron bars. They tend to take their own money with them too. After all, you don’t leave a country like England if you’re a sponger.

And most brits who move to spain tend to have sufficient funds to live & buy their home/set up a business out there so are helping the local economy by spending their money over in that country
Unlike those who enter this country illegally often committing criminal act’s in the process, they are never charged by the police for the damage caused . and most arrive here without a pot to pish in and are unskilled so just how can they possibly be of any benefit to the uk



tommy t:

Terry T:

Just one question .
How is it that when the "british " go to live in Spain,Cyprus,Portugal etc etc etc they are never immigrants they somehow become “expats”

Sure as hell sound like immigrants to me.

More british hypocrisy.

They’re definitely immigrants. It’s just that they don’t turn up in the backs of trucks after having threatened the drivers with knives and iron bars. They tend to take their own money with them too. After all, you don’t leave a country like England if you’re a sponger.

And most brits who move to spain tend to have sufficient funds to live & buy their home/set up a business out there so are helping the local economy by spending their money over in that country
Unlike those who enter this country illegally often committing criminal act’s in the process, they are never charged by the police for the damage caused . and most arrive here without a pot to pish in and are unskilled so just how can they possibly be of any benefit to the uk


  • 2

Thought this discussion was about immigration and yet its been side tracked with comments about ■■■■’s, denying the Holocaust… the final solution…what ever next

Terry T:

Thought this discussion was about immigration and yet its been side tracked with comments about ■■■■’s, denying the Holocaust… the final solution…what ever next

Actually Bking shows the true colours of the Socialist mindset.IE selectively applied reverse racism as and when it suits it.

As opposed to the idea of the nation state which was the ( correct ) solution to the Jewish question.On that note ironically I don’t think that the Israeli electorate will be calling for open door acceptance of the ‘migrants’ in question.Probably because they can’t be blackmailed with the bs racist card by anti semitic Socialist hypocrites.While ‘if’ the immigrants are supposedly so good then do what the Israelis did in fighting and working to make their own countries a place worth living in.Instead of running away from their problems and expecting others to look after them.

so what are theses people going to bring into British society …wait for it sweet fanny foook all…av a look online the cost of immigration since 1997…think it says 120 billion ££££££ …it’s just take take take …


Never ceases to amaze me how “we” can bleat about “terrorism” on our streets(less than a hundred have died in terrorist attacks in the past ten years)when we watch thousands of innocent men ,women and children blown to pieces,starved,displaced and made homeless every year because of our own governments foreign policy.We have the audacity to have thousands of troops in soveriegn states and yet still lecture these countries about “democracy”

I can bleat about it because I dont want blown to bits by some coward who hides a bomb under their shirt or in a bag and goes into a shopping centre and detonates it. Theres a HUGE difference from that and the “foreign policy” you love to quote all the time. Any bombings by nato or whoever are done after recon has been done and all reasonable attempts made to ensure no civillian casualties happen. Plus any inhabitants of said countries know the forces are there and they are easily identifiable. They arent hiding with the sole intention of killing as many innocent people as possible.
What part of that is it that confuses you?

An instance,Libya was the richest most advanced state on the African continent,a higher literacy rate than the UK,more women MPs than anywhere on the planet,one of the best health and welfare systems in the world.Yet we,the “civilised” west destroyed it,not for the people of Libya,not even for the oil,just because Gaddafi would not allow his country to be controlled by the IMF and the world bank.He refused to allow banks to charge interest on loans(usery).The west bombed it into oblivion,back to the stone age because “banks” could not let the idea of debt free money take hold and spread.

Do you have proof? Something other than “its obvious”?

So when we see these people crossing the Med in paper bloody boats and standing with nothing in Calais maybe we should look to our “leaders” and ask why they have done this abomination to ordinary working people who posed no threat to you and me,but now have nothing,not even a home for their family or a country to call home.
Time we had a good hard look at ourselves and see that we are,like the Libyans,Afghans,Iraqis,just bloody pawns in a rich mans game of chess.

Oh save me the bleeding heart. Tell me this (although you probably wont since your kind are suspicially quiet or evasive when asked) but how many families do you see sneeking into lorries at calais? Not many. Why is it ALWAYS poor homeless families you go on about but never talk about the many thousands of people who just want to break into the country of land and honey eg all the young twenty something males? Why are you so obsessed with the “ordinary working people” of these countries, yet predictably quiet regarding the terrorists these countries produce? Why is our forces going into these countries always a conspiracy about oil or banks or whatever but never about actually protecting our own country?

Tell me this,how do you know we bomb their country? They destroy their papers and ID so we dont know where they are from. There not ALL fleeing bombing. A convenient fact you lefties seem to conveniently ignore.

Still trotting out the usual “we bomb them so we are responsible for them” while conventiently ignoring the fact we have no idea where they came from I see. Even if I did agree with you (which I dont) have a read at the above quote and I think id like you to answer why we should accept anyone without any papers or id and why they should be allowed to come here without doing it properly ie legally.

Plus the irony of still having the freedom to continue posting your insults not lost on you I see

No you dont want to see some “coward” with a bomb under his vest you want to see some ■■■■■ “hero” in a tank or a helicopter “fighting” some “rag head” in his home town with a 10 round Kalashnikov.Then they come home and get a medal stuck on their chest.And the real irony is they still kick your ■■■ every time.
Because they ,right or wrong, fight for what they believe in.
And they dont invade my country.


So when Hitler asked the USA,UK and the rest of the world to take the jews what was the reply?
No thankyou.

Another thing that doesnt quite “fit” with the “holocaust” is a report from the international red cross who had representation at all the “death” camps.There was no mention of gas chambers,mass executions or torture.Access was allowed to all camps including Auschwitz 1 and 2 That was until the red army “liberated” these camps in Poland.Then all red cross access and food parcels were denied.The Germans asked for International observers to view the mass graves of 20,000 Polish soldiers at Katyn forest in Poland.The Russian blamed this on the SS for 50 years then with the collapse of the Soviet Union it “emerged” it was the Russian army that carried out this atrocity.Up until 1980 there were “gas” chambers at Dachau then all of a sudden Dachau had no gas chambers according to “official” sources.

I suggest you go to Auschwitz and see for yourself eg the “execution” wall,Not a bullet hole,or the “crematoria” with no connection to the chimney(built in 1947 by the Russians).
Even better Schindlers “factory” in Krackow,Based on a work of fiction written by an Australian,Thomas Keneally in 1982 yet somehow they have created this “factory” and it is now a “real” part of history.

You are something else pal. I always had you down as a spinich tea drinking, not in my name, ban the bomb clown. An idiot, but generally harmless. But you’ve actually descended into downright loonacy and views like this make you a complete and utter ■■■ and someone who is your typical internet wierdo who spouts all sorts of nonsense because he has an audience
What kind of [zb] denies the holocaust happened?
Words cant describe what you are.
As a by the by, is anyone running a book on how long it takes him to come back on a proclaim “I only posted what I did as an experiment and I dont actually mean it”?

And you ever been to the “death” camps
Doubt it. Another “swallower”
You are the ■■■ because you swallow this crap without a shred of evidence.
Go and look and try to make the “holocaust” facts fit.
Dachau was a “death” camp with gas chambers,lamp shades, book covers even soap made out of jews.
All of it is proven ■■■■■■■■.
Yet all this was “witnessed” by “reliable sources”.
So were they “mistaken” or liars

I personally would suggest you study the “real history”< Auschwitz happened, fact, my father was one of the missing persons unit that “visited” all of the death camps at the end of the war, he spent 3 years going around all of them!!!
I was/am the only person he ever told about it, not good knowledge to live with, any of it!!!
I could tell you about things that would give you nightmares but I doubt you’d accept them as fact!!

I have to wonder about your origins/religious beliefs for you to be one of the Holocaust deniers.

IT HAPPENED, people like you make me sick.

So your father was Russian.
If not do not waste my time.


I personally would suggest you study the “real history”< Auschwitz happened, fact, my father was one of the missing persons unit that “visited” all of the death camps at the end of the war, he spent 3 years going around all of them!!!
I was/am the only person he ever told about it, not good knowledge to live with, any of it!!!
I could tell you about things that would give you nightmares but I doubt you’d accept them as fact!!

I have to wonder about your origins/religious beliefs for you to be one of the Holocaust deniers.

IT HAPPENED, people like you make me sick.

So your father was Russian.
If not do not waste my time.

No answer to the question as to Eichmann’s defence of following orders not it didn’t happen.As for beliefs I’ll put you down as just another selective reverse racist Socialist of the type who armed the Arabs to the teeth with the intention of driving the Israelis into the sea and luckily failing.


I personally would suggest you study the “real history”< Auschwitz happened, fact, my father was one of the missing persons unit that “visited” all of the death camps at the end of the war, he spent 3 years going around all of them!!!
I was/am the only person he ever told about it, not good knowledge to live with, any of it!!!
I could tell you about things that would give you nightmares but I doubt you’d accept them as fact!!

I have to wonder about your origins/religious beliefs for you to be one of the Holocaust deniers.

IT HAPPENED, people like you make me sick.

So your father was Russian.
If not do not waste my time.

No he wasn’t russian, and why pray tell do you consider that anything else is wasting your time?

Have YOU been to any of the death camps??

Try checking out these links :-

No doubt in your deluded little world you’ll be able to right them off as rubbish, but in my bit of reality I would rather believe the truth from someone who was there or visited them.

Back to the original subject matter, have you been to Calais? A lot of us on here have, we drive thro’ there regularly, have no choice, the goods have still got to be shifted.
See the clandestines there aren’t starving, living in rags, vast majority are young (fighting age) men wearing decent clothes and look well fed. Why can’t they, as others have said, fight for there freedom in their own country.

That question you have failed to answer, why not■■?

No you dont want to see some “coward” with a bomb under his vest you want to see some [zb] “hero” in a tank or a helicopter “fighting” some “[zb]” in his home town with a 10 round Kalashnikov.Then they come home and get a medal stuck on their chest.And the real irony is they still kick your ■■■ every time.

Conveniently ignoring the fact that the “coward with the bomb under his vest” is intent on killing as many innocents as possible and does it by not letting anyone know hes going to do it thus giving no one near him a chance. And the “heroes in a tank” only shoot at those who shoot at them and are in plain sight and can be seen coming thus giving the enemy a chance to either run or get prepared to fight them.
Like all ban the bomb nuts you ignore facts like this to suit your agenda. You seem to think that its possible for the whole world to hold hands and sing kom-ba-ya round a campfire.

Because they ,right or wrong, fight for what they believe in.

And our armed forces fight for what they believe him. The freedom of the United Kingdom. And they do it with people like you insulting them every day. It always amazes me that people like you will insult and berate the UK armed forces for every bullet fired or bomb dropped yet you’ll always stick up for ,and defend, the people shooting, firing missiles, at them

And they dont invade my country.

and what country is that because I do wonder about you sometimes.
You’re unbelievable. Using the freedom that is afforded you by the men and women of the military to insult them, call them names and defend the enemy. The irony and hypocrisy that spews from your every post is breathtaking.

the clandestines there aren’t starving, living in rags, vast majority are young (fighting age) men wearing decent clothes and look well fed. Why can’t they, as others have said, fight for there freedom in their own country.

That question you have failed to answer, why not■■?

Probably because it is the inconvenient question that can only logically answer as invasion not refuge.As for zb Merkel the evidence suggests collusion based on support of the same Socialist cause that armed the Arabs to the teeth with the intent of wiping out Israel.On that note she is as big a danger to the security of Europe as zb Hitler was.

The irony and hypocrisy that spews from your every post is breathtaking.

The fact is irony and hypocrisy is always inextricably linked with Socialism.

And you ever been to the “death” camps

Have you?

Doubt it. Another “swallower”
You are the ■■■ because you swallow this crap without a shred of evidence.

No evidence? Are you ACTUALLY posting this crap or am I in some kind of dream?

Go and look and try to make the “holocaust” facts fit. … _camps.asp … tfacts.htm … ion-camps/
Will that do for starters? Cause I can find THOUSANDS of websites about the holocaust but not anything saying it didnt happen and history has been twisted. Many MANY cleverer and more credible people than you talk about the holocaust and what happened. Yet you seem to think its all made up? Thats taking the “grassy knoll” style of conspiracy theory to a whole other level

Dachau was a “death” camp with gas chambers,lamp shades, book covers even soap made out of jews.
All of it is proven [zb].
Was still a concentration camp pal
Im in total disbelief that you are actually denying the holocaust happened. Your borderline dangerous with this crap
Germany has a law making it illegal to deny the holocaust. If THEY can admit it then Ill believe them before some ■■■ on a forum who has continually failed (despite being asked numerous times) to provide facts rather than just spewing any old garbage.
But like all conspiracy theory nuts, you twist the facts to suit your agenda.

Go and look and try to make the “holocaust” facts fit.

I suggest b king read a book [true story]called spectator in hell by colin Rushton then say it never happened, its all about a british soldier who was imprisoned in Auschwitz as a POW and the horrors he witnessed

You folks don’t want a huge continuous torrent of immigrants?

Pure racism. I mean… they just want to integrate and drink tea. [emoji57]




