
Freight Dog:
I was walking through Birmingham airport some years ago. I was in uniform. A flight from the middle east had arrived and swarms of people were waiting outside. It was safe to say which religion they were of by the charitaristic dress. An old man was standing next to a young teenage boy next to the bus stop outside terminal 2. I was waiting for the transport. The boy looked me in the eye and made a gun gesture with his hands and pretended to “fire” at me, I just stared. A quite dirty and evil smile then appeared on his face and the old man he was with smirked. I should’ve said something to the peelers given I was in uniform but for some reason I didn’t. Wish to this day I did. Just shocked. I tried to talk myself into I just imagined it. Same thing happened now I wouldnt think twice although I’d probably be arrested myself for prejudice rather than anything happen.

It could have been worse you could have been in an El Al uniform. :smiling_imp: :laughing:


Freight Dog:
I was walking through Birmingham airport some years ago. I was in uniform. A flight from the middle east had arrived and swarms of people were waiting outside. It was safe to say which religion they were of by the charitaristic dress. An old man was standing next to a young teenage boy next to the bus stop outside terminal 2. I was waiting for the transport. The boy looked me in the eye and made a gun gesture with his hands and pretended to “fire” at me, I just stared. A quite dirty and evil smile then appeared on his face and the old man he was with smirked. I should’ve said something to the peelers given I was in uniform but for some reason I didn’t. Wish to this day I did. Just shocked. I tried to talk myself into I just imagined it. Same thing happened now I wouldnt think twice although I’d probably be arrested myself for prejudice rather than anything happen.

It could have been worse you could have been in an El Al uniform. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Now that would be really risky :smiley: !



Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Are you for real? We are not talking about immigration per se…we are talking about illegal muslim immigrants. Already there are regular demonstrations in Luton, Bradford, Leeds etc by muslims demanding sharia law. Make no mistake, when there are enough of them in this country,they will try to change the fabric of this country. There will be demos outside Parliament and there will be a right-wing back-lash to these demos.

In case you forgot, Dearsh are creating a caliphate in the middle east, and have unequivocally stated that the west is next. The threat is very real, and people ignore it at their peril. How soon before disaffected youth from the middle east that are here become ‘radicalised’ and start attacking the public?

Ever wondered why you get a cold response from some shop-keepers, or a look of disdain from islamic passers by? It is because they hate you…and everything you stand for. The comic book they call the koran calls you a ‘kuffar’…a non-believer, a dirty person. You may be quite happy to be thought of like that in your own country… but some people have more pride than you. The same people who will never forgive them for their non-response to the beheadings in the middle east, and the killing of poor Lee Rigby. Wake up.

Absolutely… Maybe he should read the Koran. Over one hundred verses calling for violence against the ‘kuffar’.

Bit of a clue isn’t it.

There’s nothing like a bit of paranoia to stir up the ladies is there? So tell me, what are you girls doing about this mass banging down the doors? Or do you think the Muslims read this and think, ooh we’ve upset the truckers, we’d best go home, are you or have you done anything about it, other that bleat on about it on here?
You’re all upset by looks of distain from shopkeepers! Now that is sad, you ever been in a kebab shop around chucking out time? An Indian restaurant, a corner shop near a school at lunchtime? Yes we treat them all so well it’s no wonder they love us & want to come here. Have you ever wondered why so many want to go & fight abroad? Is it because they feel so welcome in what is, for plenty of the young ones, their country of birth.
I know one thing, nothing, absolutely nothing, will come from anything written on here.

Carryfast did a one liner and it was actually funny! :smiley: well done CF, hopefully you’ve discovered the power of brevity. :wink:




Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Are you for real? We are not talking about immigration per se…we are talking about illegal muslim immigrants. Already there are regular demonstrations in Luton, Bradford, Leeds etc by muslims demanding sharia law. Make no mistake, when there are enough of them in this country,they will try to change the fabric of this country. There will be demos outside Parliament and there will be a right-wing back-lash to these demos.

In case you forgot, Dearsh are creating a caliphate in the middle east, and have unequivocally stated that the west is next. The threat is very real, and people ignore it at their peril. How soon before disaffected youth from the middle east that are here become ‘radicalised’ and start attacking the public?

Ever wondered why you get a cold response from some shop-keepers, or a look of disdain from islamic passers by? It is because they hate you…and everything you stand for. The comic book they call the koran calls you a ‘kuffar’…a non-believer, a dirty person. You may be quite happy to be thought of like that in your own country… but some people have more pride than you. The same people who will never forgive them for their non-response to the beheadings in the middle east, and the killing of poor Lee Rigby. Wake up.

Absolutely… Maybe he should read the Koran. Over one hundred verses calling for violence against the ‘kuffar’.

Bit of a clue isn’t it.

There’s nothing like a bit of paranoia to stir up the ladies is there? So tell me, what are you girls doing about this mass banging down the doors? Or do you think the Muslims read this and think, ooh we’ve upset the truckers, we’d best go home, are you or have you done anything about it, other that bleat on about it on here?
You’re all upset by looks of distain from shopkeepers! Now that is sad, you ever been in a kebab shop around chucking out time? An Indian restaurant, a corner shop near a school at lunchtime? Yes we treat them all so well it’s no wonder they love us & want to come here. Have you ever wondered why so many want to go & fight abroad? Is it because they feel so welcome in what is, for plenty of the young ones, their country of birth.
I know one thing, nothing, absolutely nothing, will come from anything written on here.


Are you really saying there is no hateful verses in the Koran?




Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Are you for real? We are not talking about immigration per se…we are talking about illegal muslim immigrants. Already there are regular demonstrations in Luton, Bradford, Leeds etc by muslims demanding sharia law. Make no mistake, when there are enough of them in this country,they will try to change the fabric of this country. There will be demos outside Parliament and there will be a right-wing back-lash to these demos.

In case you forgot, Dearsh are creating a caliphate in the middle east, and have unequivocally stated that the west is next. The threat is very real, and people ignore it at their peril. How soon before disaffected youth from the middle east that are here become ‘radicalised’ and start attacking the public?

Ever wondered why you get a cold response from some shop-keepers, or a look of disdain from islamic passers by? It is because they hate you…and everything you stand for. The comic book they call the koran calls you a ‘kuffar’…a non-believer, a dirty person. You may be quite happy to be thought of like that in your own country… but some people have more pride than you. The same people who will never forgive them for their non-response to the beheadings in the middle east, and the killing of poor Lee Rigby. Wake up.

Absolutely… Maybe he should read the Koran. Over one hundred verses calling for violence against the ‘kuffar’.

Bit of a clue isn’t it.

There’s nothing like a bit of paranoia to stir up the ladies is there? So tell me, what are you girls doing about this mass banging down the doors? Or do you think the Muslims read this and think, ooh we’ve upset the truckers, we’d best go home, are you or have you done anything about it, other that bleat on about it on here?
You’re all upset by looks of distain from shopkeepers! Now that is sad, you ever been in a kebab shop around chucking out time? An Indian restaurant, a corner shop near a school at lunchtime? Yes we treat them all so well it’s no wonder they love us & want to come here. Have you ever wondered why so many want to go & fight abroad? Is it because they feel so welcome in what is, for plenty of the young ones, their country of birth.
I know one thing, nothing, absolutely nothing, will come from anything written on here.

Who are you talking about though? Colour, country or a particular religion?

Many Indians have done very well for themselves. Just look at the film East is East. He ran a chippy and had a son that could make model fannies!

There’s nothing like a bit of paranoia to stir up the ladies is there? So tell me, what are you girls doing about this mass banging down the doors? Or do you think the Muslims read this and think, ooh we’ve upset the truckers, we’d best go home, are you or have you done anything about it, other that bleat on about it on here? … snip…

I’m a little disappointed with your post there Billy. Normally you give a very well balanced and even handed response to other posters regardless of whether you agree or disagree with them, but I feel that last was a tad patronising tbh.

You certainly don’t need the likes of me lecturing you on what a democracy is, but I will stress that whilst I do not necessarily agree with all your views I would 100% defend your right to air those views. Unfortunately however, the people you’re potentially defending will not respect your views, they will in fact quite happily kill you and your family for not sharing their view.

ever been in a kebab shop around chucking out time? An Indian restaurant, a corner shop near a school at lunchtime? Have you ever wondered why so many want to go & fight abroad? Is it because they feel so welcome in what is, for plenty of the young ones, their country of birth…

I don’t think they go abroad, chop heads off, mutilate and ■■■■ because they’ve had enough of drunks spilling bits of Donna, mayo and onions on the floor. Or kids in corner shops stealing penny sweets and making ■■■■■■■ noises. Could be wrong through. It’s an angle


old 67:


What a racist, bigoted point of view you have. You really do live in the dark ages. We live in a modern borderless world where every human being has the right to settle wherever they choose. These poor people that are trying to get to our multicultural EUtopia are doing so to escape persecution in their homelands. Once here they live in harmony amongst us and pose no threat to us at all. Even though the majority of these people are young males and IS have already said they will spread to Europe I see no reason to believe that they pose any threat to the uk. I certainly don’t see any evidence of this in my leafy village in the Cotswolds, admittley we don’t have any people of colour in our village but we’d welcome them with open arms if they wished to come here.

Misty-eyed, naive idealogical :blush: tripe.

I assumed he was being ironic ?
Regards. John.

Yep I was definitely being ironic, the second half of the post that he has edited out confirmed it!

Doh!! Got me there! :smiley: :blush:
Must admit I was perplexed by the u-turn at the end! My bad. I shall now mercilessly flagellate myself in atonement!

Freight Dog. I think you will find the family in East is East who had the chippy, are Pakistani’s. Not Indians.

the maoster:

There’s nothing like a bit of paranoia to stir up the ladies is there? So tell me, what are you girls doing about this mass banging down the doors? Or do you think the Muslims read this and think, ooh we’ve upset the truckers, we’d best go home, are you or have you done anything about it, other that bleat on about it on here? … snip…

I’m a little disappointed with your post there Billy. Normally you give a very well balanced and even handed response to other posters regardless of whether you agree or disagree with them, but I feel that last was a tad patronising tbh.

You certainly don’t need the likes of me lecturing you on what a democracy is, but I will stress that whilst I do not necessarily agree with all your views I would 100% defend your right to air those views. Unfortunately however, the people you’re potentially defending will not respect your views, they will in fact quite happily kill you and your family for not sharing their view.

Is it just me that finds it odd that only a few short years ago, during army service in N Ireland, I was defending people that would be only too happy to kill me in all sorts of ways. These white people, Protestants & Catholics alike, born & raised in the same country as me, regularly tried, and on plenty occasions, happily killed & maimed soldiers & civilians alike in the name of whatever religion they supported. Although you don’t hear as much of it now, you never did on the mainland, it’s still going on.
Now I’m supposed to get all unessessary about people trying to get to Europe on a boat who some on here think are undercover terrorists. Time to wake up, they’re already here, they’ve been brought up here. Why would a terrorist in Syria put them self through all that stress of getting here on a dodgy boat when they can just get on a plane or call someone here? Someone even suggested preventing certain types of employment should be stopped from coming here! Like terrorists can only do certain jobs, the mind boggles.
As it happens I’m not defending them, I just get a tad annoyed at the level of rants on here from people that refuse to do anything about their complaints. I’ve been sending emails & letters to my local MP, a labour gimp as I live in the north east, as well as the PM, the foreign secretary & the Home Secretary with regards to the current state of immigration. Will it work? Probably not if I do it on my own, but if we all did it…

Freight Dog. I think you will find the family in East is East who had the chippy, are Pakistani’s. Not Indians.

Oh. You’re right.

So, see Pakistanis have done very well for themselves :smiley: !

Integrate not assimilate. Do the former and you’re more than welcome, attempt the latter and you are distinctly unwelcome. Simple really.


the maoster:

There’s nothing like a bit of paranoia to stir up the ladies is there? So tell me, what are you girls doing about this mass banging down the doors? Or do you think the Muslims read this and think, ooh we’ve upset the truckers, we’d best go home, are you or have you done anything about it, other that bleat on about it on here? … snip…

I’m a little disappointed with your post there Billy. Normally you give a very well balanced and even handed response to other posters regardless of whether you agree or disagree with them, but I feel that last was a tad patronising tbh.

You certainly don’t need the likes of me lecturing you on what a democracy is, but I will stress that whilst I do not necessarily agree with all your views I would 100% defend your right to air those views. Unfortunately however, the people you’re potentially defending will not respect your views, they will in fact quite happily kill you and your family for not sharing their view.

Is it just me that finds it odd that only a few short years ago, during army service in N Ireland, I was defending people that would be only too happy to kill me in all sorts of ways. These white people, Protestants & Catholics alike, born & raised in the same country as me, regularly tried, and on plenty occasions, happily killed & maimed soldiers & civilians alike in the name of whatever religion they supported. Although you don’t hear as much of it now, you never did on the mainland, it’s still going on.
Now I’m supposed to get all unessessary about people trying to get to Europe on a boat who some on here think are undercover terrorists. Time to wake up, they’re already here, they’ve been brought up here.

We know ‘they’ are already here and we also know that ‘they’ aren’t the friendly lot that you are trying to paint them as.Which is why the Middle East is such a murderous zb hole amongst other ‘arguments’ like the one that needed to be settled by the partition of India.

As for Ireland think of it just like an early to mid 20th century version of the American war of Independence.IE a fight against British rule in what in this case wasn’t even a British colony but a foreign nation.Which unlike the American example resulted in partition to take account of both the loyalist and nationalist factions.With unfortunately many on the nationalist side not wanting to accept the settlement.Many of the issues between loyalist and nationalist just happening to include a religious difference.As for British squaddies yes no surprise that they wouldn’t be welcome just like red coats in the US example.Bearing in mind small issues like Bloody Sunday and I don’t mean the repeat performance 1972 version.Or for that matter murdering my great uncle after the anglo irish treaty for the crime of fighting for his country and unfortunately ending up on the ‘wrong’ side of the border agreed in the settlement before having the time to move south. :unamused:

the maoster:
Integrate not assimilate. Do the former and you’re more than welcome, attempt the latter and you are distinctly unwelcome. Simple really.

There is no difference.There is no way that different ethnic groups can integrate without that also meaning assimilate.

Everything is else is segregation of one form or another to a greater or lesser degree.With partition to reflect nation status being the logical conclusion.Just as nature intended.

the maoster:
I’m a little disappointed with your post there Billy…

…the people you’re potentially defending will not respect your views, they will in fact quite happily kill you and your family for not sharing their view.

More hysterics. Has somebody hacked your account or something?


The people who I speak to face to face, who seem sympathetic to the migrant cause, seem to believe it’s only the good people of these countries fleeing persecution. I’m willing to wager a significant number of them are criminals in their own lands. They show little regard for the laws of the European Countries they travel through or to. Will this change once they are granted asylum? No. Who am I though? I’m just one of the silent majority, bristling with anger as our government mishandle this parasite invasion.

Then why stay silent? If you’re against it let your local MP know. Write or email them about your position, if you don’t let them know they have a reason to do as they wish. It’s your kind of attitude that these people rely on, it gives them a chance to say " well nobody has complained to me about them coming here so they must be ok with it"
Everybody on here complains but do they do anything about it? No.

I have told him. My local MP used to actually be my barber since I was a kid until I lost my hair, lol. He didn’t want to hear it. He has to tow the party line, which is, let’s allow these poor, desperate, parasitic chancers into our country. Healthcare is on the house, everyone come to the UK!!! So don’t start making assumptions about me. The Elite in this country are very open minded about letting these illegals in, as it’s the working class who will have to rub shoulders with them.

Good grief, I’ve seen some Barry White posted on here before but after reading some of the drivel on this thread we appear to have 2 options.

No1,Let’s all just kill ourselves now shall we, it’ll save us from the Muslim hordes banging on the door.
No2, kill anyone from anywhere in the world that even thinks about coming here so we can preserve our little island nation.

Number 2 please, lol.

Kidding aside, nobody said kill them. Just don’t let them in. If they kill themselves trying to get in, then that’s their banana.



the maoster:

There’s nothing like a bit of paranoia to stir up the ladies is there? So tell me, what are you girls doing about this mass banging down the doors? Or do you think the Muslims read this and think, ooh we’ve upset the truckers, we’d best go home, are you or have you done anything about it, other that bleat on about it on here? … snip…

I’m a little disappointed with your post there Billy. Normally you give a very well balanced and even handed response to other posters regardless of whether you agree or disagree with them, but I feel that last was a tad patronising tbh.

You certainly don’t need the likes of me lecturing you on what a democracy is, but I will stress that whilst I do not necessarily agree with all your views I would 100% defend your right to air those views. Unfortunately however, the people you’re potentially defending will not respect your views, they will in fact quite happily kill you and your family for not sharing their view.

Is it just me that finds it odd that only a few short years ago, during army service in N Ireland, I was defending people that would be only too happy to kill me in all sorts of ways. These white people, Protestants & Catholics alike, born & raised in the same country as me, regularly tried, and on plenty occasions, happily killed & maimed soldiers & civilians alike in the name of whatever religion they supported. Although you don’t hear as much of it now, you never did on the mainland, it’s still going on.
Now I’m supposed to get all unessessary about people trying to get to Europe on a boat who some on here think are undercover terrorists. Time to wake up, they’re already here, they’ve been brought up here.

We know ‘they’ are already here and we also know that ‘they’ aren’t the friendly lot that you are trying to paint them as.Which is why the Middle East is such a murderous zb hole amongst other ‘arguments’ like the one that needed to be settled by the partition of India.

As for Ireland think of it just like an early to mid 20th century version of the American war of Independence.IE a fight against British rule in what in this case wasn’t even a British colony but a foreign nation.Which unlike the American example resulted in partition to take account of both the loyalist and nationalist factions.With unfortunately many on the nationalist side not wanting to accept the settlement.Many of the issues between loyalist and nationalist just happening to include a religious difference.As for British squaddies yes no surprise that they wouldn’t be welcome just like red coats in the US example.Bearing in mind small issues like Bloody Sunday and I don’t mean the repeat performance 1972 version.Or for that matter murdering my great uncle after the anglo irish treaty for the crime of fighting for his country and unfortunately ending up on the ‘wrong’ side of the border agreed in the settlement before having the time to move south. :unamused:

If “we” know they are here already why do “we” still keep going on about them sneaking in with these boat people?
I’ve no interest in India, American war of independence, or any other historic guff you come up with. All I know is we have a perfectly good enemy just over the Irish Sea who are quite happy to kill us, and they done that to a lot more innocent people than any Muslims recently, and I’m not trying to paint them as friendly, you’re making stuff up again. As I recall from recent history, that’s around the late 1960s, the army went in to support the Catholics as they were being picked on by the Protestant. They rewarded the soldiers by killing them, nice people the Irish.
So your relation got killed while doing what he signed up for, well ■■■■ happens I’m afraid, same as it did for six of my mates over the years, killed by the Irish for doing their job. Oddly enough I’ve not had anyone liked by Muslims.

If “we” know they are here already why do “we” still keep going on about them sneaking in with these boat people?
I’ve no interest in India, American war of independence, or any other historic guff you come up with. All I know is we have a perfectly good enemy just over the Irish Sea who are quite happy to kill us, and they done that to a lot more innocent people than any Muslims recently, and I’m not trying to paint them as friendly, you’re making stuff up again. As I recall from recent history, that’s around the late 1960s, the army went in to support the Catholics as they were being picked on by the Protestant. They rewarded the soldiers by killing them, nice people the Irish.
So your relation got killed while doing what he signed up for, well [zb] happens I’m afraid, same as it did for six of my mates over the years, killed by the Irish for doing their job. Oddly enough I’ve not had anyone liked by Muslims.

No surprise that you don’t want to compare the Irish situation with that of the American War of Independence.Being that the Irish were/are not much if any more of a threat to us than the Americans are.The difference being that,as I said,the American situation wasn’t complicated by recognition and partition of the loyalist cause there,as in Ireland.The resulting argument and split in the Nationalist cause having killed far more of their own by their own than all the Brit casualties in total.Collins having been one.On that note I’m guessing that you and your mates wouldn’t have been so keen on going back to America to finish what the red coats started because you’d have got a bigger kicking than the Brits did there in 1812 and before.Bearing in mind that is effectively what the British Army did in Ireland.As for being called in to defend the Nationalists in Northern Ireland that’s total bs just like the 1972 bloody Sunday whitewash.

If you really think that the Islamic world is less of a threat to us than the Irish ever were,let alone now that the realisation has finally dawned among the Northern Irish nationalist cause that Collins was right,then carry on with such bs thinking and see where it takes the country.While your obvious inability to understand the risk of adding to those we’ve already got,with an even more battle hardened bunch of psychos to join them,being part of that lack of understanding. :unamused: