

Course im joking obviously…

No your not. You meet the most stupid,racist,hypocrits in the world in these “emerald Isles”

These SOBs will watch a country devastated and blame the ordinary folk for “terrorist attacks”

These people ,just like you and me are trying to feed their families and live in peace.
Yet their country is bombed by some bloody coward in an airoplane from 5 miles up and calls himself a “hero”
Or some moron in a tank thinks its “right” to obliterate a familly of 7 one of which is a 30 year old woman and the rest are under 15.

Cowards because they have not got the guts to say no .I am not going to kill innocent people
Grow some balls and tell the [zb]s to go and do their own murder.

You sir, and people with your views are the problem with this country. I really couldn’t care less about their circumstances, Britain is bursting at the seams as it is. The NHS can’t cope, schools can’t cope and the infrastructure can’t cope. These people can’t speak the language and have nothing to offer the country apart from leaching off the benefits system. That is the real reason they want to get over here, nothing to do with persecution in their home countries. England where life is free!! Bet they can’t believe the tales that they hear about this country, no wonder they don’t want to stay in anywhere else in Europe. If they are genuinely at risk in their homelands why not stop in one of the many other countries they have travelled through to try and get here. Soft touch Britain that’s why. This country is full of liberal idiots too stupid to see what is going on and led by weak goverent after weak government. Thousands of our soldiers have died to protect this country from invasion, now our borders are down because of corrupt governments and the eu. Anyone with the view that we should welcome all with open arms I can guarantee that you will think differently in a few more years, sadly be too late by then

+an infinite amount of +1’s , bang on the money,


my nephew put on facebook about the immigrants,saying about electric fencing and as a last resort shooting them,now I know my nephew was only joking about the shooting part so I agreed in jest,next thing you know some muppet who is a friend of his wifes family is calling me all the names under the sun,offering to fight me and generally being a silly billy,now he has put on facebook DUMB ENGLISH [zb]s,when I get home in the evenings its quite amusing to read,he looks a bit of a [zb] as well,some people,

Try not to forget that our grandparents fought and died so we could enjoy the way of life we have here. One where you are free to walk down the street and not be killed because you are from a different part of town or happen to have different religious beliefs. A place where you are free to speak your mind and not fear persecution.

These immigrants arrive here and ghettoise the areas they populate, and then perpetuate their medieval stupidity here. Carrying on their fighting over tribal and religious differences here too. Trying to implement sharia law, and verbally abusing women they deem to be immodestly dressed in ‘their’ area. Be under no illusions, this is invasion by stealth. On the one hand we have the medieval mongs in the middle east trying to turn back time and create a caliphate, and on the other you have this invasion, whereby sheer weight of numbers they will turn this country predominately muslim. That is their aim. Muslims believe that if they live somewhere, then that is muslim land. We think we are being multi-cultural, when in reality we are selling our rich heritage and culture down the river.

Your nephew probably stated what a lot of people secretly think, so he gets a thumbs-up from me. :smiley:

:sunglasses: and me mate downt let em in and when thay catch them who are not allowd here kick em out :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:



Course im joking obviously…

No your not. You meet the most stupid,racist,hypocrits in the world in these “emerald Isles”

These SOBs will watch a country devastated and blame the ordinary folk for “terrorist attacks”

These people ,just like you and me are trying to feed their families and live in peace.
Yet their country is bombed by some bloody coward in an airoplane from 5 miles up and calls himself a “hero”
Or some moron in a tank thinks its “right” to obliterate a familly of 7 one of which is a 30 year old woman and the rest are under 15.

Cowards because they have not got the guts to say no .I am not going to kill innocent people
Grow some balls and tell the [zb]s to go and do their own murder.

You sir, and people with your views are the problem with this country. I really couldn’t care less about their circumstances, Britain is bursting at the seams as it is. The NHS can’t cope, schools can’t cope and the infrastructure can’t cope. These people can’t speak the language and have nothing to offer the country apart from leaching off the benefits system. That is the real reason they want to get over here, nothing to do with persecution in their home countries. England where life is free!! Bet they can’t believe the tales that they hear about this country, no wonder they don’t want to stay in anywhere else in Europe. If they are genuinely at risk in their homelands why not stop in one of the many other countries they have travelled through to try and get here. Soft touch Britain that’s why. This country is full of liberal idiots too stupid to see what is going on and led by weak goverent after weak government. Thousands of our soldiers have died to protect this country from invasion, now our borders are down because of corrupt governments and the eu. Anyone with the view that we should welcome all with open arms I can guarantee that you will think differently in a few more years, sadly be too late by then

:imp: +■■■■■■ one

what makes someone British?

i bet there are people whose grandparents were born here and they are leeching the benefits.

and i bet there are also people who are illegal, working everyday for a couple of pounds. this person can’t leech benefits because they have no ID.

i personally i have no idea what is best to solve ‘immigration crisis’

i do know that a small few of these immigrants are educated. doctors and teachers n what have you!

but then some of them want to kill us? so… who knows… someones god…

what makes someone British?

i bet there are people whose grandparents were born here and they are leeching the benefits.

and i bet there are also people who are illegal, working everyday for a couple of pounds. this person can’t leech benefits because they have no ID.

i personally i have no idea what is best to solve ‘immigration crisis’

i do know that a small few of these immigrants are educated. doctors and teachers n what have you!

but then some of them want to kill us? so… who knows… someones god…

The in most cases only have no I.D. because they have destroyed it, purely to exploit the loophole that currently exists , that allows them to remain here,
remove the schengen agreement stop the free movement around Europe no passport/id , If Greece and Italy are rescuing and landing imigrants in their countries then they should look after them ,not pass them on to the rest of the EU, IMO they should either leave them or take then back to the safety of the shores that they set sail from
Once news filters back to those heading for a dodgy boat to Greece then they may have a rethink and decide against it, because it would be pointless risking their lives

tommy t:
take then back to the safety of the shores that they set sail from

Libya or Syria? :smiley:

both are pretty knackered these days…

It appears that most of the posters here don’t want unlimited immigration and almost all are against illegal immigration.

Can someone tell me then why in May only 4 million of us voted for the only party that will actually do something about this problem, why did so many of you vote for the same old parties who have caused this…including world changing uncalled for aggression, indeed open war as mentioned quite rightly by Bking…by electing these people again (and there is no difference between nulabour and current tory parties) you have aided and abetted the eventual destruction of our country and our way of life, if you endorse the warmongers and quislings the fault is yours not anyone else’s so don’t blame the government or others when it was in your power to put a stop to this.

In just 15 years our youth (18 and under) will be 50%+ Muslim, if you really think there’s no implications from this, then there’s no helping you.

The Muslim demographic doubles every 10 years, through sky high birthrates coupled with mass immigration.

Our situation is a product of open door immigration, and as their population increases, so does the violence towards the kuffar. I think it’s too late to reverse this mess we are in. The takeover is in place I think it’s just a question of when.

Not all Muslims are intent on mass extinction of the ‘kuffar’, I know loads that dont walk round with bombs at the ready. They have beards though so thats close enough I suppose… :unamused:

In just 15 years our youth (18 and under) will be 50%+ Muslim, if you really think there’s no implications from this, then there’s no helping you.

The Muslim demographic doubles every 10 years, through sky high birthrates coupled with mass immigration.

Our situation is a product of open door immigration, and as their population increases, so does the violence towards the kuffar. I think it’s too late to reverse this mess we are in. The takeover is in place I think it’s just a question of when.

I think “The-Snowman” pretty much sums up the debate along with a few others who live in the real world. Can’t seem to get my head around the folks that believe this country is heading in the right direction.


In just 15 years our youth (18 and under) will be 50%+ Muslim, if you really think there’s no implications from this, then there’s no helping you.

The Muslim demographic doubles every 10 years, through sky high birthrates coupled with mass immigration.

Our situation is a product of open door immigration, and as their population increases, so does the violence towards the kuffar. I think it’s too late to reverse this mess we are in. The takeover is in place I think it’s just a question of when.

That pretty much sums it up…

Anjem Choudary, although clearly a threat, is very good at spilling the Islamic beans.

He doesn’t opt for ‘stealth jihad’, he is that confident of the west’s weakness, he has no problem spouting the truth.

This is ‘conquest by the womb’.

If ever I’m unsure I just take a look around every time I drive home, I see the same - burka clad women with five or more children in tow. Same with maternity wards - full of them. If you ever want to know what’s in store for us, these are good indicators.

It appears that most of the posters here don’t want unlimited immigration and almost all are against illegal immigration.

Can someone tell me then why in May only 4 million of us voted for the only party that will actually do something about this problem, why did so many of you vote for the same old parties who have caused this…including world changing uncalled for aggression, indeed open war as mentioned quite rightly by Bking…by electing these people again (and there is no difference between nulabour and current tory parties) you have aided and abetted the eventual destruction of our country and our way of life, if you endorse the warmongers and quislings the fault is yours not anyone else’s so don’t blame the government or others when it was in your power to put a stop to this.

IMO the majority didn’t vote for any party because they all are basically the same, even ukip would of been no different to the tories that are in office now, Both are for persecuting our own poor and sick and have similar views on other things
I am all for use having full control of our borders ,and leaving Europe if need be, but only if in doing so we would keep all the parts of the human rights laws that matter intact, Because i think governments who want us out of the EU have a hidden agenda, that could mean a lot of things that we take for granted now would change, such as the right to challenge /question authority about things, and the FOI system we currently have,then there’s our rights to privacy in particularly online , So any future government wouldn’t be able to abuse their powers on us the people, the human rights laws aren’t perfect, people will abuse them, this needs addressing , but for the majority they are for our benefit and should stay

At the end of the day even if we are unable to stop illegals entering the uk, we can stop all state handouts and free healthcare,So yes they can come here, but there wouldn’t be any advantages in doing so, no work,no handouts ect, And should they become an issue loitering the streets, we deport them

tommy t:

It appears that most of the posters here don’t want unlimited immigration and almost all are against illegal immigration.

Can someone tell me then why in May only 4 million of us voted for the only party that will actually do something about this problem, why did so many of you vote for the same old parties who have caused this…including world changing uncalled for aggression, indeed open war as mentioned quite rightly by Bking…by electing these people again (and there is no difference between nulabour and current tory parties) you have aided and abetted the eventual destruction of our country and our way of life, if you endorse the warmongers and quislings the fault is yours not anyone else’s so don’t blame the government or others when it was in your power to put a stop to this.

IMO the majority didn’t vote for any party because they all are basically the same, even ukip would of been no different to the tories that are in office now, Both are for persecuting our own poor and sick and have similar views on other things
I am all for use having full control of our borders ,and leaving Europe if need be, but only if in doing so we would keep all the parts of the human rights laws that matter intact, Because i think governments who want us out of the EU have a hidden agenda, that could mean a lot of things that we take for granted now would change, such as the right to challenge /question authority about things, and the FOI system we currently have,then there’s our rights to privacy in particularly online , So any future government wouldn’t be able to abuse their powers on us the people, the human rights laws aren’t perfect, people will abuse them, this needs addressing , but for the majority they are for our benefit and should stay

At the end of the day even if we are unable to stop illegals entering the uk, we can stop all state handouts and free healthcare,So yes they can come here, but there wouldn’t be any advantages in doing so, no work,no handouts ect, And should they become an issue loitering the streets, we deport them

And thats exactly why we’ll stay in the EU, and keep electing the same traitors to act as admin for increasing EU takeover, which automatically means no border control and the end of Great Britain (with all its faults) that we grew up in and know.

You can’t have control of your own country and hand it over…without a shot being fired in its defence…to unelected foreigners to do with as they want.


tommy t:

It appears that most of the posters here don’t want unlimited immigration and almost all are against illegal immigration.

Can someone tell me then why in May only 4 million of us voted for the only party that will actually do something about this problem, why did so many of you vote for the same old parties who have caused this…including world changing uncalled for aggression, indeed open war as mentioned quite rightly by Bking…by electing these people again (and there is no difference between nulabour and current tory parties) you have aided and abetted the eventual destruction of our country and our way of life, if you endorse the warmongers and quislings the fault is yours not anyone else’s so don’t blame the government or others when it was in your power to put a stop to this.

IMO the majority didn’t vote for any party because they all are basically the same, even ukip would of been no different to the tories that are in office now, Both are for persecuting our own poor and sick and have similar views on other things
I am all for use having full control of our borders ,and leaving Europe if need be, but only if in doing so we would keep all the parts of the human rights laws that matter intact, Because i think governments who want us out of the EU have a hidden agenda, that could mean a lot of things that we take for granted now would change, such as the right to challenge /question authority about things, and the FOI system we currently have,then there’s our rights to privacy in particularly online , So any future government wouldn’t be able to abuse their powers on us the people, the human rights laws aren’t perfect, people will abuse them, this needs addressing , but for the majority they are for our benefit and should stay

At the end of the day even if we are unable to stop illegals entering the uk, we can stop all state handouts and free healthcare,So yes they can come here, but there wouldn’t be any advantages in doing so, no work,no handouts ect, And should they become an issue loitering the streets, we deport them

And thats exactly why we’ll stay in the EU, and keep electing the same traitors to act as admin for increasing EU takeover, which automatically means no border control and the end of Great Britain (with all its faults) that we grew up in and know.

You can’t have control of your own country and hand it over…without a shot being fired in its defence…to unelected foreigners to do with as they want.

well they have repeatedly lied to the people of this country whilst securing their own futures infact most of those sheit fur brains politicians don’t give a fig about the people or what we really want, they are incapable of listening or very good at ignoring , i hate them all, none have been of any benefit to me, it’s high time that they started being held to account starting with tony B -liar
Ony then will the people start to have any faith in politicians , the selfservatives by rights shouldn’t of won the last election, the whole process of seats ect needs radical changes, as does the house of lords and all those scrounging peers

tommy t:


tommy t:

It appears that most of the posters here don’t want unlimited immigration and almost all are against illegal immigration.

Can someone tell me then why in May only 4 million of us voted for the only party that will actually do something about this problem, why did so many of you vote for the same old parties who have caused this…including world changing uncalled for aggression, indeed open war as mentioned quite rightly by Bking…by electing these people again (and there is no difference between nulabour and current tory parties) you have aided and abetted the eventual destruction of our country and our way of life, if you endorse the warmongers and quislings the fault is yours not anyone else’s so don’t blame the government or others when it was in your power to put a stop to this.

IMO the majority didn’t vote for any party because they all are basically the same, even ukip would of been no different to the tories that are in office now, Both are for persecuting our own poor and sick and have similar views on other things
I am all for use having full control of our borders ,and leaving Europe if need be, but only if in doing so we would keep all the parts of the human rights laws that matter intact, Because i think governments who want us out of the EU have a hidden agenda, that could mean a lot of things that we take for granted now would change, such as the right to challenge /question authority about things, and the FOI system we currently have,then there’s our rights to privacy in particularly online , So any future government wouldn’t be able to abuse their powers on us the people, the human rights laws aren’t perfect, people will abuse them, this needs addressing , but for the majority they are for our benefit and should stay

At the end of the day even if we are unable to stop illegals entering the uk, we can stop all state handouts and free healthcare,So yes they can come here, but there wouldn’t be any advantages in doing so, no work,no handouts ect, And should they become an issue loitering the streets, we deport them

And thats exactly why we’ll stay in the EU, and keep electing the same traitors to act as admin for increasing EU takeover, which automatically means no border control and the end of Great Britain (with all its faults) that we grew up in and know.

You can’t have control of your own country and hand it over…without a shot being fired in its defence…to unelected foreigners to do with as they want.

well they have repeatedly lied to the people of this country whilst securing their own futures infact most of those sheit fur brains politicians don’t give a fig about the people or what we really want, they are incapable of listening or very good at ignoring , i hate them all, none have been of any benefit to me, it’s high time that they started being held to account starting with tony B -liar
Ony then will the people start to have any faith in politicians , the selfservatives by rights shouldn’t of won the last election, the whole process of seats ect needs radical changes, as does the house of lords and all those scrounging peers

That i can’t disagree with but you have to start somewhere, we won’t change anything by voting the same bunch of bought and paid for traitors in (only notice change by them swapping rosette colours) that have led this country to the brink of destruction over the past 40 years.
We had the chance to vote for change in May, whether you like him or loath him Farage and his party are the only alternative that’s not one of the three cheeks of the same arse party’s collective, we as an electorate bottled it and now i suspect that slim chance to stop the rot before it’s irreversible has gone for ever, and with it any hope of true democracy here.
We’ll vote to stay in the EU and this time it will be for good, be no good asking Farage to do his best when the time to strike and salvage at least something has passed into history…actually quite how he keeps going with the propaganda machine at full throttle all around against him, and the easily led doing the worlds owners bidding at the ballot box without a second thought.

Hope you’re young enough to remember these discussions when EU jackbooted troopers stalk our streets cowering whats left of the British resistance when the results of the north african rout (which will probably be the straw that breaks the camels back) reaches its awful conclusion in the fullness of time, hopefully i’ll have kicked the bucket by then and will be joining the far better men and women than me who died defending this nation from all comers, and to dishonour their memory our Judas political class (ably assisted by their henchmen in Brussels) with the blessing of the electorate sold it away for so many pieces of silver.
Hope i’m considered worthy by real Tommies ,who halted the likes of Hitler, when i’m stirring in my grave at what this country will become, what would they say to their successors who can’t keep a rag tag mob of refugees asylum cases criminals chancers and freeloaders (plus how many infiltrators one wonders) from getting in when invading powerful armies failed to do so under their watch.

To those who say open the borders and let them all in, where do you draw the line ?

This is a small and already vastly over populated country. How many should we let in before we say enough is enough. No matter where you decide to draw the line, congratulations, you’re now a racist just like the rest of us :unamused:

Just trying to live in peace, what a ■■■■■■■ joke that is. These people have travelled through numerous safe countries and have now set up a squalid camp in Calais. Then they threaten truckers with iron bars and knives. If all they really wanted was safety they already have it. France is one of the richest and safest places in the world. These people are parasitic scum and I could sort the Calais crisis out with one word.


Few months ago someone mentioned gas as a solution, the post got removed by admin !! I suggest anthrax …

Few months ago someone mentioned gas as a solution, the post got removed by admin !! I suggest anthrax …

Yeah you can’t do anything the Nazis did. Except breathe oxygen of course. If you want to mass murder people I’m afraid Zyklon B is off the table.