immigrants … BINED.html
There’s more to it than just how many you allow into the country … urope.html
Suppost to live in a democracy so we need a public vote on this. And judging by the comments I don’t think Cameron and the liberal loons would get their way

What a racist, bigoted point of view you have. You really do live in the dark ages. We live in a modern borderless world where every human being has the right to settle wherever they choose. These poor people that are trying to get to our multicultural EUtopia are doing so to escape persecution in their homelands. Once here they live in harmony amongst us and pose no threat to us at all. Even though the majority of these people are young males and IS have already said they will spread to Europe I see no reason to believe that they pose any threat to the uk. I certainly don’t see any evidence of this in my leafy village in the Cotswolds, admittley we don’t have any people of colour in our village but we’d welcome them with open arms if they wished to come here.

Misty-eyed, naive idealogical tripe.


What a racist, bigoted point of view you have. You really do live in the dark ages. We live in a modern borderless world where every human being has the right to settle wherever they choose. These poor people that are trying to get to our multicultural EUtopia are doing so to escape persecution in their homelands. Once here they live in harmony amongst us and pose no threat to us at all. Even though the majority of these people are young males and IS have already said they will spread to Europe I see no reason to believe that they pose any threat to the uk. I certainly don’t see any evidence of this in my leafy village in the Cotswolds, admittley we don’t have any people of colour in our village but we’d welcome them with open arms if they wished to come here.

Misty-eyed, naive idealogical tripe.

I assumed he was being ironic ?
Regards. John.

old 67:


What a racist, bigoted point of view you have. You really do live in the dark ages. We live in a modern borderless world where every human being has the right to settle wherever they choose. These poor people that are trying to get to our multicultural EUtopia are doing so to escape persecution in their homelands. Once here they live in harmony amongst us and pose no threat to us at all. Even though the majority of these people are young males and IS have already said they will spread to Europe I see no reason to believe that they pose any threat to the uk. I certainly don’t see any evidence of this in my leafy village in the Cotswolds, admittley we don’t have any people of colour in our village but we’d welcome them with open arms if they wished to come here.

Misty-eyed, naive idealogical tripe.

I assumed he was being ironic ?
Regards. John.

Yep I was definitely being ironic, the second half of the post that he has edited out confirmed it!

old 67:


If we allow the migrant hordes in without restriction.then… .our future will be a muslim one. People should wake up to this threat. That is why certain European countries will only allow Christian migrants.
There is more to this mass migration than is being reported. Sweden is now the ■■■■ capital of the world. This normally liberal and passive country is gripped by violent turf wars and a drugs epidemic. What does the future now hold for Germany? Murders in Sicily and France. The fundamentalists must be encouraging this mass exodus. This is a strategic move by the islamic war mongers. They will not stop until the whole world is islamic. Wherever these migrants settle, they will want a mosque, when this happens it becomes muslim land. It is invasion by stealth.
We ignore what is going on at our peril.

What a racist, bigoted point of view you have. You really do live in the dark ages. We live in a modern borderless world where every human being has the right to settle wherever they choose. These poor people that are trying to get to our multicultural EUtopia are doing so to escape persecution in their homelands. Once here they live in harmony amongst us and pose no threat to us at all. Even though the majority of these people are young males and IS have already said they will spread to Europe I see no reason to believe that they pose any threat to the uk. I certainly don’t see any evidence of this in my leafy village in the Cotswolds, admittley we don’t have any people of colour in our village but we’d welcome them with open arms if they wished to come here.

That view probably makes up for about half of the votes on the government petition and the other half will be Muslim.
Meanwhile back in the real world those of us that can see what is really going on are up against the stupidity of liberalism with the backing of the government and the media

Isn’t that the truth. It breaks my heart when I look at my lovely granddaughter and I realise what the future almost certainly holds for her.
Regards. John.

I totally sympathise. I’m the same with my daughter, I could cry.

Our future IS (how apt) a Muslim one - the seeds are sown and stopping immigration will do f*ck all to stop it.

It’s an impossibly bleak future, for the whole of Europe. Sweden has practically committed suicide, France is one step further along on the islamisation scale, then there’s Brussels, Netherlands, Germany and the rest.

Violence will ramp up in the coming years in correspondence to their population - it’s like clockwork, more of them = more violence.

And the leftie appeasers will be the first to go. Good luck.

Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

More drivel.

Mm, it does sound a bit doom and gloom. But it’s hard to imagine how our life could be any different. But it could, why not?

I worked in the middle east, and on one occasion a local told me that one of the prime aims is to spread the movement to the world by placing people in positions of power, education institutions and legal systems. I was told, make no mistake the west is next. These desires exist. Whats stopping them eventually?

I had the dubious pleasure of sitting next to a seemingly normal person on a internal flight who attempted to spend most of it attemtping to convert me. He pointed out with a smile why I was lower than him. It’s an agressive attitude to be on the end of when you hear it directly and a little bit frightening. The places I’ve been to where the system has moved in and taken over positions of power are are not pleasant places and are top of the list at Amnesty International.

I respect the sikhs and Hindus, Budhists who’ve lived in relative harmony in the UK and are welcome and valued British people who enjoy living here. There was a radio debate about Halal meat being sold in Tesco without labelling. The usual mouth pieces came on saying it was their right, winge, whine, moan, bla bla bla. A quiet spoken Sikh came on and made an interesting point. He said that as a Sikh he’s not allowed to eat Halal meat. But added, when was the last time you remember Sikhs groups moaning in the news or rearing their heads kicking up fuss in the country? They don’t, they get on with it and treat others with respect. I’ve not seen any Buddhist protests or Hindu protests in London, asserting that we are all infidels, or that we should have an ancient prehistoric, bigoted legal system to be enshrined in our constitution. Have you heard of any Hindu patrols taking place on the streets, threatening the public that they are in a Hindu street and they should abide by their religious law?

I have no problem with Polish people for example living here. They have for years. Like the Sikhs and Hindus, people from the West Indies - they’ll raise their Children here who will be as British as you or I and enjoy living in Britain as it is for what it is with no designs on others.

Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Typical Socialist cheap labour Con alliance bs.If that doesn’t say everything about the motivation behind the pro immigration cause then nothing does.IE ideologically opposed to the idea of the nation state and use the accusation of nazis against anyone who who opposes them.

Freight Dog:
Mm, it does sound a bit doom and gloom. But it’s hard to imagine how our life could be any different. But it could, why not?

I worked in the middle east, and on one occasion a local told me that one of the prime aims is to spread the movement to the world by placing people in positions of power, education institutions and legal systems. I was told, make no mistake the west is next. These desires exist. Whats stopping them eventually?

I had the dubious pleasure of sitting next to a seemingly normal person on a internal flight who attempted to spend most of it attemtping to convert me. He pointed out with a smile why I was lower than him. It’s an agressive attitude to be on the end of when you hear it directly and a little bit frightening. The places I’ve been to where the system has moved in and taken over positions of power are are not pleasant places and are top of the list at Amnesty International.

I respect the sikhs and Hindus, Budhists who’ve lived in relative harmony in the UK and are welcome and valued British people who enjoy living here. There was a radio debate about Halal meat being sold in Tesco without labelling. The usual mouth pieces came on saying it was their right, winge, whine, moan, bla bla bla. A quiet spoken Sikh came on and made an interesting point. He said that as a Sikh he’s not allowed to eat Halal meat. But added, when was the last time you remember Sikhs groups moaning in the news or rearing their heads kicking up fuss in the country? They don’t, they get on with it and treat others with respect. I’ve not seen any Buddhist protests or Hindu protests in London, asserting that we are all infidels, or that we should have an ancient prehistoric, bigoted legal system to be enshrined in our constitution. Have you heard of any Hindu patrols taking place on the streets, threatening the public that they are in a Hindu street and they should abide by their religious law?

I have no problem with Polish people for example living here. They have for years. Like the Sikhs and Hindus, people from the West Indies - they’ll raise their Children here who will be as British as you or I and enjoy living in Britain as it is for what it is with no designs on others.

There is no middle way on the issue of immigrant/different populations preferring to be with their own and self determination.That applies wether it’s Ireland v Northern Ireland or Israel v Arabia or India v Pakistan v Khalistan or the former Yugoslavia or Turkey v Kurdistan.As for the ethnic African populations living in harmony with ethnic Europeans you seem to have missed what happened in South Africa and Rhodesia and the ongoing ‘issues’ in America not to mention riots here when they think things aren’t going their way.


Freight Dog:
Mm, it does sound a bit doom and gloom. But it’s hard to imagine how our life could be any different. But it could, why not?

I worked in the middle east, and on one occasion a local told me that one of the prime aims is to spread the movement to the world by placing people in positions of power, education institutions and legal systems. I was told, make no mistake the west is next. These desires exist. Whats stopping them eventually?

I had the dubious pleasure of sitting next to a seemingly normal person on a internal flight who attempted to spend most of it attemtping to convert me. He pointed out with a smile why I was lower than him. It’s an agressive attitude to be on the end of when you hear it directly and a little bit frightening. The places I’ve been to where the system has moved in and taken over positions of power are are not pleasant places and are top of the list at Amnesty International.

I respect the sikhs and Hindus, Budhists who’ve lived in relative harmony in the UK and are welcome and valued British people who enjoy living here. There was a radio debate about Halal meat being sold in Tesco without labelling. The usual mouth pieces came on saying it was their right, winge, whine, moan, bla bla bla. A quiet spoken Sikh came on and made an interesting point. He said that as a Sikh he’s not allowed to eat Halal meat. But added, when was the last time you remember Sikhs groups moaning in the news or rearing their heads kicking up fuss in the country? They don’t, they get on with it and treat others with respect. I’ve not seen any Buddhist protests or Hindu protests in London, asserting that we are all infidels, or that we should have an ancient prehistoric, bigoted legal system to be enshrined in our constitution. Have you heard of any Hindu patrols taking place on the streets, threatening the public that they are in a Hindu street and they should abide by their religious law?

I have no problem with Polish people for example living here. They have for years. Like the Sikhs and Hindus, people from the West Indies - they’ll raise their Children here who will be as British as you or I and enjoy living in Britain as it is for what it is with no designs on others.

There is no middle way on the issue of immigrant/different populations preferring to be with their own and self determination.That applies wether it’s Ireland v Northern Ireland or Israel v Arabia or India v Pakistan v Khalistan or the former Yugoslavia or Turkey v Kurdistan.As for the ethnic African populations living in harmony with ethnic Europeans you seem to have missed what happened in South Africa and Rhodesia and the ongoing ‘issues’ in America not to mention riots here when they think things aren’t going their way.

I honestly think the idea of multiculturalism is pure evil, it doesn’t and never will work.

Human nature speaks for itself and that almost always wants to put us towards a more homogeneous society. Hence we have black areas, white areas, Asian areas and so forth. This is completely natural.

But flooding our country with alien settlers is as unnatural as it gets. I’m not saying we can’t ever get along, but when the host nation starts to get overwhelmed the divide gets bigger and there’s no longer a need to assimilate causing further division, and it snowballs from there.

As long as there’s mass numbers of different races and cultures etc living ‘together’, there will always be conflict, there’s always going to be at least one party crying about equality, equal rights which sounds all well and good but it’ll never work in practice.

We all deserve a right to an identity, but according to the left, the British don’t deserve one.


There is no middle way on the issue of immigrant/different populations preferring to be with their own and self determination.That applies wether it’s Ireland v Northern Ireland or Israel v Arabia or India v Pakistan v Khalistan or the former Yugoslavia or Turkey v Kurdistan.As for the ethnic African populations living in harmony with ethnic Europeans you seem to have missed what happened in South Africa and Rhodesia and the ongoing ‘issues’ in America not to mention riots here when they think things aren’t going their way.

I honestly think the idea of multiculturalism is pure evil, it doesn’t and never will work.

Human nature speaks for itself and that almost always wants to put us towards a more homogeneous society. Hence we have black areas, white areas, Asian areas and so forth. This is completely natural.

But flooding our country with alien settlers is as unnatural as it gets. I’m not saying we can’t ever get along, but when the host nation starts to get overwhelmed the divide gets bigger and there’s no longer a need to assimilate causing further division, and it snowballs from there.

As long as there’s mass numbers of different races and cultures etc living ‘together’, there will always be conflict, there’s always going to be at least one party crying about equality, equal rights which sounds all well and good but it’ll never work in practice.

We all deserve a right to an identity, but according to the left, the British don’t deserve one.

^ This.

The thing to remember is that Socialism is ideologically opposed to the idea of the nation state and fanatically believes in the idea of ethnic assimilation/integration and ‘wealth re distribution’.It also doesn’t believe in democracy it believes in infiltration to gain power.I should know having been one of them until I knew better. :wink:

While the Cons are just in it for the money and they see a financial advantage in as much cheap immigrant labour as possible.

Which explains everything that’s going on at so called national and EU government and at media level.


Freight Dog:
Mm, it does sound a bit doom and gloom. But it’s hard to imagine how our life could be any different. But it could, why not?

I worked in the middle east, and on one occasion a local told me that one of the prime aims is to spread the movement to the world by placing people in positions of power, education institutions and legal systems. I was told, make no mistake the west is next. These desires exist. Whats stopping them eventually?

I had the dubious pleasure of sitting next to a seemingly normal person on a internal flight who attempted to spend most of it attemtping to convert me. He pointed out with a smile why I was lower than him. It’s an agressive attitude to be on the end of when you hear it directly and a little bit frightening. The places I’ve been to where the system has moved in and taken over positions of power are are not pleasant places and are top of the list at Amnesty International.

I respect the sikhs and Hindus, Budhists who’ve lived in relative harmony in the UK and are welcome and valued British people who enjoy living here. There was a radio debate about Halal meat being sold in Tesco without labelling. The usual mouth pieces came on saying it was their right, winge, whine, moan, bla bla bla. A quiet spoken Sikh came on and made an interesting point. He said that as a Sikh he’s not allowed to eat Halal meat. But added, when was the last time you remember Sikhs groups moaning in the news or rearing their heads kicking up fuss in the country? They don’t, they get on with it and treat others with respect. I’ve not seen any Buddhist protests or Hindu protests in London, asserting that we are all infidels, or that we should have an ancient prehistoric, bigoted legal system to be enshrined in our constitution. Have you heard of any Hindu patrols taking place on the streets, threatening the public that they are in a Hindu street and they should abide by their religious law?

I have no problem with Polish people for example living here. They have for years. Like the Sikhs and Hindus, people from the West Indies - they’ll raise their Children here who will be as British as you or I and enjoy living in Britain as it is for what it is with no designs on others.

There is no middle way on the issue of immigrant/different populations preferring to be with their own and self determination.That applies wether it’s Ireland v Northern Ireland or Israel v Arabia or India v Pakistan v Khalistan or the former Yugoslavia or Turkey v Kurdistan.As for the ethnic African populations living in harmony with ethnic Europeans you seem to have missed what happened in South Africa and Rhodesia and the ongoing ‘issues’ in America not to mention riots here when they think things aren’t going their way.

Few things.

1/ It was Nationalism and loyalism within the North of Ireland, not Ireland VS Northern Ireland.

2/ I don’t know much about The Indian, Pakistan conflict but from having a beer with our agent one night in Delhi he said it was territorial.

3/ I didn’t actually mention Africans living with Europeans. I said West Indians. West Indians who are only there incidentally because we put them there in the first place to work and die on our sugar plantations.

4/ for the troubles in North America with “Africans”. Well, who also put them there in the first place? Europeans, then they and their children were treated like dirt until the civil rights movement.

5/ Assuming that multicultural integration, whatever the culture, is as equally threatening and that the real worry is just the government wanting cheap labour is failing to identify the real threat. We didn’t worry about our multiculturalism of other countries when we created an Empire or moved to the North of America. Sihks and Hindus do not seek to take over the world. Islam does. That’s the threat. It respects no border or won’t be constrained by territorial wars in its objective. Regardless of what Dave and his mates are up to, Islam will spread further and deeper west.

Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Are you for real? We are not talking about immigration per se…we are talking about illegal muslim immigrants. Already there are regular demonstrations in Luton, Bradford, Leeds etc by muslims demanding sharia law. Make no mistake, when there are enough of them in this country,they will try to change the fabric of this country. There will be demos outside Parliament and there will be a right-wing back-lash to these demos.

In case you forgot, Dearsh are creating a caliphate in the middle east, and have unequivocally stated that the west is next. The threat is very real, and people ignore it at their peril. How soon before disaffected youth from the middle east that are here become ‘radicalised’ and start attacking the public?

Ever wondered why you get a cold response from some shop-keepers, or a look of disdain from islamic passers by? It is because they hate you…and everything you stand for. The comic book they call the koran calls you a ‘kuffar’…a non-believer, a dirty person. You may be quite happy to be thought of like that in your own country… but some people have more pride than you. The same people who will never forgive them for their non-response to the beheadings in the middle east, and the killing of poor Lee Rigby. Wake up.

Freight Dog:

There is no middle way on the issue of immigrant/different populations preferring to be with their own and self determination.That applies wether it’s Ireland v Northern Ireland or Israel v Arabia or India v Pakistan v Khalistan or the former Yugoslavia or Turkey v Kurdistan.As for the ethnic African populations living in harmony with ethnic Europeans you seem to have missed what happened in South Africa and Rhodesia and the ongoing ‘issues’ in America not to mention riots here when they think things aren’t going their way.

Few things.

1/ It was Nationalism and loyalism within the North of Ireland, not Ireland VS Northern Ireland.

2/ I don’t know much about The Indian, Pakistan conflict but from having a beer with our agent one night in Delhi he said it was territorial.

3/ I didn’t actually mention Africans living with Europeans. I said West Indians. West Indians who are only there incidentally because we put them there in the first place to work and die on our sugar plantations.

4/ for the troubles in North America with “Africans”. Well, who also put them there in the first place? Europeans, then they and their children were treated like dirt until the civil rights movement.

5/ Assuming that multicultural integration, whatever the culture, is as equally threatening and that the real worry is just the government wanting cheap labour is failing to identify the real threat. We didn’t worry about our multiculturalism of other countries when we created an Empire or moved to the North of America. Sihks and Hindus do not seek to take over the world. Islam does. That’s the threat. It respects no border or won’t be constrained by territorial wars in its objective. Regardless of what Dave and his mates are up to, Islam will spread further and deeper west.

  1. Having had an ancestral family link to the Irish nationalist cause the border between North and South was agreed to seperate the Loyalist/Nationalist sides.Bearing in mind the local Loyalist majority in the North the ‘v’ in this case meaning the line of seperation used to stop/prevent conflict.IE national border.

  2. As above it’s all about territory and borders that reflect ethnic differences and divisions.Which is the definition of the nation state.

  3. The ‘West Indian’ issue when brought here is all part of the same ethnic African v ethnic European conflicting cultures which need to be sorted by either segregation or prefereably repatriation.

  4. As above being that the US Civil War was more about state rights and repatriation of the ethnic African population.The idea of segregation then being the only answer having lost that war.Followed by the ‘civil rights’ movement which pushed the contradictory idea of integration of two alien populations that can’t/dont want to be integrated.In keeping with all the other conflicting examples in which human nature says nationalism/nativism while bleeding heart socialism says integration.

  5. As above.The empire generally went along the lines of segregation until the Cons and Socialists both decided to bring the ‘Empire’ home and integrate much of the population of many of the seperate ethnic groups/nations/cultures that made it up into the one small country that mistakenly started it all.As usual being done to appease the Socialist and cheap labour pro immigration agenda. :bulb: :unamused:


Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Are you for real? We are not talking about immigration per se…we are talking about illegal muslim immigrants. Already there are regular demonstrations in Luton, Bradford, Leeds etc by muslims demanding sharia law. Make no mistake, when there are enough of them in this country,they will try to change the fabric of this country. There will be demos outside Parliament and there will be a right-wing back-lash to these demos.

In case you forgot, Dearsh are creating a caliphate in the middle east, and have unequivocally stated that the west is next. The threat is very real, and people ignore it at their peril. How soon before disaffected youth from the middle east that are here become ‘radicalised’ and start attacking the public?

Ever wondered why you get a cold response from some shop-keepers, or a look of disdain from islamic passers by? It is because they hate you…and everything you stand for. The comic book they call the koran calls you a ‘kuffar’…a non-believer, a dirty person. You may be quite happy to be thought of like that in your own country… but some people have more pride than you. The same people who will never forgive them for their non-response to the beheadings in the middle east, and the killing of poor Lee Rigby. Wake up.

Absolutely… Maybe he should read the Koran. Over one hundred verses calling for violence against the ‘kuffar’.

Bit of a clue isn’t it.


Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Are you for real? We are not talking about immigration per se…we are talking about illegal muslim immigrants. Already there are regular demonstrations in Luton, Bradford, Leeds etc by muslims demanding sharia law. Make no mistake, when there are enough of them in this country,they will try to change the fabric of this country. There will be demos outside Parliament and there will be a right-wing back-lash to these demos.

In case you forgot, Dearsh are creating a caliphate in the middle east, and have unequivocally stated that the west is next. The threat is very real, and people ignore it at their peril. How soon before disaffected youth from the middle east that are here become ‘radicalised’ and start attacking the public?

Ever wondered why you get a cold response from some shop-keepers, or a look of disdain from islamic passers by? It is because they hate you…and everything you stand for. The comic book they call the koran calls you a ‘kuffar’…a non-believer, a dirty person. You may be quite happy to be thought of like that in your own country… but some people have more pride than you. The same people who will never forgive them for their non-response to the beheadings in the middle east, and the killing of poor Lee Rigby. Wake up.

Spot on

No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Well now you mention it…



Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Are you for real? We are not talking about immigration per se…we are talking about illegal muslim immigrants. Already there are regular demonstrations in Luton, Bradford, Leeds etc by muslims demanding sharia law. Make no mistake, when there are enough of them in this country,they will try to change the fabric of this country. There will be demos outside Parliament and there will be a right-wing back-lash to these demos.

In case you forgot, Dearsh are creating a caliphate in the middle east, and have unequivocally stated that the west is next. The threat is very real, and people ignore it at their peril. How soon before disaffected youth from the middle east that are here become ‘radicalised’ and start attacking the public?

Ever wondered why you get a cold response from some shop-keepers, or a look of disdain from islamic passers by? It is because they hate you…and everything you stand for. The comic book they call the koran calls you a ‘kuffar’…a non-believer, a dirty person. You may be quite happy to be thought of like that in your own country… but some people have more pride than you. The same people who will never forgive them for their non-response to the beheadings in the middle east, and the killing of poor Lee Rigby. Wake up.

Spot on


I was walking through Birmingham airport some years ago. I was in uniform. A flight from the middle east had arrived and swarms of people were waiting outside. It was safe to say which religion they were of by the charitaristic dress. An old man was standing next to a young teenage boy next to the bus stop outside terminal 2. I was waiting for the transport. The boy looked me in the eye and made a gun gesture with his hands and pretended to “fire” at me, I just stared. A quite dirty and evil smile then appeared on his face and the old man he was with smirked. I should’ve said something to the peelers given I was in uniform but for some reason I didn’t. Wish to this day I did. Just shocked. I tried to talk myself into I just imagined it. Same thing happened now I wouldnt think twice although I’d probably be arrested myself for prejudice rather than anything happen.

Years later I’ve come across some extremely strong views from this camp when overseas. See that hate preacher has got bail. Bail! How??