If every driver in the uk walked out over pay

James the cat. You have made me spill my cup of tea. PMSL.

I personally think wages are good, often reflecting the role.

Plenty of other jobs earn around the same or even a bit less for more stress, similar hours and we can often leave the job at the work gate.

James the cat. You have made me spill my cup of tea. PMSL.

One does what one can :smiley:

If every driver in the UK walked out over pay
You’d only have Chuffin idiots Muppets ad DicKs working

So there’s 75% of the trucking fraternity accounted for :slight_smile:

There are some enlightened firms, but generally there has always been a big gap between an experienced, professional drivers value, and the average hourly pay rate.

Lot of negative posts on here about the demands of the job, and how easy it is, and yet not a morning goes by without a motorway being closed because of overturned trucks, or bridge strikes or whatever. I can’t go 100 yds down the road in the morning before I am being tailgated by some nutter in a truck, who can’t cope with the demands of the job. Not a delivery point that does not look like a war zone because of drivers reversing into anything but the place they are supposed to be reversing into etc etc, so it is obviously not that easy for a sizeable portion of the trucking fraternity.

There are some enlightened firms, but generally there has always been a big gap between an experienced, professional drivers value, and the average hourly pay rate.

Lot of negative posts on here about the demands of the job, and how easy it is, and yet not a morning goes by without a motorway being closed because of overturned trucks, or bridge strikes or whatever. I can’t go 100 yds down the road in the morning before I am being tailgated by some nutter in a truck, who can’t cope with the demands of the job. Not a delivery point that does not look like a war zone because of drivers reversing into anything but the place they are supposed to be reversing into etc etc, so it is obviously not that easy for a sizeable portion of the trucking fraternity.

No you’re absolutely right, but it doesn’t make a scrap of difference because no one gives a toss (gaffers, managers, govt, Vosa, customers, old bill, general public), if they did care the insurance record of a vocational driver would be linked to their driving licence hence insurers would be able to name those they don’t want, then the cheap hauliers wouldn’t like it cos their cheap staff wouldn’t be insurable and they’d have to pay out for premium people and the cost of your goods would increase…though arguably the cost to the country would lessen.

Car transporters is one place where your damage record will soon see you out (and a small enough community that your reputation follows you), plenty of vacancies with high rates on offer, but its graft and as seen on these forums not many can cope with a days work.

The facts are that it’s ridiculous many on £7.59 an hour for a job that includes

Something needs to done

Yeah…people need to stop taking jobs paying £7.59 an hour. If they did then the company would be forced to put the wages up. I won’t set foot in a cab for less than a tenner an hour with paid breaks and I’ll sit at home if I don’t get it. More people should do that - have a minimum they’re prepared to work for and not set foot in a truck for less.

Companies will continue to pay £7.59/hr as long as people are willing to work for it.

Paid what your worth or accept. If you take £7.59 an need 60 hout weeks then its down too you. I dont need to walk out of my job it pays well and im home early every night.

Driving concentrating on dic?

Most of us are concentrating on fanny actually.

I dont need to walk out of my job it pays well and im home early every night.


Of course someone will be along in a minute to say we’re the problem, I’m alright Jack and all that, blah blah blah, we should stick together, cry cry cry.

Well tough ■■■■■■■, I’m more than happy with my pay and conditions and I’m not going to align myself with a load of mugs who eagerly bend over and take it up the wrongun for minimum wage.

Stick together? With them? Would I ■■■■■■■■.

If every driver walked out in the uk over pay what would happen. The country would be put on its knees and supermarkets/shops would not be able to operate.

The facts are that it’s ridiculous many on £7.59 an hour for a job that includes

Inspecting a truck fit for use it’s our responceability.
Being responsible for taco enforcement.
Being in some case first at scene of an accident and having little but no training in first.aid and being responsible for that.
Being the admin man with all the paper work.
Driving concentrating on dic? Heads in corsas and 206 trying to get round you when your reversing.

Working 60 hour weeks just to pay your bill etc whilst top bosses take home in excess of 100k per year look on companies house to see for your self

Why is there no official spokesperson for hgv drivers.

Something needs to done

is english your 1st language?

Jim, you did a great job on the remasters.

I have been on strike 6 months .sick of running bent for cowboys .and competing with migrants who would take a 3 wheeler for a 10r.Britain’s a mess

Its all about pensions bonus bottles of whisky and incompetence. Its dangerously corrupted by those with no licence but a strong desire to visit dubai


I dont need to walk out of my job it pays well and im home early every night.


Of course someone will be along in a minute to say we’re the problem, I’m alright Jack and all that, blah blah blah, we should stick together, cry cry cry.

Well tough ■■■■■■■, I’m more than happy with my pay and conditions and I’m not going to align myself with a load of mugs who eagerly bend over and take it up the wrongun for minimum wage.

Stick together? With them? Would I ■■■■■■■■.

I don’t blame you the way truck drivers stab their fellow drivers in the back, it’s just as likely that while you went on strike to support your lower paid colleagues, you’d probably find one of them has nicked your decent job and is doing it for less money.

The mentality was shown when the fuel tanker drivers threatened to strike a couple of year ago, a lot of comments on here went on the lines of “greedy ■■■■■■■■ they get paid more than most in the industry anyway so what have they got to complain about”

They couldn’t see the reason they’re were paid more is because they stuck together to protect what they’d got.

I quite like my job delivering pallets lol ! GET SOOME

Should we keep running bent for peanuts.you have a moral duty to clean this industry up .if truckers can’t .and they can’t changes are needed

If every driver walked out in the uk over pay what would happen?

^^^This. It will never happen

The United Road Transport Union speaks for its members. If you want all the drivers to go on strike over pay then just join the Union and get them to organise it. Should be easy enough, blackmail the country into submission and this time next year we’ll all be millionaires…

I’m a Unite member, there an absolute waste of time and money, just the bosses little pet boys,