
I used to find him funny, now he is beyond irritating.

as others said yes post the odd ’ funny broken English thread ’ not a full page worth, for me a couple of reasons - a its makes the site ■■■■ boring, b most of it is bolloxs and you miss the decent threads.

if he is genuine maybe he will read this and limit the threads such as 50kph gives me blood pressure issues etc. if not he will continue to post total ■■■■■■


Conan the Librarian:
Ignoring him doesn’t hide his topics though, I swear half of page 1 was started by him the other day!

Just add him to your foes list if your not interested and that bothered.

As said before, no good if someone else quotes him, you still have to scroll through his bile.

As said before, no good if someone else quotes him, you still have to scroll through his bile.

Quite right!!

However… scrolling through it doesn’t mean the same as reading it. :wink:

:bulb: Don’t let that get in the way of a good moan though. :smiley:

Immigrant may or may not be quite a few things, but he doesn’t dodge the auto censor, he doesn’t make personal attacks and he doesn’t say derogatory or racist things about travellers or people who were born in a foreign country.

Actually, he’s quite individual… unlike some.

Bluey Circles:
I think he is for real, probably exaggerates his bad english a touch, but from the way he constructs his sentences I think he is German – I could be wrong, other than that I think he is good value for money.

Better value for money than the smoking monkey at any rate. But nowhere near dozy’s level. First he takes out a roof because of a van, then he joins the C U Next TuesdayS in Green! That said I can also be accused of ■■■■-posting daily. … 61830b.jpg How I imagine TruckNet users.

the nodding donkey:
Tomato sauce will turn curtain blue. But only if in swimming pool.

But only if the potatoe did 50kmh :laughing: :laughing:

I think if he was a troll he would be bored by now. He’s been on the site a long time. To be honest there an awful lot more ■■■■ heads worthy of blocking in front of Mr immigrant.

He’s Austrian if I remember rightly.

the nodding donkey:
Tomato sauce will turn curtain blue. But only if in swimming pool.

Thankyou please

So i guess IMMIGRANT wasnt on your voting list then :smiley: oh well, nor was I…but i do enjoy a bit of banter and he supplied that, not always but sometimes, like all of us, we can get on peoples nerves, like ROB use to ha ha where is he now ? just wonering if hes changed names or just got bored with this site.

in my opinion I don’t think anyone hates the guy,you cant hate someone you have never met,i just wish you could understand some of his posts

I don’t mind him, at least he isn’t always talking about agency, agency agency agency agency agency agency agency agency agency agency agency like 90% of people on here. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I think immigrant writes in German, translates it on google or similar and whatever it says is what ends up being his post.

he’s no fred kanka like…or is he??

I like the way people really lay into him and he doesn’t bite back. That tells me he’s a troll therefore wins most of the time.

Have you ever thought what he reads back is not translated correctly similar to a few of his posts, what a world to live in :laughing:

in my opinion I don’t think anyone hates the guy,you cant hate someone you have never met,i just wish you could understand some of his posts

+1. There’s not one poster I could say I hate. In fact none even annoy me. Computerland doesn’t have that affect on me. Some get a ribbing of course and they usually are asking for it. Anyone says they hate such and such on a forum needs to get out a tad more

what colour is he

Red and yellow and pink and green…purple and orange and blue?? :grimacing:

Red and yellow and pink and green…purple and orange and blue?? :grimacing:

mixed race then

As said before, no good if someone else quotes him, you still have to scroll through his bile.

If anything does turn me off this site it’s excessive quoting by posters who are too ■■■■ lazy to edit stuff to keep it relevant.


As said before, no good if someone else quotes him, you still have to scroll through his bile.

If anything does turn me off this site it’s excessive quoting by posters who are too ■■■■ lazy to edit stuff to keep it relevant.


the nodding donkey:


As said before, no good if someone else quotes him, you still have to scroll through his bile.

If anything does turn me off this site it’s excessive quoting by posters who are too ■■■■ lazy to edit stuff to keep it relevant.

