Ignore this. thanks

ignorance is bliss :stuck_out_tongue:

marriage is also bliss…which kindle now is subject to everything going to plan :smiley:

it all went to plan, including the bit where i ignored this, so all went well, job done!!!

it all went to plan, including the bit where i ignored this, so all went well, job done!!!

well im glad your back ignoring where you should be ignoring. :laughing: :grimacing:

Ive just viewed this for teh 1st time, page 9, so what we ignoring? :smiley:

Ive just viewed this for teh 1st time, page 9, so what we ignoring? :smiley:

If we told you that we’d be in breach of the rules of ignoring. Suffice it to say that you wouldn’t find it at all interesting if you did know and therefore it is best ignored.


Ive just viewed this for teh 1st time, page 9, so what we ignoring? :smiley:

If we told you that we’d be in breach of the rules of ignoring. Suffice it to say that you wouldn’t find it at all interesting if you did know and therefore it is best ignored.

yes exactly are we meant to be ignoring…oh…right :blush: :blush: :blush: i see :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I may not have been here visibly ignoring this since about page 4, but it’s been a constant in my life, there in the background like a rock, whilst all around the seas of life are stormy. I don’t know how to thank Kindle enough for bringing ignoring into my life. :laughing:

i’m still taking absolutely no notice of this post, thanks

I am ignoring this, oh wait, to have written that i must have paid attention, now i’m ignoring it, starting now…now…now…oh bugger. now its all I can think about.

Thanks alot :unamused:

I may not have been here visibly ignoring this since about page 4, but it’s been a constant in my life, there in the background like a rock, whilst all around the seas of life are stormy. I don’t know how to thank Kindle enough for bringing ignoring into my life. :laughing:

you dont need to thank me, just ignore me…

I blame kindle530 for this thread :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

i blame no one as we all are ignoring this so shouldn’t be able to pinpoint blame to anyone because if we did we’d be paying attention and not ignoring, me thinks ROG may have been paying attention :open_mouth:

I’m ignoring it, but my computer is monitoring it for me :laughing:

still ignoring this topic but Mr Hyde has other ideas… :blush: :blush: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

how can you ignore it it keep coming back :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: every time i see i say i will ignore it but can’t :laughing: :laughing:

I too am ignoring this this thread and will continue to ignore like everybody else ignoring it so ignore me now… :wink:

ignored…as requested :slight_smile:

can’t ignore it any longer is been 6 days the stress of ignoring it was killing me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses: :wink: :wink:
