If every driver in the uk walked out over pay

^^^This. It will never happen

er they did
A passage from Air Real Air America pilot

live animals would be air-dropped by parachute. On at least one occasion I’m familiar with, live pigs were air-dropped without parachutes, presumably to be eaten that night, as none, to my knowledge, survived the drop (no matter how hard they flapped their fat little legs). This was long before “Animal Rights,” of course — can you imagine the furor that operation would cause today?

A much more conventional method was to box the pigs up in cheap, flimsy wooden-slat crates, wrapped in chicken wire. (I could never understand why they don’t call it “Pig Wire.”) We’d stack up a whole bunch of these crates from the floor to the ceiling in the C-46, over hard against the right side, leaving only a narrow passage along the left side of the airplane for the crew to get in and out. I was much skinnier in those days, but it was still a chore to wiggle through that passage

If all lorries did block off factory gates and Rdc depots, the Government would hype it in a media spin of national security and anti terrorism laws come in to place.
The Police would be drawn in to move us along.
On the fuel rise strikes, lorries could move along at a slow pace to demonstrate but not block roads, permission had to be obtained to which routes taken.
Unlike France, where tyres were burnt to block roads,farmers joined in blocking motorway routes, any driver that crossed the picket line had their windscreen smashed in with bricks, this was in the 90,s.

they would get the forces in to move fuel etc.

you cant get a bunch of drivers to agree on 99.9% of the subjects on here and like some have said, if they are happy and on a decent knock why should they strike because a few think they are under paid?

Why dont you lead by example and see what happens.

if you think that you could get the support then good luck mate but as you can see the ime alright jack’s are out in force and join a union no theyr all in with the bosses kissing arse well let me tell you they are only kissing the bosses arses because the monkey’s working for peanut’s wont back them up and unfortunately since Maggie gave us all the chance to own our own house we have been bollixed and cannot afford to strike and you will probably have heard that the minimum wage is going up so that means that most driver’s are on or below the minimum wage now monkey’s working for peanut’s and your boss don’t care he’s allright jack

yeah lets go back to the good old days where people who are better qualified for a job cant get it because samsgrandads son or daughter wants it and he has worked there for 10 years so they will give it to them :unamused:

or we walk out as one of the water coolers is on the blink and its hot outside.

The country would also be on it’s knees if every checkout operative, or shelf stacker, or petrol station attendant walked out. If all sales staff walked out there would be nothing to deliver. If all goods in bods stopped working we’d be unable to deliver.

We’re only a small part of the chain. Yes a complete drivers strike would cause utter chaos, but so would a complete strike by checkout staff or sewage workers.

if you think that you could get the support then good luck mate but as you can see the ime alright jack’s are out in force and join a union no theyr all in with the bosses kissing arse well let me tell you they are only kissing the bosses arses because the monkey’s working for peanut’s wont back them up and unfortunately since Maggie gave us all the chance to own our own house we have been bollixed and cannot afford to strike and you will probably have heard that the minimum wage is going up so that means that most driver’s are on or below the minimum wage now monkey’s working for peanut’s and your boss don’t care he’s allright jack

So anyone who has chosen not to accept a job for peanuts and takes one with decent hours, has purley done it from kissing boss ■■■. Lol

Most of the drivers in Spain are unemployed, replaced with cheaper EE drivers, if you see a Spanish truck in the UK, it will not be a Spanish national driver.
The Portuguese hauliers use Brazilians, Mozambique,or Angolian drivers, as they were former colonies.
Spanish firms also use South American drivers, I have spoken to drivers from Chile, Peru,Argentina,and Columbia.
If Turkey joins the EU, expect your UK job going to a Turk.
Most Rdc,s have EE staff, they don’t moan, get on with the job, I have never had a problem with them.
Some English workers come across as work shy, can’t wait til knocking off time, and some can be rude and arrogant.
Can’t you read the sign, they shout.

Just know your value, and act accordingly. If you think you are no better than a trained monkey then accept the pay and working conditions that come with that attitude.
A national strike could never happen, and who wants the unions back with their nepotism and cronyism?
The shortage of drivers is forcing companies to look at their policy towards drivers, so vote with your feet and walk away if you can.

If every driver walked out in the uk over pay what would happen. The country would be put on its knees and supermarkets/shops would not be able to operate.

The facts are that it’s ridiculous many on £7.59 an hour for a job that includes

Inspecting a truck fit for use it’s our responceability.
Being responsible for taco enforcement.
Being in some case first at scene of an accident and having little but no training in first.aid and being responsible for that.
Being the admin man with all the paper work.
Driving concentrating on dic? Heads in corsas and 206 trying to get round you when your reversing.

Working 60 hour weeks just to pay your bill etc whilst top bosses take home in excess of 100k per year look on companies house to see for your self

Why is there no official spokesperson for hgv drivers.

Something needs to done

Why don’t you be a boss instead then? You just need to put your balls on line take on a huge debt to get started endure many sleepless nights and then get no thanks from ungrateful employees. Unfortunately market forces dictate drivers pay rates so until this mythical shortage happens then we are not a valuable asset. Of course all drivers could be provided with an on board secretary, riding mechanic, medic, and crow’s nest type look out for Corsas etc, and tacho analyst. But I expect the costs would be too prohibitive.

I don’t understand why people stay in jobs they don’t like, in this job most of the time your cv doesn’t matter its just a case of what letters are on your licence and for how long.

People are to obsessed with the hourly paid number as well. Instead of rushing about on my last two class 2 multidrop jobs on £10hr and the other on £12hr I took a class 1 job originally on £9hr as im stunned nowadays if i have to go to 3 drops. My pay has not particularly changed either - On slightly more. Little differences in contracts can make the lower hourly rate job pay better like having breaks paid not like other places that take that off.

Instead of rallying the troops just sort yourself out and don’t stress about the rest of us.

you will probably have heard that the minimum wage is going up so that means that most driver’s are on or below the minimum wage now monkey’s working for peanut’s and your boss don’t care he’s allright jack

If the driver was on the minimum wage they’ll get a wage rise. If they were just above it and the minimum wage rise now becomes higher than the rate they’re on they’ll get a wage rise to the minimum wage. Its a MINIMUM WAGE, you can’t be paid less. Clue is in the name. :unamused:

Many drivers would probably back down if their boss told them the lorries would be downgraded if money went up.

Park a few Axors up in the yard on day 1 of the strikes & they’d all be back sat in their V8’s driving out of the gate by 7am.

I’m happy with my current pay,sure I wouldn’t turn down more but I’m happy with what I get.

most of the skilled drivers have got out of the game these days the cpc card was the final blow for many

they had to face the fact that the cheaper guys were to keen to do the job and would work for a lower wage, they might be happy with it now but in 10 or 20 years time when its still more or less the same money and they get tired of the long hours they will then understand why it is the older guys gave up with it

i predict most who are posting on here now in 10 years time will not be driving anymore

you will be lucky to find anyone English at all who will drive in the future as hgv is going the way the nhs has gone, with all the good expereinced people leaving it and being replaced by people who have to struggle to speak English and learn at the same time

personaly i tried to get a job out in Australia driving . guess what ?

there is no shortage of drivers over there so you can not get in unlike this country as anyone can get in over here

it seems the aussies protect what they have for there own people first and only let in people who they need there skills for like nurses are always in huge demand but for some reason they dont take many in who can not speak English

are they racist or wise ? i think there wise and this country is the shining example of what happens with an open door policy

if anyone from aus is reading this and you know a company that is willing to take on drivers then please pass on the details as i would give my left testicle to get out of this crap hole we call england
it once was an england we should rename it now to
any other county bar England

drivers are there own worse enemy they had the best chance of all to kick out when the cpc card was brought it they didnt need to strike at all, all they had to do was not do the cpc card and what would of happend then ?

there is such a huge shortage now of good drivers there are idots doing there class 2 these days thinking there is good money to be had lol when they compare there wages to someone who works in asda or tessco distribution they will be in for a shock, as those guys only have to work 40 hours a week and they will be on much more than the drivers

oh well thats my rant out of the way for today

most of the skilled drivers have got out of the game these days the cpc card was the final blow for many

they had to face the fact that the cheaper guys were to keen to do the job and would work for a lower wage, they might be happy with it now but in 10 or 20 years time when its still more or less the same money and they get tired of the long hours they will then understand why it is the older guys gave up with it

i predict most who are posting on here now in 10 years time will not be driving anymore

you will be lucky to find anyone English at all who will drive in the future as hgv is going the way the nhs has gone, with all the good expereinced people leaving it and being replaced by people who have to struggle to speak English and learn at the same time

personaly i tried to get a job out in Australia driving . guess what ?

there is no shortage of drivers over there so you can not get in unlike this country as anyone can get in over here

it seems the aussies protect what they have for there own people first and only let in people who they need there skills for like nurses are always in huge demand but for some reason they dont take many in who can not speak English

are they racist or wise ? i think there wise and this country is the shining example of what happens with an open door policy

if anyone from aus is reading this and you know a company that is willing to take on drivers then please pass on the details as i would give my left testicle to get out of this crap hole we call england
it once was an england we should rename it now to
any other county bar England

drivers are there own worse enemy they had the best chance of all to kick out when the cpc card was brought it they didnt need to strike at all, all they had to do was not do the cpc card and what would of happend then ?

there is such a huge shortage now of good drivers there are idots doing there class 2 these days thinking there is good money to be had lol when they compare there wages to someone who works in asda or tessco distribution they will be in for a shock, as those guys only have to work 40 hours a week and they will be on much more than the drivers

oh well thats my rant out of the way for today

Anyone from Australia PLEASE take this guy away…

most of the skilled drivers have got out of the game these days the cpc card was the final blow for many

they had to face the fact that the cheaper guys were to keen to do the job and would work for a lower wage, they might be happy with it now but in 10 or 20 years time when its still more or less the same money and they get tired of the long hours they will then understand why it is the older guys gave up with it

i predict most who are posting on here now in 10 years time will not be driving anymore

you will be lucky to find anyone English at all who will drive in the future as hgv is going the way the nhs has gone, with all the good expereinced people leaving it and being replaced by people who have to struggle to speak English and learn at the same time

personaly i tried to get a job out in Australia driving . guess what ?

there is no shortage of drivers over there so you can not get in unlike this country as anyone can get in over here

it seems the aussies protect what they have for there own people first and only let in people who they need there skills for like nurses are always in huge demand but for some reason they dont take many in who can not speak English

are they racist or wise ? i think there wise and this country is the shining example of what happens with an open door policy

if anyone from aus is reading this and you know a company that is willing to take on drivers then please pass on the details as i would give my left testicle to get out of this crap hole we call england
it once was an england we should rename it now to
any other county bar England

drivers are there own worse enemy they had the best chance of all to kick out when the cpc card was brought it they didnt need to strike at all, all they had to do was not do the cpc card and what would of happend then ?

there is such a huge shortage now of good drivers there are idots doing there class 2 these days thinking there is good money to be had lol when they compare there wages to someone who works in asda or tessco distribution they will be in for a shock, as those guys only have to work 40 hours a week and they will be on much more than the drivers

oh well thats my rant out of the way for today

If you think the UK is ‘multicultural’ then you’re in for a freaking shock if you ever do get to Australia.

Let’s all agree that the real definition of happiness in this job is getting paid £225 a day for 5x8 hours a week.

…in other words, we’re 100% all miserable gits. Anyone getting £225 is on hard graft 15 hour shifts (or even less money for those hours) and it’s more common to see £225 a week takehome for the entire week’s worth of flat shifts - if you happen to get those.

Why do we get paid so low?

Too many drivers and not enough billionaire bosses to pay them. :wink:

most of the skilled drivers have got out of the game these days the cpc card was the final blow for many

they had to face the fact that the cheaper guys were to keen to do the job and would work for a lower wage, they might be happy with it now but in 10 or 20 years time when its still more or less the same money and they get tired of the long hours they will then understand why it is the older guys gave up with it

i predict most who are posting on here now in 10 years time will not be driving anymore

you will be lucky to find anyone English at all who will drive in the future as hgv is going the way the nhs has gone, with all the good expereinced people leaving it and being replaced by people who have to struggle to speak English and learn at the same time

personaly i tried to get a job out in Australia driving . guess what ?

there is no shortage of drivers over there so you can not get in unlike this country as anyone can get in over here

it seems the aussies protect what they have for there own people first and only let in people who they need there skills for like nurses are always in huge demand but for some reason they dont take many in who can not speak English

are they racist or wise ? i think there wise and this country is the shining example of what happens with an open door policy

if anyone from aus is reading this and you know a company that is willing to take on drivers then please pass on the details as i would give my left testicle to get out of this crap hole we call england
it once was an england we should rename it now to
any other county bar England

drivers are there own worse enemy they had the best chance of all to kick out when the cpc card was brought it they didnt need to strike at all, all they had to do was not do the cpc card and what would of happend then ?

there is such a huge shortage now of good drivers there are idots doing there class 2 these days thinking there is good money to be had lol when they compare there wages to someone who works in asda or tessco distribution they will be in for a shock, as those guys only have to work 40 hours a week and they will be on much more than the drivers

oh well thats my rant out of the way for today

Here’s some stats for you, courtesy of the internet:

2011 Census - 26% of Australian residents were born overseas.

2005 - Dept of Immigration estimated that 25% of the Australian workforce were born overseas, and that 40% had at least one parent born overseas.