
Truckman, you have it right there. I recall reading that 75% of all muslim women claim benefits and 50% of muslim men. £13 billion+ goes to muslims in benefits. Yet the reductions in benefits has hit the elderly and sick the most. If all the facts were out, I think most right thinking people would be looking to have this situation sorted. With the borders being closed as top priority.

English are hated throughout the world .its unfortunate but that’s the legacy we left…I

If u want a better life jump in a sewer England’s [zb]ed

Sharia law doesn’t all for endemic corruption .so England would struggle

On a side note, the use of the “■■■■” word only causes offence when I use it?

got it.


my nephew put on facebook about the immigrants,saying about electric fencing and as a last resort shooting them,now I know my nephew was only joking about the shooting part so I agreed in jest,next thing you know some muppet who is a friend of his wifes family is calling me all the names under the sun,offering to fight me and generally being a silly billy,now he has put on facebook DUMB ENGLISH [zb]s,when I get home in the evenings its quite amusing to read,he looks a bit of a [zb] as well,some people,

Try not to forget that our grandparents fought and died so we could enjoy the way of life we have here. One where you are free to walk down the street and not be killed because you are from a different part of town or happen to have different religious beliefs. A place where you are free to speak your mind and not fear persecution.

These immigrants arrive here and ghettoise the areas they populate, and then perpetuate their medieval stupidity here. Carrying on their fighting over tribal and religious differences here too. Trying to implement sharia law, and verbally abusing women they deem to be immodestly dressed in ‘their’ area. Be under no illusions, this is invasion by stealth. On the one hand we have the medieval mongs in the middle east trying to turn back time and create a caliphate, and on the other you have this invasion, whereby sheer weight of numbers they will turn this country predominately muslim. That is their aim. Muslims believe that if they live somewhere, then that is muslim land. We think we are being multi-cultural, when in reality we are selling our rich heritage and culture down the river.

Your nephew probably stated what a lot of people secretly think, so he gets a thumbs-up from me. :smiley:

excellent post!

English are hated throughout the world .its unfortunate but that’s the legacy we left…I

But they seem to want to live here amongst us. :confused: :unamused:

Unless the real motive is that they are coming here to over run us and we are stupid enough to let them do it. :bulb: :open_mouth:

Sharia law doesn’t all for endemic corruption .so England would struggle

It depends on the definition of corruption.Corruption doesn’t get much more corrupt than stoning women to death for the crime of being raped. :unamused: :imp:

Apple doesnt fall far from the tree then, you both sound like a pair of dumb english fxxxs. Probably poor genes due to too much inbreeding. I blame the parents myself.

Well said.

Course im joking obviously…

No your not. You meet the most stupid,racist,hypocrits in the world in these “emerald Isles”

These SOBs will watch a country devastated and blame the ordinary folk for “terrorist attacks”

These people ,just like you and me are trying to feed their families and live in peace.
Yet their country is bombed by some bloody coward in an airoplane from 5 miles up and calls himself a “hero”
Or some moron in a tank thinks its “right” to obliterate a familly of 7 one of which is a 30 year old woman and the rest are under 15.

Cowards because they have not got the guts to say no .I am not going to kill innocent people
Grow some balls and tell the [zb]s to go and do their own murder.


Course im joking obviously…

These people ,just like you and me are trying to feed their families and live in peace.

1, they do not have any right to do that here.Only in the first safe country they reach
2,We do not know that this is the case , because we do not even know which country the originate from
Not all, infact a vast majority of them are not fleeing any danger , why should they be allowed to live here?

Yet their country is bombed by some bloody coward in an airoplane from 5 miles up and calls himself a “hero”
Or some moron in a tank thinks its “right” to obliterate a family of 7 one of which is a 30 year old woman and the rest are under 15.

For me they should let them carry on killing each other and keep our beaks out of what doesn’t concern us, however should some of those nutters decide to take their fight to our shores ect, then if we react by bombing the ■■■■ out of them so be it

Cowards because they have not got the guts to say no .I am not going to kill innocent people
Grow some balls and tell the [zb]s to go and do their own murder.

And the terrorists are any better? Also when you are dealing with a bunch of looney tunes , there’s no point in going in kicking asses and trying to create democracy , as they don’t want it,

Bking, :grimacing: soldiers only march at Buckingham palace! :unamused: :open_mouth:

No your not. You meet the most stupid,racist,hypocrits in the world in these “emerald Isles”

These SOBs will watch a country devastated and blame the ordinary folk for “terrorist attacks”

These people ,just like you and me are trying to feed their families and live in peace.
Yet their country is bombed by some bloody coward in an airoplane from 5 miles up and calls himself a “hero”
Or some moron in a tank thinks its “right” to obliterate a familly of 7 one of which is a 30 year old woman and the rest are under 15.

Cowards because they have not got the guts to say no .I am not going to kill innocent people
Grow some balls and tell the [zb]s to go and do their own murder.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…Oh sorry,I must have nodded off reading the usual left wing tripe that gets trotted out whenever anyone dares to say that maybe they dont want mass numbers of immigrants to come into their country without going through the proper,legal proccess… No matter how reasonable the argument against it is,it always ends in the same old BS. “We bomb the country so we need to take them in”. My only surprise is you havnt used the word “racist” yet
Tell me this,how do you know we bomb their country? They destroy their papers and ID so we dont know where they are from. There not ALL fleeing bombing. A convenient fact you lefties seem to conveniently ignore.
And in your rush to open the borders,are you so naive as to believe that no terrorists are clever enough to think that claiming asylum and sneaking into Britain is the best way to get here undetected? Knowing the names of suspected or known terrorists isnt a whole lot of good if we are suddenly expected to open the borders to everyone with no ID and trust in their good will that they are genuine or mean us no harm.
Whether you left wing “not in my name” clowns like to admit it or not,there are people out there who will think NOTHING of wiping out hundreds of people in a bomb blast. Take your head out of your arse and look at the real world.
Oh,and by the way,those “cowards” you seem to hate so much put their life on the line EVERY DAY to protect the freedom you have that allows you to come on an open forum and insult them. What exactly do YOU do? You know,apart from chuck insults,demand that we let all and sundry into the country they are defending while you watch the world through rose tinted specs from the safety of your own house?

This will only get worse. They will never stop fighting. Winston Churchill, in the early part of the last century said that ‘islam in a man, is like rabies in a dog’. Anybody who condones our open door immigration policy is blind.

If you want to see the future for the UK, then look at Sweden. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the west. Their liberal attitude to immigration has seen crime soar too. I am not racist, but the government needs to be realistic. There is real trouble ahead. Who is to say that this sudden influx is not the work of unseen terrorists, who want to bring the war directly to our towns? The majority of these immigrants are young men of fighting age.


Course im joking obviously…

No your not. You meet the most stupid,racist,hypocrits in the world in these “emerald Isles”

These SOBs will watch a country devastated and blame the ordinary folk for “terrorist attacks”

These people ,just like you and me are trying to feed their families and live in peace.
Yet their country is bombed by some bloody coward in an airoplane from 5 miles up and calls himself a “hero”
Or some moron in a tank thinks its “right” to obliterate a familly of 7 one of which is a 30 year old woman and the rest are under 15.

Cowards because they have not got the guts to say no .I am not going to kill innocent people
Grow some balls and tell the [zb]s to go and do their own murder.

Somebody needs a hug…



Course im joking obviously…

No your not. You meet the most stupid,racist,hypocrits in the world in these “emerald Isles”

These SOBs will watch a country devastated and blame the ordinary folk for “terrorist attacks”

These people ,just like you and me are trying to feed their families and live in peace.
Yet their country is bombed by some bloody coward in an airoplane from 5 miles up and calls himself a “hero”
Or some moron in a tank thinks its “right” to obliterate a familly of 7 one of which is a 30 year old woman and the rest are under 15.

Cowards because they have not got the guts to say no .I am not going to kill innocent people
Grow some balls and tell the [zb]s to go and do their own murder.

Somebody needs a hug…

I blame the BBC

Sins of the father’s .where’s my pension…haha

Jobs for the boys agency kickbacks .defected motors.and the responsibility of keeping agency staff with degrees in horse manure on 28 k a year …I’m sure it happens in other industries too though

Isis run the food factories now .cos they have a higher purpose and will work for peanuts

That’s another point why do English ppl think they are supreme .I’ve lived here all my life and western values are make money ■■■■ beer let the govt look after my kids .and they want our freedoms …they don’t want to be moronic