I dont understand whats going on here, charge you to use roads isn’t that what road tax is for ? Do you pay this and road tax what the ■■■■
Another tax on hauliers are they ripping the ■■■■?
It’s what many on here have been wishing for. There are hundreds of posts on here with the poster wanting a charge on foreign trucks to be introduced, as well as links to petitions on the Downing Street site various members have created and posted links to and which were then signed by many TN members. Looks like they will be getting what they wished for so maybe not as many protests as you think.
Now this is done and dusted I believe most of those posters are moving on to help turkeys with a ‘Vote For Christmas’ campaign.
Well that puts me out of a job then if that happens. My gaffer will not wear even more “taxing” he will just sell up. That will be another 20 motors and 30+ drivers up the swanny.
kin fantastic.
May be they will remove the current RFL when they introduce this after all.
In outlining the Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition policies, the government says it wants to work towards a new system of HGV road-user charging, which it claims will ensure a “fairer arrangement for UK hauliers”.
Paying both the current RFL and the new charge would be contradictory to that statement and as the UK hauliers will have to, under EU law, pay the new charge then the RFL would have to go to in order to make that claim possible. I won’t be betting on that happening though.
Personally, I think there is going to be road pricing, then there should be a Europe-wide system, and not this mish-mash of MAUTs, Vignettes, peages and window stickers.
Michael Webb, the FTA’s public affairs manager, says it will be interesting to see if the HGV road-user charge created a “genuinely level playing field for logistics companies, rather than acting as another tax on moving goods”.
Well Mr Webb, instead of you and Mr Dunning swanning off to sunny climes on a fully paid for jolly, your job is to lobby parliament on behalf of your dwindling member numbers, not sit back and wait for someone to pass them the cranberry sauce.
Now a genuinely level playing field does interest me for transport operators, not logistic companies, but unfortunately it seems as though no-one has listened to Neil Hobbs since the day I first logged into Truck Net.
If we charge foreigners to drive on our roads, we have to charge the local operator too, exactly like the Germans, Dutch, Belgians, Swedish and Danish do. The French haulier has an option not to use the peage, as we do.
Can’t see much wrong with this, it seems to me it will be fairer for all and at long last Jonny Foreigner will have to pay to use our roads…
Can’t see much wrong with this, it seems to me it will be fairer for all and at long last Jonny Foreigner will have to pay to use our roads…
And if UK hauliers have to continue to pay the current RFL while paying this new charge would you still think it was fairer for all? What if they go down the German style of road charging and UK hauliers have to pay an average of £25 per 100 miles, even if they do away with the RFL that will cost hauliers thousands more than they currently pay. 164.3 kilometres cost €25.46 for me to run in Germany today. That was the return leg, I paid the same yesterday.
If this is introduced it will mean no wage rises, probably the opposite in fact, and more unemployment for drivers. Still, never mind as long as Johnny Foreigner has to pay to use our roads eh?
It’s what many on here have been wishing for. There are hundreds of posts on here with the poster wanting a charge on foreign trucks to be introduced, as well as links to petitions on the Downing Street site various members have created and posted links to and which were then signed by many TN members. Looks like they will be getting what they wished for so maybe not as many protests as you think.Now this is done and dusted I believe most of those posters are moving on to help turkeys with a ‘Vote For Christmas’ campaign.
And Geoff Dunning and his mates will obviously be joining them.It’ll be a LibDemCon in which we’ll get a ‘level’ playing field in which we’ll pay road tax,fuel tax,and road tolls while the continentals will pay a road toll here for at most around 400 miles of a 1200+ mile journey while most of the UK industry will be lumbered with the British toll for every mile they run bearing in mind how few British firms run on the continent.It will probably make more sense if you’re a continental haulier to run a Polish registerd unit and send the trailers over unaccompanied so the British mugs can pay their own taxes and tolls for the privilege of delivering and collecting continental woork here.That’s assuming that rail freight does’nt get the work instead.
Can’t see much wrong with this, it seems to me it will be fairer for all and at long last Jonny Foreigner will have to pay to use our roads…And if UK hauliers have to continue to pay the current RFL while paying this new charge would you still think it was fairer for all? What if they go down the German style of road charging and UK hauliers have to pay an average of £25 per 100 miles, even if they do away with the RFL that will cost hauliers thousands more than they currently pay. 164.3 kilometres cost €25.46 for me to run in Germany today. That was the return leg, I paid the same yesterday.
Well obviously it would not be fair if uk hauliers carried on paying RFL, but the way I read it it was a ‘New’ way of charging making it fair for all…If uk hauliers still paid rfl and the new charge then 'Obviously this would not be fair for all !!!
But I do think that foriegn hauliers who use our roads should pay for the privilage, or do you think they should be able to use our roads for free?
Can’t see much wrong with this, it seems to me it will be fairer for all and at long last Jonny Foreigner will have to pay to use our roads…And if UK hauliers have to continue to pay the current RFL while paying this new charge would you still think it was fairer for all? What if they go down the German style of road charging and UK hauliers have to pay an average of £25 per 100 miles, even if they do away with the RFL that will cost hauliers thousands more than they currently pay. 164.3 kilometres cost €25.46 for me to run in Germany today. That was the return leg, I paid the same yesterday.
Well obviously it would not be fair if uk hauliers carried on paying RFL, but the way I read it it was a ‘New’ way of charging making it fair for all…If uk hauliers still paid rfl and the new charge then 'Obviously this would not be fair for all !!!
But I do think that foriegn hauliers who use our roads should pay for the privilage, or do you think they should be able to use our roads for free?
So all it takes is some LibDem truck hating politician to work out that if he charges the same rate per mile as the M6 toll costs then it’s effectively a lot more than the RFL charge anyway even if they did get rid of it.
The British government are’nt in the business of lowering the taxes raised from road transport.But they’re good at using red herrings like foreign trucks as an excuse to raise taxes.
But I do think that foriegn hauliers who use our roads should pay for the privilage, or do you think they should be able to use our roads for free?
If charging foreign hauliers to use our roads is going to add any extra costs to UK hauliers then I think they should continue to use our roads for free. Only if it is not going to cost the UK haulier anything should there be a charge. Even if they did do away with the RFL any new charge is likely to cost more, unless it was such a small amount per day as to be hardly worth the administration.
The average RFL for a UK truck is about £25 a week and I really can’t see them introducing a charge that will be less than, or even the same as, that per week
am i missing something here? theres no mention of tolls, no £25 per hundred mile or anything of the like! surely the easiest way to balance things out would be a tempory road tax for foreign wagons entering the uk? say 7 days worth and when they go back if they’ve run over the 7 days they have to pay for another 7, isnt that a simular system used in other eu countries?
i hear what coffee’s saying but if uk hauliers are expected to fund the up keep of the road network through an incredibly high rfl shouldn’t all wagons using the roads have to pay into the same pot?
It’s what many on here have been wishing for. There are hundreds of posts on here with the poster wanting a charge on foreign trucks to be introduced, as well as links to petitions on the Downing Street site various members have created and posted links to and which were then signed by many TN members. Looks like they will be getting what they wished for so maybe not as many protests as you think.Now this is done and dusted I believe most of those posters are moving on to help turkeys with a ‘Vote For Christmas’ campaign.
how is this issue done and dusted? it goes on it really does, fact is this country has never had a goverment that knows how to help industry, red or blue they just think up more ways to tax and so ■■■■■■■ what little industry we have left, it would seem some people on this site like to side track the issue a member has raised for there own political point scoring gains,
The tax on my wagon is £1200 a year so say they scrap this, maybe charge you per km say only .01pence. My wagon must average about 300000kms a year with me and the night man thats £3000 a year. Thats not including all the administration it would take to monitor it. Maybe ive got the wrong end of the stick but that’s the way i envisage this scheme running and i don’t like it.
I’m all for charging joey foreigner to pay his bit but not at the further expense of the UK haulier. It just seems a backdoor way of getting extra revenue out the industry. Why not just charge them when they come off the boat £25 a week.
There is no mention of tolls in so many words but the article starts with;
The government has promised to introduce a HGV road-user charge,
This looks like they are looking at some way of charging foreign operators and domestic hauliers to use the roads.
Paul b has fallen into the trap that many others have, and suggested we can quite simply charge any foreign Johnny who drives down the linkspan. Temporary or not the charge would also have to be paid by domestic hauliers too as we are in the EU and those are the EU rules as we agreed to. In the eurozone, or more precisely the Eurovignette zone, this costs €8 per day which is only collected in Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg and has to be paid by all vehicles over 12tonne including the hauliers from those countries.
We are in the EU and have the peoples mandate to be there, the recent government elections had a chance to vote UKIP and pull out immediately, they fell at the first fence as the intelligent voter realised we are much better off inside the football ground than stood looking through a crack in the fence.
Cue Happy Keith with his normal diatribe of how much EU membership costs him everyday
Stampy says quite correctly that we have never had a Government that knows how to help industry, I tend to agree but would qualify that by saying that we haven’t had a Government who knows how to help the transport industry. With 13 transport ministers in the past 22 years, 7 of them in the last Labour administration, many industry leaders have agreed with me that it is time to have a fixed term transport secretary as well as a fixed term parliament.
Whether the issue was sidetracked for political point scoring or whether it was simply a repeat of the hundreds of posts on these forums about the EU regulations and that a domestic haulier would have to pay the same as the Dutch, Spanish, Polish, French or Bulgarian operators who dared to venture onto our crowded road network.
That is my political view point done and dusted as well
Maybe I am missing something in all this debate about RFL and fuel taxes?
I thought the idea was to ensure that “Johnny foreigner” lost the competitive advantage they currently have over the UK firm. If all trucks on UK roads had to pay £1 per mile, then, surely, that £1 would be added to the rate they charge. The giants like ES would have to pay the same as the small operator so the effect would simply be to put rates up, and that would soon show up as inflation at the supermarket till. Inflation is already too high for the government’s liking so it is just not going to happen.
I understand what coffee is saying and have spoken about this before with him and I think he knows what he is on about with his experience of using these systems. I do agree that foreign motors need to be charged but if it is going to cost more for UK hauliers then is it really worth it when it could cost you your job.
Would it be a level playing field am I right in thinking diesel is alot cheaper across the water still? Could they do something regarding fuel subsidies, keep the road tax situation the same but hauliers that are registered companies in the UK get a rebate on fuel prices or run on say blue diesel like farmers use red. Would this go against EU rules?
If they have do change the tax system, couldn’t they do something along the lines of giving you options how long you buy the tax for, for example for a year £1200, £700 for six months, £200 for a month, £60 for a week. That way you could still charge the foreigner wagons and would not cost any more for UK hauliers.
To be honest though, they will want to bring in what will bring the most money in and what ever happens it will probably go all ■■■■ up like usual.