I'm gonna be famous!

I reckon I’ll be on Sally traffic shortly. Currently sat on h/s M5 south just after gate 7 with an o/s trailer blowout (big thanx to the Stobbies driver who brought it to my attention), so I imagine there’ll need to be a lane closure to replace it. Sorry in advance guys ‘n’ gals.

Highways did make me smile when I rang to pre warn them of the problem, they obviously have to go through a checklist and seemed concerned that there was nobody with specific welfare needs present! Caught me out a bit when he asked, but I suppose I can see the logic. Oh, and no, I’m not gonna sit up the bank while I wait. :smiley:

If the trailers air suspension,adjustable spanner,screw,rag…blank off air bag…chain up,sorted :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: only joking…good luck. Regards Graeme

bit of rain , are you man or mouse ? :laughing: :laughing:

Think I passed you about 20 mins ago…middle tyre on trailer?

Think I passed you about 20 mins ago…middle tyre on trailer?

O/s front. Big steel bar through it. Couldn’t quite believe the near misses I witnessed while sat there. Target fixation I put down to. All fixed now and sat in Strensham whilst they try to book redilivery for tomorrow morning.

If your out for the night get yourself to Upton on servern it’s only up the road a bit,great place to park. :wink:

Love to, but I’m loaded with ice cream so don’t wanna switch the fridge off. I may just come to The Copper Kettle (?) and keep you boys awake all night! :grimacing: :grimacing:

the maoster:
. All fixed now and sat in Strensham.

the maoster:
Love to, but I’m loaded with ice cream so don’t wanna switch the fridge off.! :grimacing: :grimacing:

Don’t worry, its only a matter off time, no matter how far out off the way you park, that another driver will pull up next to you, book himself off, and then ask you when you are going to switch the fridge off :unamused: and then expect you too move when you tell him “when I’ve tipped”. He’ll then tell you that it don’t need to be running to stay cold, or that he’ll turn it off when you go to bed, etc etc :unamused: :unamused:

Sweet dreams :wink:

That made me laugh. Firstly 'cos it’s so true, and secondly because as I read your post a car transporter pulled up alongside. He’d just got his sarnies out when my fridge fired up. He then drove off shaking his head. :smiley:

the maoster:
That made me laugh. Firstly 'cos it’s so true, and secondly because as I read your post a car transporter pulled up alongside. He’d just got his sarnies out when my fridge fired up. He then drove off shaking his head. :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So true :wink:

the maoster:
Love to, but I’m loaded with ice cream so don’t wanna switch the fridge off. I may just come to The Copper Kettle (?) and keep you boys awake all night! :grimacing: :grimacing:

It’s called the cop cut BTW :wink: :grimacing:
And I ain’t there so your more than welcome to stop there :grimacing: :grimacing:

This is all very we’ll Moaster, but did you get on Sally traffic ?

Cant believe, you had to be told that you had a blowout tbh.

eddie snax:
He’ll then tell you that it don’t need to be running to stay cold, or that he’ll turn it off when you go to bed, etc etc :unamused: :unamused:

Sweet dreams :wink:

I know the fridge units are loud but no one actually turns off another drivers unit do they?
I mean that’s just out of order and putting that poor drivers livelihood and reputation on the line.

You didn’t realise you has a blowout ,I must be unlucky because all mine have been like bombs going off ( the first time I had one it was such a large bang I thought the trailer had fallen off ) ,there was cars scattering in all directions ,tyre,mudguard,hydraulic tank were all gone ,or damaged

Cant believe, you had to be told that you had a blowout tbh.

I’d picked up a big steel rod and probably used the term blow out when puncture would’ve done. The tyre was still hissing when I stopped, but I imagine that pulling a fridge where on a straight road you can’t see the wheels, coupled with tons of spray would’ve meant that I’d have been unaware right up to the moment when the debris started flying off.

This is all very we’ll Moaster, but did you get on Sally traffic ?

Didn’t make Sally jim. I did get on the local reports though, a kind of Bronwyn traffic iirc. :wink:

Cant believe, you had to be told that you had a blowout tbh.

I had a driver blast his horn at me on the M1 and let me know my O/S/F tyre was going down and I didn’t even notice. Pulled over onto the hard shoulder to see my tyre flat as a ■■■■ and the sidewall split.
They don’t all gone “BANG” with ■■■■■ flying everywhere you know.

such is life when my lorry went up
in smoke I didn’t make it either


eddie snax:
He’ll then tell you that it don’t need to be running to stay cold, or that he’ll turn it off when you go to bed, etc etc :unamused: :unamused:

Sweet dreams :wink:

I know the fridge units are loud but no one actually turns off another drivers unit do they?
I mean that’s just out of order and putting that poor drivers livelihood and reputation on the line.

I don’t personally know off it actually being done, but when I was on fridges, I had on more than 1 occasion been told by a driver that he would turn it off, and also got told by 1 guy that he would cut the fuel line :open_mouth:(I thought good luck with that, as it was all anti tamper) :wink: . and on every occasion I was already parked, so they came to park next to Me :unamused: . I used to find that getting out and making a note off the lorry reg and company name/phone number, would usually get Me another load off abuse :unamused: , but that they would then move, and leave me in peace, well as peaceful as a running fridge could be :wink: