Cruise Control:
15 times a day…well i think you manage that in the safety forum with questions from your “mates” about tacho rules etc etc,you must really love going down the pub on a friday night.
“wallet” check
“keys” check
“phone with coffeeholic on speed dial” check
i don’t think coffeeholic would give me his number just for that reason mate
Cruise Control:
i went over my 4.5 hours of driving by that much cuz there was no where safe or legal to park up
I’ve been invited for tea and biscuits with the TC to explain my exceptional circumtances surrounding it…wish me luck
just show all the orange liquid bottles you have in the truck and he understand you where trying to get home on time, or just till him the safest place to park was Queensland
this thread is totally pointless. i ignore it for so long, then i get mad that i’m having to ingore it so back i come argghhhhhh!!!
will people please stop posting on it so it goes away for good