
Whilst a few guys have a pop at him ,I find his post amusing and interesting.
Some say he is English, others just slag him off cos of what/ they way he writes stuff.
if you don’t like his posts just ignore him in your control panel, if you can’t be arsed to do that then leave him alone.
sometimes he speaks more sense than other ( me included)
let him play :confused:
just saying like :slight_smile:

Ignoring him doesn’t hide his topics though, I swear half of page 1 was started by him the other day!

tis not the world’s end to, rather him than some others on here, me included sometimes !!

The irony being of course,that 99% of all those who hate him will click this thread and read it! :laughing:

one of the reasons I posted it .

He wants to make his mind up whether he posts good English or bad trolling English!

He’s a troll. He plays, we play.

Hold off just for the moment with any planned misty eyed YouTube video rants.

he does post Good stuff now and then.
common immigrant join in :smiley:
I am not taking the Micky, I like most of your posts.

I find him a notch above the other immigrants on here who are so self righteous and arrogant , with their cloying grasper superior attitudes . They seem to think England owes them a living and appear hell bent on turning us into some the same backward hell holes they are escaping from . places that seem yet to experience the 60s . They think they are doing us a favour and deserve our thanks for coming .

Except immigrant who plods along , never asking for much and expecting less . hints of humour and chilled ish attitude . little brain whirring away , hes clearly interested in the world around him .

I think the blokes just a bit lonely .

orys posted some good stuff as well, he did post some rubbish but we are all guilty of that,

The one where he was urged to pull over. No, No, I just wear t shirt :smiley:

goldilox that joke is older than me and I retire in 2 years. :astonished: :smiley:

…he did post some rubbish but we are all guilty of that,

Speak for yourself !

:smiley: yer right

I know what you’re saying and I don’t like bullying, which it does seem to be but, I have to admit that as I realised a lot of people were correct and his broken English seems to switch on and off he has recently really started to grind my gears.

Whilst a few guys have a pop at him ,I find his post amusing and interesting.
Some say he is English, others just slag him off cos of what/ they way he writes stuff.
if you don’t like his posts just ignore him in your control panel, if you can’t be arsed to do that then leave him alone.
sometimes he speaks more sense than other ( me included)
let him play :confused:
just saying like :slight_smile:


What good is the “foe” function for when somebody else quotes his crap?

Tomato sauce will turn curtain blue. But only if in swimming pool.

Conan the Librarian:
Ignoring him doesn’t hide his topics though, I swear half of page 1 was started by him the other day!

Just add him to your foes list if your not interested and that bothered.

I think he is for real, probably exaggerates his bad english a touch, but from the way he constructs his sentences I think he is German – I could be wrong, other than that I think he is good value for money.