
Terry T:
To those who say open the borders and let them all in, where do you draw the line ?

This is a small and already vastly over populated country. How many should we let in before we say enough is enough. No matter where you decide to draw the line, congratulations, you’re now a racist just like the rest of us :unamused:

Just trying to live in peace, what a [zb] joke that is. These people have travelled through numerous safe countries and have now set up a squalid camp in Calais. Then they threaten truckers with iron bars and knives. If all they really wanted was safety they already have it. France is one of the richest and safest places in the world. These people are parasitic scum and I could sort the Calais crisis out with one word.


+1 you only have to see his other TN thread

BBC Traffic Cops 20/08/15 - THE UK PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS FORUM (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK Apparently I’m a kipper, read the daily fail and am a snide and i support the EDL , :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Arrr well i can’t be everything a suppose, Oh and as someone who has driven in euro land for several yearsi have seen what i said first hand, not only on the news, and have found illegals in my trl and guess what they all where young males of fighting age ie between 18-35yrs old,( had i been edl ect i would of sprayed them with the old capsicum(pepper) & then given them all a kicking , :laughing: I have a mate who wouldn’t of hesitated in doing that or worse( wearing a brass)aka knuckle duster , A gassing & a brassing he would to call it , )
Of course none of those accusations are true, I’m just me i don’t need the likes of the EDL ect ect, And as an Englishman I’m entitled to express my opinion , Free speech , one of my human rights isn’t that what ww1&2 where fought for? Or was that based on lies from politicians also, watching some of the based of fact films , i wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy what our forefathers had to do (basically commit suicide) when ordered to go “over the top” the Somme and many others , i bet if they could of seen in to the future they would of shot themselves
I was just trying to be realistic by facing some truths, Especially if this country is as skint as our rich politicians keep on telling us each time they make another cut that affects those who are vulnerable and poor ect
We cannot afford to home ,feed, clothe them and educate their offspring as well as provide health care free at the point of use for them, If we withdrew all that would they still come here and stay here? i think that they wouldn’t stay here for long, once the penny dropped that they had been sold a lie, because it would become no different for them to living in France Italy .Spain Germany or anywhere else in Europe remove all incentives to make a beeline for the UK, and that frog who is on the bbc who thinks that the uk should except more asylum seekers is saying that because he doesn’t want them in calais, in which case maybe he should be deporting them to back to Italy

We need to get our priorities straight as a country , put our own people and their needs first, otherwise we will end up with a full scale civil war here in the uk, after all there is only so much the people will take,

Just one question .
How is it that when the "british " go to live in Spain,Cyprus,Portugal etc etc etc they are never immigrants they somehow become “expats”

Sure as hell sound like immigrants to me.

More british hypocrisy.


No your not. You meet the most stupid,racist,hypocrits in the world in these “emerald Isles”

These SOBs will watch a country devastated and blame the ordinary folk for “terrorist attacks”

These people ,just like you and me are trying to feed their families and live in peace.
Yet their country is bombed by some bloody coward in an airoplane from 5 miles up and calls himself a “hero”
Or some moron in a tank thinks its “right” to obliterate a familly of 7 one of which is a 30 year old woman and the rest are under 15.

Cowards because they have not got the guts to say no .I am not going to kill innocent people
Grow some balls and tell the [zb]s to go and do their own murder.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…Oh sorry,I must have nodded off reading the usual left wing tripe that gets trotted out whenever anyone dares to say that maybe they dont want mass numbers of immigrants to come into their country without going through the proper,legal proccess… No matter how reasonable the argument against it is,it always ends in the same old BS. “We bomb the country so we need to take them in”. My only surprise is you havnt used the word “racist” yet
Tell me this,how do you know we bomb their country? They destroy their papers and ID so we dont know where they are from. There not ALL fleeing bombing. A convenient fact you lefties seem to conveniently ignore.
And in your rush to open the borders,are you so naive as to believe that no terrorists are clever enough to think that claiming asylum and sneaking into Britain is the best way to get here undetected? Knowing the names of suspected or known terrorists isnt a whole lot of good if we are suddenly expected to open the borders to everyone with no ID and trust in their good will that they are genuine or mean us no harm.
Whether you left wing “not in my name” clowns like to admit it or not,there are people out there who will think NOTHING of wiping out hundreds of people in a bomb blast. Take your head out of your arse and look at the real world.
Oh,and by the way,those “cowards” you seem to hate so much put their life on the line EVERY DAY to protect the freedom you have that allows you to come on an open forum and insult them. What exactly do YOU do? You know,apart from chuck insults,demand that we let all and sundry into the country they are defending while you watch the world through rose tinted specs from the safety of your own house?

Never ceases to amaze me how “we” can bleat about “terrorism” on our streets(less than a hundred have died in terrorist attacks in the past ten years)when we watch thousands of innocent men ,women and children blown to pieces,starved,displaced and made homeless every year because of our own governments foreign policy.We have the audacity to have thousands of troops in soveriegn states and yet still lecture these countries about “democracy”
An instance,Libya was the richest most advanced state on the African continent,a higher literacy rate than the UK,more women MPs than anywhere on the planet,one of the best health and welfare systems in the world.Yet we,the “civilised” west destroyed it,not for the people of Libya,not even for the oil,just because Gaddafi would not allow his country to be controlled by the IMF and the world bank.He refused to allow banks to charge interest on loans(usery).The west bombed it into oblivion,back to the stone age because “banks” could not let the idea of debt free money take hold and spread.
So when we see these people crossing the Med in paper bloody boats and standing with nothing in Calais maybe we should look to our “leaders” and ask why they have done this abomination to ordinary working people who posed no threat to you and me,but now have nothing,not even a home for their family or a country to call home.
Time we had a good hard look at ourselves and see that we are,like the Libyans,Afghans,Iraqis,just bloody pawns in a rich mans game of chess.

Sectarian hatred at the heart of British Muslim community

This will only get worse. They will never stop fighting. Winston Churchill, in the early part of the last century said that ‘islam in a man, is like rabies in a dog’. Anybody who condones our open door immigration policy is blind.

If you want to see the future for the UK, then look at Sweden. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the west. Their liberal attitude to immigration has seen crime soar too. I am not racist, but the government needs to be realistic. There is real trouble ahead. Who is to say that this sudden influx is not the work of unseen terrorists, who want to bring the war directly to our towns? The majority of these immigrants are young men of fighting age.

Thinking of dear old “whinnie”

Is it not the same “gentleman” who tried to pass a vote in the house of commons in 1912 for mass steralisation of the “working class”.

When Hitler supposedly came up with the same idea (a total lie spread by zionists) it was called eugenics or the first stage of an “aryan breed” a precursor to the “final solution” (another lie)
That was the measure of our “glorious leader” churchill.

A bully a racist and a drunk.

Is it not the same “gentleman” who tried to pass a vote in the house of commons in 1912 for mass steralisation of the “working class”.

When Hitler supposedly came up with the same idea (a total lie spread by zionists) it was called eugenics or the first stage of an “aryan breed” a precursor to the “final solution” (another lie)
That was the measure of our “glorious leader” churchill.

A bully a racist and a drunk.

Churchill stupid alcohol dependent imperialist warmonger and a typical product of the British class system.Probably.

But no surprise that the Socialist agenda would then apply its typical hypocritical selective view of the definition of ‘racist’ to suggest that Churchill was a racist but Hitler and his National Socialists weren’t and it’s all the Jews fault. :unamused:



No your not. You meet the most stupid,racist,hypocrits in the world in these “emerald Isles”

These SOBs will watch a country devastated and blame the ordinary folk for “terrorist attacks”

These people ,just like you and me are trying to feed their families and live in peace.
Yet their country is bombed by some bloody coward in an airoplane from 5 miles up and calls himself a “hero”
Or some moron in a tank thinks its “right” to obliterate a familly of 7 one of which is a 30 year old woman and the rest are under 15.

Cowards because they have not got the guts to say no .I am not going to kill innocent people
Grow some balls and tell the [zb]s to go and do their own murder.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…Oh sorry,I must have nodded off reading the usual left wing tripe that gets trotted out whenever anyone dares to say that maybe they dont want mass numbers of immigrants to come into their country without going through the proper,legal proccess… No matter how reasonable the argument against it is,it always ends in the same old BS. “We bomb the country so we need to take them in”. My only surprise is you havnt used the word “racist” yet
Tell me this,how do you know we bomb their country? They destroy their papers and ID so we dont know where they are from. There not ALL fleeing bombing. A convenient fact you lefties seem to conveniently ignore.
And in your rush to open the borders,are you so naive as to believe that no terrorists are clever enough to think that claiming asylum and sneaking into Britain is the best way to get here undetected? Knowing the names of suspected or known terrorists isnt a whole lot of good if we are suddenly expected to open the borders to everyone with no ID and trust in their good will that they are genuine or mean us no harm.
Whether you left wing “not in my name” clowns like to admit it or not,there are people out there who will think NOTHING of wiping out hundreds of people in a bomb blast. Take your head out of your arse and look at the real world.
Oh,and by the way,those “cowards” you seem to hate so much put their life on the line EVERY DAY to protect the freedom you have that allows you to come on an open forum and insult them. What exactly do YOU do? You know,apart from chuck insults,demand that we let all and sundry into the country they are defending while you watch the world through rose tinted specs from the safety of your own house?

Never ceases to amaze me how “we” can bleat about “terrorism” on our streets(less than a hundred have died in terrorist attacks in the past ten years)when we watch thousands of innocent men ,women and children blown to pieces,starved,displaced and made homeless every year because of our own governments foreign policy.We have the audacity to have thousands of troops in soveriegn states and yet still lecture these countries about “democracy”
An instance,Libya was the richest most advanced state on the African continent,a higher literacy rate than the UK,more women MPs than anywhere on the planet,one of the best health and welfare systems in the world.Yet we,the “civilised” west destroyed it,not for the people of Libya,not even for the oil,just because Gaddafi would not allow his country to be controlled by the IMF and the world bank.He refused to allow banks to charge interest on loans(usery).The west bombed it into oblivion,back to the stone age because “banks” could not let the idea of debt free money take hold and spread.
So when we see these people crossing the Med in paper bloody boats and standing with nothing in Calais maybe we should look to our “leaders” and ask why they have done this abomination to ordinary working people who posed no threat to you and me,but now have nothing,not even a home for their family or a country to call home.
Time we had a good hard look at ourselves and see that we are,like the Libyans,Afghans,Iraqis,just bloody pawns in a rich mans game of chess.

You say about terrorism is on a very small scale in the UK, but since 7/7, 50 terrorist plots (in this country alone) have been foiled - an average of 5 a year.

Potential terrorists are being arrested daily - this is with a 5% - 10% Muslim population, when we have a larger Muslim population (which is inevitable), I’m guessing those figures will go down, eh?

Never ceases to amaze me how “we” can bleat about “terrorism” on our streets(less than a hundred have died in terrorist attacks in the past ten years)when we watch thousands of innocent men ,women and children blown to pieces,starved,displaced and made homeless every year because of our own governments foreign policy.We have the audacity to have thousands of troops in soveriegn states and yet still lecture these countries about “democracy”

I can bleat about it because I dont want blown to bits by some coward who hides a bomb under their shirt or in a bag and goes into a shopping centre and detonates it. Theres a HUGE difference from that and the “foreign policy” you love to quote all the time. Any bombings by nato or whoever are done after recon has been done and all reasonable attempts made to ensure no civillian casualties happen. Plus any inhabitants of said countries know the forces are there and they are easily identifiable. They arent hiding with the sole intention of killing as many innocent people as possible.
What part of that is it that confuses you?

An instance,Libya was the richest most advanced state on the African continent,a higher literacy rate than the UK,more women MPs than anywhere on the planet,one of the best health and welfare systems in the world.Yet we,the “civilised” west destroyed it,not for the people of Libya,not even for the oil,just because Gaddafi would not allow his country to be controlled by the IMF and the world bank.He refused to allow banks to charge interest on loans(usery).The west bombed it into oblivion,back to the stone age because “banks” could not let the idea of debt free money take hold and spread.

Do you have proof? Something other than “its obvious”?

So when we see these people crossing the Med in paper bloody boats and standing with nothing in Calais maybe we should look to our “leaders” and ask why they have done this abomination to ordinary working people who posed no threat to you and me,but now have nothing,not even a home for their family or a country to call home.
Time we had a good hard look at ourselves and see that we are,like the Libyans,Afghans,Iraqis,just bloody pawns in a rich mans game of chess.

Oh save me the bleeding heart. Tell me this (although you probably wont since your kind are suspicially quiet or evasive when asked) but how many families do you see sneeking into lorries at calais? Not many. Why is it ALWAYS poor homeless families you go on about but never talk about the many thousands of people who just want to break into the country of land and honey eg all the young twenty something males? Why are you so obsessed with the “ordinary working people” of these countries, yet predictably quiet regarding the terrorists these countries produce? Why is our forces going into these countries always a conspiracy about oil or banks or whatever but never about actually protecting our own country?

Tell me this,how do you know we bomb their country? They destroy their papers and ID so we dont know where they are from. There not ALL fleeing bombing. A convenient fact you lefties seem to conveniently ignore.

Still trotting out the usual “we bomb them so we are responsible for them” while conventiently ignoring the fact we have no idea where they came from I see. Even if I did agree with you (which I dont) have a read at the above quote and I think id like you to answer why we should accept anyone without any papers or id and why they should be allowed to come here without doing it properly ie legally.

Plus the irony of still having the freedom to continue posting your insults not lost on you I see


Sectarian hatred at the heart of British Muslim community

This will only get worse. They will never stop fighting. Winston Churchill, in the early part of the last century said that ‘islam in a man, is like rabies in a dog’. Anybody who condones our open door immigration policy is blind.

If you want to see the future for the UK, then look at Sweden. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the west. Their liberal attitude to immigration has seen crime soar too. I am not racist, but the government needs to be realistic. There is real trouble ahead. Who is to say that this sudden influx is not the work of unseen terrorists, who want to bring the war directly to our towns? The majority of these immigrants are young men of fighting age.

Thinking of dear old “whinnie”

Is it not the same “gentleman” who tried to pass a vote in the house of commons in 1912 for mass steralisation of the “working class”.

When Hitler supposedly came up with the same idea (a total lie spread by zionists) it was called eugenics or the first stage of an “aryan breed” a precursor to the “final solution” (another lie)
That was the measure of our “glorious leader” churchill.

A bully a racist and a drunk.

I’m sorry but could you clarify please, are you denying the holocaust or just excusing it?

Captain Caveman 76:


Sectarian hatred at the heart of British Muslim community

This will only get worse. They will never stop fighting. Winston Churchill, in the early part of the last century said that ‘islam in a man, is like rabies in a dog’. Anybody who condones our open door immigration policy is blind.

If you want to see the future for the UK, then look at Sweden. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the west. Their liberal attitude to immigration has seen crime soar too. I am not racist, but the government needs to be realistic. There is real trouble ahead. Who is to say that this sudden influx is not the work of unseen terrorists, who want to bring the war directly to our towns? The majority of these immigrants are young men of fighting age.

Thinking of dear old “whinnie”

Is it not the same “gentleman” who tried to pass a vote in the house of commons in 1912 for mass steralisation of the “working class”.

When Hitler supposedly came up with the same idea (a total lie spread by zionists) it was called eugenics or the first stage of an “aryan breed” a precursor to the “final solution” (another lie)
That was the measure of our “glorious leader” churchill.

A bully a racist and a drunk.

I’m sorry but could you clarify please, are you denying the holocaust or just excusing it?

Yeah that bit made me sit up too. Could we have a real genuine Hitler fan in our ranks? Sure looks that way

Just one question .
How is it that when the "british " go to live in Spain,Cyprus,Portugal etc etc etc they are never immigrants they somehow become “expats”

Sure as hell sound like immigrants to me.

More british hypocrisy.

They’re definitely immigrants. It’s just that they don’t turn up in the backs of trucks after having threatened the drivers with knives and iron bars. They tend to take their own money with them too. After all, you don’t leave a country like England if you’re a sponger.

Terry T:

Just one question .
How is it that when the "british " go to live in Spain,Cyprus,Portugal etc etc etc they are never immigrants they somehow become “expats”

Sure as hell sound like immigrants to me.

More british hypocrisy.

They’re definitely immigrants. It’s just that they don’t turn up in the backs of trucks after having threatened the drivers with knives and iron bars. They tend to take their own money with them too. After all, you don’t leave a country like England if you’re a sponger.

And most brits who move to spain tend to have sufficient funds to live & buy their home/set up a business out there so are helping the local economy by spending their money over in that country
Unlike those who enter this country illegally often committing criminal act’s in the process, they are never charged by the police for the damage caused . and most arrive here without a pot to pish in and are unskilled so just how can they possibly be of any benefit to the uk

Captain Caveman 76:


Sectarian hatred at the heart of British Muslim community

This will only get worse. They will never stop fighting. Winston Churchill, in the early part of the last century said that ‘islam in a man, is like rabies in a dog’. Anybody who condones our open door immigration policy is blind.

If you want to see the future for the UK, then look at Sweden. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the west. Their liberal attitude to immigration has seen crime soar too. I am not racist, but the government needs to be realistic. There is real trouble ahead. Who is to say that this sudden influx is not the work of unseen terrorists, who want to bring the war directly to our towns? The majority of these immigrants are young men of fighting age.

Thinking of dear old “whinnie”

Is it not the same “gentleman” who tried to pass a vote in the house of commons in 1912 for mass steralisation of the “working class”.

When Hitler supposedly came up with the same idea (a total lie spread by zionists) it was called eugenics or the first stage of an “aryan breed” a precursor to the “final solution” (another lie)
That was the measure of our “glorious leader” churchill.

A bully a racist and a drunk.

I’m sorry but could you clarify please, are you denying the holocaust or just excusing it?

So when Hitler asked the USA,UK and the rest of the world to take the jews what was the reply?
No thankyou.

Another thing that doesnt quite “fit” with the “holocaust” is a report from the international red cross who had representation at all the “death” camps.There was no mention of gas chambers,mass executions or torture.Access was allowed to all camps including Auschwitz 1 and 2 That was until the red army “liberated” these camps in Poland.Then all red cross access and food parcels were denied.The Germans asked for International observers to view the mass graves of 20,000 Polish soldiers at Katyn forest in Poland.The Russian blamed this on the SS for 50 years then with the collapse of the Soviet Union it “emerged” it was the Russian army that carried out this atrocity.Up until 1980 there were “gas” chambers at Dachau then all of a sudden Dachau had no gas chambers according to “official” sources.

I suggest you go to Auschwitz and see for yourself eg the “execution” wall,Not a bullet hole,or the “crematoria” with no connection to the chimney(built in 1947 by the Russians).
Even better Schindlers “factory” in Krackow,Based on a work of fiction written by an Australian,Thomas Keneally in 1982 yet somehow they have created this “factory” and it is now a “real” part of history.

I personally would suggest you study the “real history”< Auschwitz happened, fact, my father was one of the missing persons unit that “visited” all of the death camps at the end of the war, he spent 3 years going around all of them!!!
I was/am the only person he ever told about it, not good knowledge to live with, any of it!!!
I could tell you about things that would give you nightmares but I doubt you’d accept them as fact!!

I have to wonder about your origins/religious beliefs for you to be one of the Holocaust deniers.

IT HAPPENED, people like you make me sick.

Wow! Just wow! It’s always been accepted on here Bking that you’re an amiable nutter, a bit like everyone’s dotty old uncle that was wheeled out for family gatherings and the like. That last post of yours however has moved you into a far more sinister place IMO.

Two months ago I spent two days at Bergen Belsen walking around the place and I spent hours in the museum reading and looking at photos etc. for you to attempt to deny such atrocities quite frankly turns my stomach.


Captain Caveman 76:


Sectarian hatred at the heart of British Muslim community

This will only get worse. They will never stop fighting. Winston Churchill, in the early part of the last century said that ‘islam in a man, is like rabies in a dog’. Anybody who condones our open door immigration policy is blind.

If you want to see the future for the UK, then look at Sweden. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the west. Their liberal attitude to immigration has seen crime soar too. I am not racist, but the government needs to be realistic. There is real trouble ahead. Who is to say that this sudden influx is not the work of unseen terrorists, who want to bring the war directly to our towns? The majority of these immigrants are young men of fighting age.

Thinking of dear old “whinnie”

Is it not the same “gentleman” who tried to pass a vote in the house of commons in 1912 for mass steralisation of the “working class”.

When Hitler supposedly came up with the same idea (a total lie spread by zionists) it was called eugenics or the first stage of an “aryan breed” a precursor to the “final solution” (another lie)
That was the measure of our “glorious leader” churchill.

A bully a racist and a drunk.

I’m sorry but could you clarify please, are you denying the holocaust or just excusing it?

So when Hitler asked the USA,UK and the rest of the world to take the jews what was the reply?
No thankyou.

Another thing that doesnt quite “fit” with the “holocaust” is a report from the international red cross who had representation at all the “death” camps.There was no mention of gas chambers,mass executions or torture.Access was allowed to all camps including Auschwitz 1 and 2 That was until the red army “liberated” these camps in Poland.Then all red cross access and food parcels were denied.The Germans asked for International observers to view the mass graves of 20,000 Polish soldiers at Katyn forest in Poland.The Russian blamed this on the SS for 50 years then with the collapse of the Soviet Union it “emerged” it was the Russian army that carried out this atrocity.Up until 1980 there were “gas” chambers at Dachau then all of a sudden Dachau had no gas chambers according to “official” sources.

I suggest you go to Auschwitz and see for yourself eg the “execution” wall,Not a bullet hole,or the “crematoria” with no connection to the chimney(built in 1947 by the Russians).
Even better Schindlers “factory” in Krackow,Based on a work of fiction written by an Australian,Thomas Keneally in 1982 yet somehow they have created this “factory” and it is now a “real” part of history.

So you’re saying he systematic slaughter of 11 million (11 000 000) jews, gypsies, homosexuals, POWs, mentally and physically disabled people and political opponents (a group my grandparents fit into) didn’t happen? You’d rather believe tinfoil hat wearing internet trouble causers over respected academic reports, 1000s of eyewitness reports and historical records (including some from the nazis themselves!)?

So when Hitler asked the USA,UK and the rest of the world to take the jews what was the reply?
No thankyou.

Another thing that doesnt quite “fit” with the “holocaust” is a report from the international red cross who had representation at all the “death” camps.There was no mention of gas chambers,mass executions or torture.Access was allowed to all camps including Auschwitz 1 and 2 That was until the red army “liberated” these camps in Poland.Then all red cross access and food parcels were denied.The Germans asked for International observers to view the mass graves of 20,000 Polish soldiers at Katyn forest in Poland.The Russian blamed this on the SS for 50 years then with the collapse of the Soviet Union it “emerged” it was the Russian army that carried out this atrocity.Up until 1980 there were “gas” chambers at Dachau then all of a sudden Dachau had no gas chambers according to “official” sources.

I suggest you go to Auschwitz and see for yourself eg the “execution” wall,Not a bullet hole,or the “crematoria” with no connection to the chimney(built in 1947 by the Russians).
Even better Schindlers “factory” in Krackow,Based on a work of fiction written by an Australian,Thomas Keneally in 1982 yet somehow they have created this “factory” and it is now a “real” part of history.

You are something else pal. I always had you down as a spinich tea drinking, not in my name, ban the bomb clown. An idiot, but generally harmless. But you’ve actually descended into downright loonacy and views like this make you a complete and utter ■■■ and someone who is your typical internet wierdo who spouts all sorts of nonsense because he has an audience
What kind of ■■■■■■■ denies the holocaust happened?
Words cant describe what you are.
As a by the by, is anyone running a book on how long it takes him to come back on a proclaim “I only posted what I did as an experiment and I dont actually mean it”?

normally a topic i keep away from. Largely tainted by narrow views and a lack of pure understanding. Migration happens the world over. Its what makes the world a better place. Transfer of culture knowledge technology etc. All that kind of good stuff. I find it amusing when i go on holiday to Aus and Spain and i catch up with my friends who were born in England but have since moved on. Most recently while having a few beers an old work colleague said it was a sad state of affairs with all the immigrants taking jobs in the UK etc. He said he does not dwell on it to much as it affects his new happy @expat life working down at the local garage■■? to which i asked so you are an economic immigrant no?? To which he quite firmly corrected me and said no i am an expat. Never tasted awkward beer before but i had two or three bottles served up in quick succession. We just need clear thinkers in politics who are globally estute and can come up with clear workable solutions to the current mess which we have played a part in creating.

normally a topic i keep away from. Largely tainted by narrow views and a lack of pure understanding. Migration happens the world over. Its what makes the world a better place. Transfer of culture knowledge technology etc. All that kind of good stuff. I find it amusing when i go on holiday to Aus and Spain and i catch up with my friends who were born in England but have since moved on. Most recently while having a few beers an old work colleague said it was a sad state of affairs with all the immigrants taking jobs in the UK etc. He said he does not dwell on it to much as it affects his new happy @expat life working down at the local garage■■? to which i asked so you are an economic immigrant no?? To which he quite firmly corrected me and said no i am an expat. Never tasted awkward beer before but i had two or three bottles served up in quick succession. We just need clear thinkers in politics who are globally estute and can come up with clear workable solutions to the current mess which we have played a part in creating.

What we’re seeing is the biggest population displacement this country has ever seen, to palm this off as “misunderstanding” the situation is just ridiculous.


normally a topic i keep away from. Largely tainted by narrow views and a lack of pure understanding. Migration happens the world over. Its what makes the world a better place. Transfer of culture knowledge technology etc. All that kind of good stuff. I find it amusing when i go on holiday to Aus and Spain and i catch up with my friends who were born in England but have since moved on. Most recently while having a few beers an old work colleague said it was a sad state of affairs with all the immigrants taking jobs in the UK etc. He said he does not dwell on it to much as it affects his new happy @expat life working down at the local garage■■? to which i asked so you are an economic immigrant no?? To which he quite firmly corrected me and said no i am an expat. Never tasted awkward beer before but i had two or three bottles served up in quick succession. We just need clear thinkers in politics who are globally estute and can come up with clear workable solutions to the current mess which we have played a part in creating.

What we’re seeing is the biggest population displacement this country has ever seen, to palm this off as “misunderstanding” the situation is just ridiculous.

Vindication. This is not population displacement.



normally a topic i keep away from. Largely tainted by narrow views and a lack of pure understanding. Migration happens the world over. Its what makes the world a better place. Transfer of culture knowledge technology etc. All that kind of good stuff. I find it amusing when i go on holiday to Aus and Spain and i catch up with my friends who were born in England but have since moved on. Most recently while having a few beers an old work colleague said it was a sad state of affairs with all the immigrants taking jobs in the UK etc. He said he does not dwell on it to much as it affects his new happy @expat life working down at the local garage■■? to which i asked so you are an economic immigrant no?? To which he quite firmly corrected me and said no i am an expat. Never tasted awkward beer before but i had two or three bottles served up in quick succession. We just need clear thinkers in politics who are globally estute and can come up with clear workable solutions to the current mess which we have played a part in creating.

What we’re seeing is the biggest population displacement this country has ever seen, to palm this off as “misunderstanding” the situation is just ridiculous.

Vindication. This is not population displacement.

White British are a minority in our capital city, others towns and cities are following at a rapid rate. All because of unabated immigration for the last 20 odd years.

I fail to see how you can compare this to some Brits moving to Spain and the like.