It’s what many on here have been wishing for. There are hundreds of posts on here with the poster wanting a charge on foreign trucks to be introduced, as well as links to petitions on the Downing Street site various members have created and posted links to and which were then signed by many TN members. Looks like they will be getting what they wished for so maybe not as many protests as you think.
Now this is done and dusted I believe most of those posters are moving on to help turkeys with a ‘Vote For Christmas’ campaign. 
or PCSO’s voting for tories lol
Big Brummie Macca:
Would it be a level playing field am I right in thinking diesel is alot cheaper across the water still? Could they do something regarding fuel subsidies, keep the road tax situation the same but hauliers that are registered companies in the UK get a rebate on fuel prices or run on say blue diesel like farmers use red. Would this go against EU rules?
To be honest though, they will want to bring in what will bring the most money in and what ever happens it will probably go all ■■■■ up like usual.
Blue diesel is an idea with rebated prices but still open to abuse, the ■■■■■ element will still find a way to remove the dye. In the past there was a limit on the amount of fuel you could enter a country with, there still is in certain countries although normally any country in the EU allows other EU vehicles to pass with no hindrance provided that the vehicle tanks are original and factory fitted.
The exception to this is Greece who still only allow 200 litres without paying duty, other countries who have a limit are Turkey 550 litres, France, Non EU 200 litres, Finland Non EU 400 litres, Slovakia from Ukraine 200 litres, Poland Non EU 600 litres.
Maybe a 600 litre limit to non EU vehicles at the ports would be an idea worth looking into, but at what cost? Is it worth the aggravation for a few hundred Turkish trucks who would probably fill up in Veurne anyway, they could tip Glasgow area and fill up in Veurne again all on their 600 litres.
They can’t afford to cut duty on fuel, the country is broke.
It’s what many on here have been wishing for. There are hundreds of posts on here with the poster wanting a charge on foreign trucks to be introduced, as well as links to petitions on the Downing Street site various members have created and posted links to and which were then signed by many TN members. Looks like they will be getting what they wished for so maybe not as many protests as you think.
Now this is done and dusted I believe most of those posters are moving on to help turkeys with a ‘Vote For Christmas’ campaign. 
how is this issue done and dusted? it goes on it really does, fact is this country has never had a goverment that knows how to help industry, red or blue they just think up more ways to tax and so ■■■■■■■ what little industry we have left, it would seem some people on this site like to side track the issue a member has raised for there own political point scoring gains,
Many people have posted on here wanting a charge on foreign trucks and it seems they have got their wish so that makes it done and dusted in my book. The fact that this tax could, as you so rightly put it, ■■■■■■■ what is left of the UK haulage industry has either escaped them or they don’t care as long as Johnny Foreigner pays. I was no way trying to side track the issue, quite the opposite in fact.
I’m all for charging joey foreigner to pay his bit but not at the further expense of the UK haulier. It just seems a backdoor way of getting extra revenue out the industry. Why not just charge them when they come off the boat £25 a week.
Because any new charge has to be applied to all vehicles regardless of country of registration so you would have to pay that £25 as well. That wouldn’t be so bad if they do away with the RFL but you wouldn’t want to pay both.
Don’t worry.
The good old truckers friend the RHA will step in on your behalf - tap some noses, scratch some backs maybe call in a few favours from fiends (not misspelt) in high places, have some society lunches - all on your behalf don’t forget - THEN you will end up right in the mire, oh and sorry but RHA membership will have to go up again this year.
RHA my ar*s 
Don’t forget that many Tories are pro- road haulage - David Davis was instrumental in protecting Grandfathers rights
Can’t see much wrong with this, it seems to me it will be fairer for all and at long last Jonny Foreigner will have to pay to use our roads…
And if UK hauliers have to continue to pay the current RFL while paying this new charge would you still think it was fairer for all? What if they go down the German style of road charging and UK hauliers have to pay an average of £25 per 100 miles, even if they do away with the RFL that will cost hauliers thousands more than they currently pay. 164.3 kilometres cost €25.46 for me to run in Germany today. That was the return leg, I paid the same yesterday.
Well obviously it would not be fair if uk hauliers carried on paying RFL, but the way I read it it was a ‘New’ way of charging making it fair for all…If uk hauliers still paid rfl and the new charge then 'Obviously this would not be fair for all !!!
But I do think that foriegn hauliers who use our roads should pay for the privilage, or do you think they should be able to use our roads for free?
That’s how I interpret it too…road usage charging in place of RFL
Wheel Nut:
There is no mention of tolls in so many words but the article starts with;
The government has promised to introduce a HGV road-user charge
This looks like they are looking at some way of charging foreign operators and domestic hauliers to use the roads.
Paul b has fallen into the trap that many others have, and suggested we can quite simply charge any foreign Johnny who drives down the linkspan. Temporary or not the charge would also have to be paid by domestic hauliers too as we are in the EU and those are the EU rules as we agreed to. In the eurozone, or more precisely the Eurovignette zone, this costs €8 per day which is only collected in Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg and has to be paid by all vehicles over 12tonne including the hauliers from those countries.
but arenb’t uk hauliers already paying a rfl■■?
Wheel Nut:
We are in the EU and have the peoples mandate to be there, the recent government elections had a chance to vote UKIP and pull out immediately, they fell at the first fence as the intelligent voter realised we are much better off inside the football ground than stood looking through a crack in the fence.
the peoples mandate? do you seriously believe if there was a national vote, we’d still be part of the eu or would’ve ever gone in, in the first place??
you’ve gota be kiddin me!
paul b:
Wheel Nut:
There is no mention of tolls in so many words but the article starts with;
The government has promised to introduce a HGV road-user charge
This looks like they are looking at some way of charging foreign operators and domestic hauliers to use the roads.
Paul b has fallen into the trap that many others have, and suggested we can quite simply charge any foreign Johnny who drives down the linkspan. Temporary or not the charge would also have to be paid by domestic hauliers too as we are in the EU and those are the EU rules as we agreed to. In the eurozone, or more precisely the Eurovignette zone, this costs €8 per day which is only collected in Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg and has to be paid by all vehicles over 12tonne including the hauliers from those countries.
but arenb’t uk hauliers already paying a rfl■■?
That makes no difference. The hauliers in Germany were already paying a tax before they introduced the maut but they still have to pay it as where hauliers in countries that use the vignette.
A new road user charge is separate from the RFL and under EU law you cannot just apply it to vehicles from certain countries, it’s all or nothing.
hmm, i see your point, so are you saying that the uk cannot legally charge a foreign vehicle thats entering the UK a road tax without charging a UK haulier at the same rate?
paul b:
hmm, i see your point, so are you saying that the uk cannot legally charge a foreign vehicle thats entering the UK a road tax without charging a UK haulier at the same rate?
That’s EU rules and it’s what everyone who’s against more road transport taxation is trying to tell those who don’t seem to understand that simple fact.The government is trying to use that ignorance to put on yet more stealth taxes.
paul b:
hmm, i see your point, so are you saying that the uk cannot legally charge a foreign vehicle thats entering the UK a road tax without charging a UK haulier at the same rate?
Yes exactly that, and I must have posted that over a hundred times on here over the last couple of years, as have others, in response to the endless we must tax Johnny Foreigner posts but people don’t bother to read it. So we end up with the turkeys voting for Christmas syndrome.

paul b:
the peoples mandate? do you seriously believe if there was a national vote, we’d still be part of the eu or would’ve ever gone in, in the first place??
you’ve gota be kiddin me!
OK, a bit strong maybe, but certainly a mandate from the manufacturing and transport industry, and people who want to holiday and own property in the EU.
I remember the export currency limits and red and green channels at the airports and seaports, we could only bring goods home up to the value of about £36 and any currency carried was entered in your passport.
We have been members most of my working life and think it has benefited us greatly, allowing us to trade with the rest of the world on a reasonably equal footing. It isn’t our fault we have nothing left to sell, more to do with the unions who eventually closed our car manufacturing industry down. I grew up in Hull and it wasn’t the EU that killed off the fishing industry it was greed from everyone overfishing the stocks, trawlers had to go further afield and that included the Spanish and Norwegians.
I do think we are better in than out and it has been a long time now, I doubt we will be an independent island again. UKIP were a one trick act who wanted to take us out on the 6th May, they got about 900,000 votes and won no seats, even if they had joined with the BNP the count was still only around 1,400,000 votes. Both parties wanted to leave Europe immediately and close the borders, that is why I mentioned the people chose to stay in the EU.
UKIP are fighting hard to gain the last remaining seat in Malton and Thirsk, itself a Tory stronghold.
paul b:
hmm, i see your point, so are you saying that the uk cannot legally charge a foreign vehicle thats entering the UK a road tax without charging a UK haulier at the same rate?
Yes exactly that, and I must have posted that over a hundred times on here over the last couple of years, as have others, in response to the endless we must tax Johnny Foreigner posts but people don’t bother to read it. So we end up with the turkeys voting for Christmas syndrome.

so wheres the problem? if it costs £1200 a year to tax an artic thats £100 a month or more to the point 25 a week, so wagons entering the uk pay £25 per week for each week they’re here, could anyone argue with that?
we’ve had a lot recently about eu drivers coming here and keeping wages and rates down but it’s far more to do with foreign plated wagons bringing in a load and then spending a week or more doing cut price uk work, weather you blame foreign hauliers or freight forwarders is a matter of opinion but the thing is, where else in europe could you run a wagon on somebodies roads free of charge?
Wheel Nut:
paul b:
the peoples mandate? do you seriously believe if there was a national vote, we’d still be part of the eu or would’ve ever gone in, in the first place??
you’ve gota be kiddin me!
OK, a bit strong maybe, but certainly a mandate from the manufacturing and transport industry, and people who want to holiday and own property in the EU.
I remember the export currency limits and red and green channels at the airports and seaports, we could only bring goods home up to the value of about £36 and any currency carried was entered in your passport.
We have been members most of my working life and think it has benefited us greatly, allowing us to trade with the rest of the world on a reasonably equal footing. It isn’t our fault we have nothing left to sell, more to do with the unions who eventually closed our car manufacturing industry down. I grew up in Hull and it wasn’t the EU that killed off the fishing industry it was greed from everyone overfishing the stocks, trawlers had to go further afield and that included the Spanish and Norwegians.
I do think we are better in than out and it has been a long time now, I doubt we will be an independent island again. UKIP were a one trick act who wanted to take us out on the 6th May, they got about 900,000 votes and won no seats, even if they had joined with the BNP the count was still only around 1,400,000 votes. Both parties wanted to leave Europe immediately and close the borders, that is why I mentioned the people chose to stay in the EU.
UKIP are fighting hard to gain the last remaining seat in Malton and Thirsk, itself a Tory stronghold.
i don’t know, we could debate for hours weather it was the right thing to do, personally i think it was a huge and very costly mistake that is now going to costs the uk billions as we’re forced to bail out countries that should never have been allowed in, in the first place but we’re in it and not likely to pull out any time soon.
paul b:
hmm, i see your point, so are you saying that the uk cannot legally charge a foreign vehicle thats entering the UK a road tax without charging a UK haulier at the same rate?
Yes exactly that, and I must have posted that over a hundred times on here over the last couple of years, as have others, in response to the endless we must tax Johnny Foreigner posts but people don’t bother to read it. So we end up with the turkeys voting for Christmas syndrome.

Coffee I think at last the penny has started to drop
as you say the German hauliers got stuffed when the maut was introduced so it is only logical to asume that the same will happen in the UK
if people would read the posts and think about the whole content before going off half cocked and screaming for the demise of all foreigners then no Gov´t would now have the excuse to even think about this.
paul b:
but it’s far more to do with foreign plated wagons bringing in a load and then spending a week or more doing cut price uk work, weather you blame foreign hauliers or freight forwarders is a matter of opinion
Absolutely nothing stopping UK hauliers from doing the same in other countries.
paul b:
paul b:
hmm, i see your point, so are you saying that the uk cannot legally charge a foreign vehicle thats entering the UK a road tax without charging a UK haulier at the same rate?
Yes exactly that, and I must have posted that over a hundred times on here over the last couple of years, as have others, in response to the endless we must tax Johnny Foreigner posts but people don’t bother to read it. So we end up with the turkeys voting for Christmas syndrome.

so wheres the problem? if it costs £1200 a year to tax an artic thats £100 a month or more to the point 25 a week, so wagons entering the uk pay £25 per week for each week they’re here, could anyone argue with that?
And UK hauliers would also have to pay that £25 per week in addition to what thy already pay. So they are now paying double what they did and there are job losses, pay freezes and firms closing down as a result but Johnny Foreigner will finally have to pay to use our roads so that’s okay then.
You are falling into the trap a lot of people make by making the assumption the current RFL has anything to do with this, it doesn’t. Forget about the RFL when thinking about a new road user charge, it doesn’t matter what we pay now we would still have to pay the new charge, that’s EU law. Now the Government may do away with the RFL for trucks and just charge them through the new system but there are no guarantees they will. And if they go for a distance based road user charge, as used in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for example, it is going to cost hauliers a hell of a lot more than £25 a week. A Euro 5, 4+ axle truck currently pays around £25 per 100 miles in Germany, that’s all trucks whether German or foreign such as us those from the UK.
The only way a Government would get cutting or removing the RFL from big old smelly polluting trucks past the British public would be to show they were actually going to pay more for damaging our roads, causing inconvenience to motorists and killing the planet with their toxic fumes. Mr Daily Mail reader’s wife would be in for one hell of a rogering when he wakes up and reads that we are sticking it to Johnny Foreigner and truck drivers in one fell swoop, that would be pure ■■■■ to him. Of course he might not be so aroused when he later realises that the cost of everything has gone up and he is worse off as a result but still, we showed Johnny Foreigner what’s what.
paul b:
but it’s far more to do with foreign plated wagons bringing in a load and then spending a week or more doing cut price uk work, weather you blame foreign hauliers or freight forwarders is a matter of opinion
Absolutely nothing stopping UK hauliers from doing the same in other countries.
Exactly, and in the past I have done just that. Mentioning what I was doing to other drivers at the time usually brought a response along the lines of - “[zb} that, I want to go home instead of [zb]ing around like that.”
be interesting to get the veiws from those who actually run wagons rather than retired drivers and some bloke who lives in spain but of coarse unless some one on here has got an inside man feeding him info before it’s made public, no body knows what the road user charge will entail, certainly nobody knows if the current rfl will be kept or abolished so perhaps a little early for any penny to drop and firms to start laying off drivers!
just my opinion of coarse.