I'm gonna be famous!

was that you in that ND motor?..it was just a puncture fella not a blow out!

was that you in that ND motor?..it was just a puncture fella not a blow out!

T’was I. Yeah but a blowout sounds more exciting! :smiley: . In fact blow out is just what the fleet engineer will have when he gets the bill, tyre had less than 2k km on it.

so did the wombles turn up and put out a lane closure for the tyre fitter then ? :unamused:
how was the experience of being there ?

so did the wombles turn up and put out a lane closure for the tyre fitter then ? :unamused:
how was the experience of being there ?

Not sure the wombles still exist. A certain womble has gone very quiet recently.

Yeah they did turn up. Took 2 hours, but I didn’t give them any grief as I like to think that they were on more important things first. They coned lane one off for the tyre guy. I have done heavy recovery before but have been paying too much attention to the casualty vehicle to watch the approaching traffic, but yesterday gave me a chance to and I must say it was pretty hair raising to say the least! 90% of motorists both car and HGV no problem, the remainder swerve out violently just before hitting the cones, and drivers of small hatchbacks brake to about 20 mph as the flashing orange lights obviously terrfies them.

the maoster:

This is all very we’ll Moaster, but did you get on Sally traffic ?

Didn’t make Sally jim. I did get on the local reports though, a kind of Bronwyn traffic iirc. :wink:

Bronwyn traffic not quite the same ring to it has it ?
But I’m sure you will make the big time someday


eddie snax:
He’ll then tell you that it don’t need to be running to stay cold, or that he’ll turn it off when you go to bed, etc etc :unamused: :unamused:

Sweet dreams :wink:

I know the fridge units are loud but no one actually turns off another drivers unit do they?
I mean that’s just out of order and putting that poor drivers livelihood and reputation on the line.

Fraid there are some who think that fridge drivers should park on mountain tops when they gotta leave the fridge running

I’m sure I will Jim, just not for the wrong reasons I hope.

I was once soldier #2 stood on Kellys corner on a UTV news report. Does that count? :smiley:

If your out for the night get yourself to Upton on servern it’s only up the road a bit,great place to park. :wink:

I’ve stopped there loads. Brilliant in the summer.

I was starship trooper No17 on Star Wars but you couldn’t see my face properly.
Once had an off side trailer blow out on M62 , fitter came out and fixed it without any cones or traffic management at all !
It was Saturday lunchtime and he wanted to be finished I think.

the maoster:
Oh, and no, I’m not gonna sit up the bank while I wait. :smiley:


I’ll decide if I think it’s necessary to get up the bank or not, thanks.

Another “quality” re-thread, didn’t even get 300 miles out of this one. And yes, I did change it myself.

I think that being stuck on the hard shoulder for a couple of hours should go towards your DCPC Training, it teaches you some very important lessons whilst sitting there waiting for the inevitable to happen !

Nine times out of ten, I try to get into the middle lane as I pass the ‘wounded’ vehicle, especially if there’s people wondering around it.

How many of you have actually been stuck on the hard shoulder for any length of time ?
(Try it, it’s not fun having a 56 mph, 44 tonner less than a foot away from your stationary cab)

Once sat at the side of the M5 near Cheltenham for 5 hours when my gearbox went. It was Gold Cup day, and every wrecker in the area was on police standby for coaches and horse boxes going to the race.