I’ve been off the forums for a few (6+) months…are we still ignoring this?
I’ve been off the forums for a few (6+) months…are we still ignoring this?
I was - until you brought it to my attention again
you can’t keep away from a good post
can you
just checking to see if this thread is still being ignored - oh… d’oh.
Ignore me ignoring this because Im still ignoring this…
5 weeks since last posts where not ignoring it to well will have two try harder to ignore
Are we still ignoring this…? Ooops…
Are we still ignoring this…?
Not any-more … apparently
as im ignoring the wife,i might as well ignore this too!
as im ignoring the wife,i might as well ignore this too!
It’s the other way round with me, she’s ignoring me!! the peace is bliss.
Can I ignore this too?
Can I ignore this too?
no mate now doing it to well you got to at least post at it 15 time a day to be classed as a real ignorer
Can I ignore this too?no mate now doing it to well you got to at least post at it 15 time a day to be classed as a real ignorer
15 times a day…well i think you manage that in the safety forum with questions from your “mates” about tacho rules etc etc,you must really love going down the pub on a friday night.
“wallet” check
“keys” check
“phone with coffeeholic on speed dial” check
and lastly…tucked under your arm…
Im still ignoring whatever we’re ignoring
i forget ages ago why were ignoring this
bloody hell tried to ignore this post but ignored won
see we are still ignoring this thread keep up the guid wirk
I’ve now been ignoring this thread for 950 days 13 hours and 6 minutes
Sad init