I'm getting sick of the remain in EU bias/mantra

http://www.itv.com/hub/tonight/1a9757a0059 Seems even ITV have joined the BBC with the same dumb mantra that remaining in the EU is best for us all, what a crock of ■■■■■ sick of hearing this ■■■■■ from all the pro EU lying turds

If we ain’t getting screwed over by th European Union we will be getting screwed over by our own government so it’s neither here nor there…do you really thing that if we leave anything will change for the better…I don’t,they will just use all the money they save for some other useless crap or send it all to foreign countries labelled “aid”.

Aren’t most of our driving regs derived from EU legislation? What would happen to them if we were to leave? Would we still be beholden to regulations of an organisation we no longer belong to?

If we ain’t getting screwed over by th European Union we will be getting screwed over by our own government so it’s neither here nor there…do you really thing that if we leave anything will change for the better…I don’t,they will just use all the money they save for some other useless crap or send it all to foreign countries labelled “aid”.

I don’t disagree but, personally, I’d rather get screwed over by an establishment of my countrymen who are elected by my countrymen, and therefore subject to a modicum of control on my part than being screwed over by an establishment of continentals from Brussels who I don’t know jack about and have no control over 'cos they’re voted in by the rest of Europe who don’t live in the UK.

Churchill once said something along the lines of ‘Britain is a part of Europe, but apart from Europe’ A good old boy who knew a thing or two about politics.

Apologies for temporarily becoming Alf Garnett.

Captain Caveman 76:
Aren’t most of our driving regs derived from EU legislation? What would happen to them if we were to leave? Would we still be beholden to regulations of an organisation we no longer belong to?

WTD’s in the bin… crack on :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:

Look on the bright side it just shows how desperate that Cameron and his allies Obama,Blair,Corbyn,Clegg and Sturgeon are getting. :bulb: :wink:

And there’s me thinking that the media should be unbiased. :unamused:

The way I see it, the eu is no more than a dictatorship. We have no say as a public on getting out, until now, which call me Dave never thought would happen. For a country that’s so opposed to eastern dictators, we don’t seem to worried about it in our own back yard. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, all the idiots crying remain have been proved wrong time and time again. We can always go back cap in hand if things do turn out for the worse, although I can’t see why they would. Don’t waste the vote!

And as they say in the dragons den.

I’m out

Churchill once said something along the lines of ‘Britain is a part of Europe, but apart from Europe’ A good old boy who knew a thing or two about politics.

We have our own dream and our own task.
We are with Europe, but not of it.
We are linked but not combined.
We are interested and associated but not absorbed.

And as much as I am an avid reader of history, and an admirer of certain aspects of Churchills politics, let us not forget that it was himself who advocated an idea of the countries of Europe forming together after WWII.

independent.co.uk/voices/a-e … 65239.html

I agree to us leaving though, the sooner the better.

This is the way I see it with three main issues

1 laws/legislation control
2 immigration/border control
3 economics/financial stability ( at least for the foreseeable future )

LEAVE = 1 + 2

Now its up to folk as to where their priority lies

Seems to me that the media are only commenting on number 3

Captain Caveman 76:
Aren’t most of our driving regs derived from EU legislation? What would happen to them if we were to leave? Would we still be beholden to regulations of an organisation we no longer belong to?

Don’t forget we’re “supposed” to be better off with EU regulations… Trouble is, they tend to be used only to issue us with tacho infringements rather than get our hours down to the 35-40 range like many other lines of work…

Stand back and look at POA - We fight to book as much of it as possible, so we can therefore work more hours unpaid.

Leave the EU - and surely the whole damned applecart gets chucked in the dustbin where it belongs… :smiling_imp:

If we ain’t getting screwed over by th European Union we will be getting screwed over by our own government so it’s neither here nor there…do you really thing that if we leave anything will change for the better…I don’t,they will just use all the money they save for some other useless crap or send it all to foreign countries labelled “aid”.

What gets me, is the government AND the opposition led by the very slimey Corbyn are BOTH pro EU, something just isn’t right here at all… :open_mouth:

Its obviously an establishment stitch-up, and what the general sucker thinks is a credible opposition are just like the slimey Dave`s, just with a different coloured rosette :blush: :unamused:

I`m out…#out

I’m out too, but unfortunately our country now seems to be filled with weak, and scared people.

And it’s these people who will bottle it and resign us all to decades of EU ■■■■■■■■.

This is the way I see it with three main issues

1 laws/legislation control
2 immigration/border control
3 economics/financial stability ( at least for the foreseeable future )

LEAVE = 1 + 2

Now its up to folk as to where their priority lies

Seems to me that the media are only commenting on number 3

Remain argue that even after Brexit - we’d not be closing our borders. (That’s why we boot Cameron & Osbourne though - 'cos we know they won’t implement Brexit upon demand already…)
Remain argue that we get to keep EU laws (crappy laws) but can’t implement any of our own (like stopping benefits for foreigners outright, enforcing road duty on foreign trucks coming here, or stopping anyone who cannot pass an English test paper from entering the UK with more than a 3 month visa…)

Remain argue that ‘Brexit guarantees instability forever’. Sure, there will always be some instability as the weak hands fold - but no more I’d argue than in a run-up to a general election… The market dives when it thinks the “the poll will be on a knife-edge” and stages a relief rally when the winner gets a clear result… Brexit with a 2:1 majority over the Remain poll - should cut that “instability” time to a minimum. Cameron resigning straight away would also help. I’m sure someone like Boris will put his boot firmly upon the Cameron fundament should he “dither” by this point… :smiling_imp:

Brexit argue that Remain means Austerity forever. Bearing in mind that this is now over 8 years old - it’s easier to believe something that’s been constant in the economy that long already “continuing” if we “continue” in the EU isn’t it?

Any strength in our economy could be argued to come from us staying out of the Euro currency. Cameron thinks that “guaranteeing that we’ll never join the Euro” even if we remain in the EU - would be a lot easier to believe if Cameron just said “F— it. Let’s pull the plug, and I’ll go on the after dinner circuit after 2020 like I originally had lined up, rather than this pie-in-the-sky triple waged job as some shady EU consultant…”

I’m out too, but unfortunately our country now seems to be filled with weak, and scared people.

And it’s these people who will bottle it and resign us all to decades of EU ■■■■■■■■.

This is very true, and it doesn’t help that the “student” generation are so spineless, no fight or thought, just lemmings with their strings being pulled #pathetic #out

“The Economy™” is the only thing any of them seem to concentrate on. Let’s not forget, for those of us with mortgages, a strong economy means more gouging in interest and growth can quite literally be translated into inflation. Most of us aren’t bankers, property magnates or investors. Many of us don’t even have savings so less than a ■■■■■ emission could be given about the sodding economy as it is presented, especially since “growth” very rarely translates into pay rises for the average working person. More to the point, perpetual growth is, IMHO, impossible and the expectation is probably rather dangerous because eventually we’ll run out of resources and come crashing down in a spectacular heap.

Where it does impact most of us is jobs. 3 million jobs may be directly or indirectly linked to European trade, sure enough. That does not mean they’re going to evaporate the second we vote out, nor is it a sure thing those products and services will not be so important that the recipients can’t simply “go elsewhere.” Oh, and challenging our road tariff for foreign vehicles, while we’re on the subject of UK jobs, is just a bit cheeky while it costs UK firms about €100 to cross France or Germany, don’t you think?

The one and only thing that worries me right now is Ms May. I suspect she, or more likely whichever Sir Humphrey was advising the last three or four HomeSecs regardless of rosette colour, read 1984 and thought “what a good idea!” Even contemplating repealing the Human Rights Act is very telling: A right is something that cannot be taken away. If it can be, it’s more correctly called a privilege but the Human Privileges Act doesn’t sound quite as noble, does it?

That said, it looks like she’s found a way whether we’re in or out in June - she’s pushing for remain but an opt-out of the ECtHR - so it’s a bit of a moot point. Right now I’m firmly in the “Goodbye, you undemocratic despots” camp. It’s going to take something a little more tangible than someone else’s bank balance to make me change my mind.

This is the way I see it with three main issues

1 laws/legislation control
2 immigration/border control
3 economics/financial stability ( at least for the foreseeable future )

LEAVE = 1 + 2

Now its up to folk as to where their priority lies

Seems to me that the media are only commenting on number 3

1/ to continue trading within the EU they will still require us to adopt many of their silly rules and regulations, so there will be little change there.
2/ Immigration will be worse, France will stop allowing us to place control on their side of the channel, it will be to their benifit for as many to make it accross to the UK, and we will have massive migrant camps around Dover and we will be stuck with them.
3/Ecconomics always works best in a big market place, we would undoubtably be poorer by leaving.

The only benifit I see in leaving is we can stick two fingers up to the EU for a few days until the reality kicks in.

I don’t get the argument about security and our borders and immigration - we are an island its so easy to control - it will also create jobs if we do what say Egypt do and charge an entry fee.

I’m out too, but unfortunately our country now seems to be filled with weak, and scared people.

And it’s these people who will bottle it and resign us all to decades of EU ■■■■■■■■.

Decades… It will take another war in Europe to get us out if we sleepwalk into “remaining”… Anything “Pro British” will be argued as “Anti Semitic” or “Anti Islamic” or “Anti Foreigner” or just “Britain cannot legally exist as a sovereign nation anymore - we’ve outlawed it, and the province of what was formally known as the United Kingdom cedes itself to the EU Monster upon the death of their last Monarch…”

I reckon we should disconnect ALL our trade routes with the EU bar those that profit us directly in having. This would do wonders for our balance of trade deficit of course… The downside is that if Osbourne goot behind Brexit at the last minute (even after the result!) - he might actually be able to mean it when he says “I’m reducing the deficit!” from now on…