This whole thread is too deep for me … so I’m going to ignore it
Sorry, missed this post…Were we supposed to be ignoring something?
Just to let you know that there are people in Australia who are ignoring this.
But not all of them.
I,m coming in late but is there still time to ignore this post? I,ll ignore it on Sunday too for double bubble.
To show that we are an equal opportunity ignorer…
ignore [igˈnoː] verb
to take no notice of; to pay no attention to
Example: He ignored all my warnings. Arabic: يَتَجاهَل
Chinese (Simplified): 忽视
Chinese (Traditional): 忽視
Czech: nedbat (na)
Danish: ignorere
Dutch: negeren
Estonian: eirama, ignoreerima
Finnish: jättää huomiotta
French: ne tenir aucun compte de
German: ignorieren
Greek: αγνοώ, αδιαφορώ για κτ., παραβλέπω
Hungarian: nem vesz tudomásul
Icelandic: hunsa, virða að vettugi
Indonesian: mengabaikan
Italian: ignorare
Japanese: 無視する
Korean: 무시하다
Latvian: ignorēt; neievērot
Lithuanian: ignoruoti, nekreipti dėmesio į
Norwegian: overse, overhøre, ignorere
Polish: lekceważyć
Portuguese (Brazil): ignorar
Portuguese (Portugal): ignorar
Romanian: a ignora, a nu ţine seama de
Russian: игнорировать
Slovak: ignorovať
Slovenian: ne zmeniti se za
Spanish: desatender, no hacer caso de, hacer caso omiso de
Swedish: ignorera, strunta i
Turkish: görmemezlikten, *duymamazlıktan gelmek
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary (Beta Version), © 2000-2006 K Dictionaries Ltd.
To show that we are an equal opportunity ignorer…ignore [igˈnoː] verb
to take no notice of; to pay no attention to
Example: He ignored all my warnings. Arabic: يَتَجاهَل
Chinese (Simplified): 忽视
Chinese (Traditional): 忽視
Czech: nedbat (na)
Danish: ignorere
Dutch: negeren
Estonian: eirama, ignoreerima
Finnish: jättää huomiotta
French: ne tenir aucun compte de
German: ignorieren
Greek: αγνοώ, αδιαφορώ για κτ., παραβλέπω
Hungarian: nem vesz tudomásul
Icelandic: hunsa, virða að vettugi
Indonesian: mengabaikan
Italian: ignorare
Japanese: 無視する
Korean: 무시하다
Latvian: ignorēt; neievērot
Lithuanian: ignoruoti, nekreipti dėmesio į
Norwegian: overse, overhøre, ignorere
Polish: lekceważyć
Portuguese (Brazil): ignorar
Portuguese (Portugal): ignorar
Romanian: a ignora, a nu ţine seama de
Russian: игнорировать
Slovak: ignorovať
Slovenian: ne zmeniti se za
Spanish: desatender, no hacer caso de, hacer caso omiso de
Swedish: ignorera, strunta i
Turkish: görmemezlikten, *duymamazlıktan gelmekKernerman English Multilingual Dictionary (Beta Version), © 2000-2006 K Dictionaries Ltd.
bloody hell that is commitment.
To show that we are an equal opportunity ignorer…ignore [igˈnoː] verb
to take no notice of; to pay no attention to
Example: He ignored all my warnings. Arabic: يَتَجاهَل
Chinese (Simplified): 忽视
Chinese (Traditional): 忽視
Czech: nedbat (na)
Danish: ignorere
Dutch: negeren
Estonian: eirama, ignoreerima
Finnish: jättää huomiotta
French: ne tenir aucun compte de
German: ignorieren
Greek: αγνοώ, αδιαφορώ για κτ., παραβλέπω
Hungarian: nem vesz tudomásul
Icelandic: hunsa, virða að vettugi
Indonesian: mengabaikan
Italian: ignorare
Japanese: 無視する
Korean: 무시하다
Latvian: ignorēt; neievērot
Lithuanian: ignoruoti, nekreipti dėmesio į
Norwegian: overse, overhøre, ignorere
Polish: lekceważyć
Portuguese (Brazil): ignorar
Portuguese (Portugal): ignorar
Romanian: a ignora, a nu ţine seama de
Russian: игнорировать
Slovak: ignorovať
Slovenian: ne zmeniti se za
Spanish: desatender, no hacer caso de, hacer caso omiso de
Swedish: ignorera, strunta i
Turkish: görmemezlikten, *duymamazlıktan gelmekKernerman English Multilingual Dictionary (Beta Version), © 2000-2006 K Dictionaries Ltd.
bloody hell that is commitment.
opppss sorry double post.
I know I REALLY have to start getting out
Just like Rob k IGNORED!
jessicas dad:
opppss sorry double post.
Does that mean you want us all to ignore it then
PS - if YES, then does that mean we are now ignoring 2 posts at the same time and does it count as ‘double ignoring time’
To show that we are an equal opportunity ignorer…
No you’re not, you missed one -
Dwi gostega yn anwybyddu hon bostio
To show that we are an equal opportunity ignorer…
No you’re not, you missed one -
Dwi gostega yn anwybyddu hon bostio
Thanks for the ignoring post trubrit. When i start my 2 and a half month tour round Europe in June i can make sure that everyone i meet is actually ignoring this without having the language barrier as a problem. Hopefully the results will be in the positive and all Europe (and most of Australia) will be ignoring this. Theres no double ignoring time on Sundays ROG so im sorry you will have to ignore this just the same for the same piece of mind as you do Monday to Saturday.
Coffee, when you are in Europe its should be counted as an extra hour’s worth of ignoring, but once you arrive back at these shores you are back with the masses thou if you forget to ignore it at any time you have the advantage of using your ‘extra’ hour.
If this doesnt make sense, just ignore it.
If this doesnt make sense, just ignore it.
Consider it ignored
Thanks for the ignoring post trubrit.
I do what I can…
If we continue to ignore this post it will fall down the list and we won’t know how well it is being ignored, so I thought I’d better ignore it again just to keep it up
thought i better ignore it also
Sorry lads, I hadn’t paid any attention to this post before, but will make sure I ignore it now.
Ignore what !