Ignore this. thanks

oops, :blush: sorry…

clickyed wrong thingummebob :wink:

are we still supposed to be ignoring this :question: :question:

I think so? Ignore what?

Im really getting sick of ignoring this thread now, its taking so much of my time keeping up with the ignoring because im that afraid i might catch something i should be ignoring, and then i would need to start the ignoring from the very start all over again…arrrrgh :open_mouth:

I ignored this post ages ago now , so do I ignore it AGAIN or just carry on ignoring as before.

Ignoring is hard :stuck_out_tongue:

Have I ignored it for long enough now?

I cannot sleep - I think i am worried that i am not ignoring this post enough…

…Ok, i’ve really got a poorly tummy :cry: :cry: :cry: but the above sounded better :slight_smile:

its no use
I have tried long and hard but I have to say that I 2 am ignoring it as well :wink:

oh im sorry i didnt realisewe were still ignoring this post…

so yes im still ignoring it :laughing:

I too had been ignoring this from afar, worried that being a new ignorer would exempt me from joining in; so many people find it difficult to begin ignoring without some previous experience but now that I’ve finally got my toe in the door I hope that I can continue with the ignoring and am looking forward to being a professional ignorer.

Can I ask - is ignorance bliss?

ok i give in, as of now i’m ignoring it as well
btw, just what are we ignoring?

I cannot sleep - I think i am worried that i am not ignoring this post enough…

Don’t worry Rog - you’re doing fine. Lack of sleep is normal under these circumstances. Just keep ignoring it and you will get used to it. Don’t forget that your GP can give you help if you find ignoring this on your own is too much. And, remember, you are not alone; there are many of us out here ignoring it with you. It may seem as if it all depends on you, but in reality we can share the burden.
Take care, my friend, you CAN do it.

As there is a 9 hour time difference between here and the U.K., can I ignore this for a bit longer. :confused:

As there is a 9 hour time difference between here and the U.K., can I ignore this for a bit longer. :confused:

OOOPS, please ignore the above post. :blush:

If you ignore it when you go to bed and start ignoring it when you get up thats fine… then again the 9hrs sleep you have will, i would guess, be spent ignoring it anyway, so the answer mushroom man is … best to be safe and just ignore it as much as possible without over-ignoring it! you should be fine then :wink:

Well, if Mr Kindle can ignore this for two and a half months while he is touring Europe and Istanbul, then I am ( hopefully ) not going to lose any sleep over it.

I’ve a serious question about this thread.

As we all know TruckNet will eventually be transferred to a different server and software.

Will this thread also be transferred or will it be ignored as requested in the first post ?

I would imagine it will depend if the moderators choose to ignore it…