If every driver in the uk walked out over pay

Many drivers would probably back down if their boss told them the lorries would be downgraded if money went up.

Park a few Axors up in the yard on day 1 of the strikes & they’d all be back sat in their V8’s driving out of the gate by 7am.

…on the other hand, if we were agency - would we give a ■■■■ if a yard we’re only likely to do a handful of shifts at in any year - downgraded it’s vehicle? :unamused:

…for me, 9 shifts out of 10 will involve driving an axor btw. :neutral_face:

wood fuel:

most of the skilled drivers have got out of the game these days the cpc card was the final blow for many

they had to face the fact that the cheaper guys were to keen to do the job and would work for a lower wage, they might be happy with it now but in 10 or 20 years time when its still more or less the same money and they get tired of the long hours they will then understand why it is the older guys gave up with it

i predict most who are posting on here now in 10 years time will not be driving anymore

you will be lucky to find anyone English at all who will drive in the future as hgv is going the way the nhs has gone, with all the good expereinced people leaving it and being replaced by people who have to struggle to speak English and learn at the same time

personaly i tried to get a job out in Australia driving . guess what ?

there is no shortage of drivers over there so you can not get in unlike this country as anyone can get in over here

it seems the aussies protect what they have for there own people first and only let in people who they need there skills for like nurses are always in huge demand but for some reason they dont take many in who can not speak English

are they racist or wise ? i think there wise and this country is the shining example of what happens with an open door policy

if anyone from aus is reading this and you know a company that is willing to take on drivers then please pass on the details as i would give my left testicle to get out of this crap hole we call england
it once was an england we should rename it now to
any other county bar England

drivers are there own worse enemy they had the best chance of all to kick out when the cpc card was brought it they didnt need to strike at all, all they had to do was not do the cpc card and what would of happend then ?

there is such a huge shortage now of good drivers there are idots doing there class 2 these days thinking there is good money to be had lol when they compare there wages to someone who works in asda or tessco distribution they will be in for a shock, as those guys only have to work 40 hours a week and they will be on much more than the drivers

oh well thats my rant out of the way for today

Here’s some stats for you, courtesy of the internet:

2011 Census - 26% of Australian residents were born overseas.

2005 - Dept of Immigration estimated that 25% of the Australian workforce were born overseas, and that 40% had at least one parent born overseas.

25 % of the work force are from overseas ? how many of that % are unskilled ? how many of that % bring with them skills the country needs ?

if they dont need them they will not let them in

the country is about 20 times the size of the uk and has a popluation of just over 20 odd million, they mostly live around the coast, the place is huge, the roads are huge, the housing is in comfortable surroundings, its a beautful country and the aus people are proud of it and more importantly they protect what they have got

you can bet there kids will have a great future in aus and there will be work for them in all sorts of areas, i can not believe how that country is so wealthly and does so well but then i only have to compare it with how we run our country to see the difference

one more point i wonder about stats as everyone of them in aus was shipped out there not so long ago either so i guess the figure should be a lot higher about were they have come from as it was only the aborigines that are natives. a bit like me being an english man as i am born here not anywhere else, it stops there no matter how far back anyone could trace my history back to when my great great grandad was a randy old salior from were ever

the fact is i am englsh and my kids are English and there is no protection in this country for putting our own people ahead hence i admire the aus people so much as they stand together, something drivers could should of learned a long time ago but i agree with people who say drivers will never stick together the cpc card thing proved that

I’ve watched outback truckers, you couldn’t pay me enough to go there & do that job. Spent sometime in Brisbane a couple of years ago,well I think it was Brisbane, might have been Hong kong for all Asians around the place.

I think no matter what trade/job/carrer you
Do,in whichever company/country
There will be people who threaten strikes and we should do this we should do that An complain about everything
And will mess with people’s heads who are looking to enter that said trade / job / career
personally if i paid my bills i got food on the table n my kids are happy,it’s all good
If i dont like my job or the wage
I’ll worry about myself by getting my arse out there and
Finding a better job with better pay.
Just my 2cents

most of the skilled drivers have got out of the game these days the cpc card was the final blow for many

they had to face the fact that the cheaper guys were to keen to do the job and would work for a lower wage, they might be happy with it now but in 10 or 20 years time when its still more or less the same money and they get tired of the long hours they will then understand why it is the older guys gave up with it

i predict most who are posting on here now in 10 years time will not be driving anymore

you will be lucky to find anyone English at all who will drive in the future as hgv is going the way the nhs has gone, with all the good expereinced people leaving it and being replaced by people who have to struggle to speak English and learn at the same time

personaly i tried to get a job out in Australia driving . guess what ?

there is no shortage of drivers over there so you can not get in unlike this country as anyone can get in over here

it seems the aussies protect what they have for there own people first and only let in people who they need there skills for like nurses are always in huge demand but for some reason they dont take many in who can not speak English

are they racist or wise ? i think there wise and this country is the shining example of what happens with an open door policy

if anyone from aus is reading this and you know a company that is willing to take on drivers then please pass on the details as i would give my left testicle to get out of this crap hole we call england
it once was an england we should rename it now to
any other county bar England

drivers are there own worse enemy they had the best chance of all to kick out when the cpc card was brought it they didnt need to strike at all, all they had to do was not do the cpc card and what would of happend then ?

there is such a huge shortage now of good drivers there are idots doing there class 2 these days thinking there is good money to be had lol when they compare there wages to someone who works in asda or tessco distribution they will be in for a shock, as those guys only have to work 40 hours a week and they will be on much more than the drivers

oh well thats my rant out of the way for today

How would you cope with all the Road Train drivers looking down at you as a driver of thoose tonka toys of a class 1 ?

you will be lucky to find anyone English at all who will drive in the future as hgv is going the way the nhs has gone, with all the good expereinced people leaving it and being replaced by people who have to struggle to speak English and learn at the same time

The current influx of EE drivers in this country has been caused by the EU who has also made it possible for you to live and work anywhere in Europe. A lot of people seem to moan about EE drivers but they are taking advantage of the same opportunities which you now have.

personaly i tried to get a job out in Australia driving . guess what ?
there is no shortage of drivers over there so you can not get in unlike this country as anyone can get in over here

If you want to get a job driving in Australia, there is absolutely nothing stopping you providing you are under 30, older than this is very difficult. However if you go to Australia don’t be surprised to find all nationalities there, just the same as UK.


The facts are that it’s ridiculous many on £7.59 an hour for a job that includes

Something needs to done

Yeah…people need to stop taking jobs paying £7.59 an hour. If they did then the company would be forced to put the wages up. I won’t set foot in a cab for less than a tenner an hour with paid breaks and I’ll sit at home if I don’t get it. More people should do that - have a minimum they’re prepared to work for and not set foot in a truck for less.

Companies will continue to pay £7.59/hr as long as people are willing to work for it.

Another problem you have is what warrants a higher pay?

I don’t know the differences in pay for different parts of the haulage industry but from where i am i see people like transporter drivers who have a load that is obviously easily damaged if not careful, they have to load and unload it all etc etc. You have the likes of fuel tanker drivers who physically unload everything with high risk, i’m guessing these are generally at the higher end of the spectrum.

Then you have a lot of general haulage, you have those who go to work open their trailer curtains or rear doors, sit in the cab or a waiting room until they get the nod that they can go, rock up at their drops, open curtains/back doors and sit in cab/waiting room in essence they do nothing other than drive from point to point and have someone else load and unload their wagon. While i mean no disrespect to anyone who actually does that you can see why companies offer close to minimum wage for a job where the actual physical work is minimal

The United Road Transport Union speaks for its members. If you want all the drivers to go on strike over pay then just join the Union and get them to organise it. Should be easy enough, blackmail the country into submission and this time next year we’ll all be millionaires…

works for the underground train operators

that’s what I say about digit 369s post,most employers cant afford pay rises yet go home every night in their top of the range cars to their £500,000+ houses,a lot of them do work hard for that money though,but having said that they could work hard and build the business up but they need drivers to keep it going,irrelevant of where they get them,they can win contracts galore but none of it would move without drivers,its a catch 22,they would not have a company without drivers and we would not have a job without them

It would appear desypete’s ‘plan b’ after jacking in driving in heroic protest at the CPC card has turned out as we all expected; him, sat at home feeling bitter with no money rolling in and very few takers for his services.

Who would have thought? :laughing:

most employers cant afford pay rises yet go home every night in their top of the range cars to their £500,000+ houses

I dont bother about that. Its their company and the stress that goes with it so they can drive flash cars etc all they want. Its the “Oh we cant afford to pay you any more but look,we’ve just bought 12 brand new Volvo FH500’s” that gets me.

Yes snowie your right it just takes a quik look on companies house web check this shows you the company that you work for there full accounts true accounts done by a charted accountant.

Ok you could say that the company has to keep the costs down to be competitive maybe but they all probably know each other it’s not what you know it’s who you know.

Some people are probably on good monie such as 35k a year but I spoke with one of these guys and he told me he’s on £7.50 a hour arctic sleeps 5 nights does 90 yours a week


And they wonder why there’s a con sorry I mean shortage lmao :laughing:

It would appear desypete’s ‘plan b’ after jacking in driving in heroic protest at the CPC card has turned out as we all expected; him, sat at home feeling bitter with no money rolling in and very few takers for his services.

Who would have thought? :laughing:

+1. So true.

If every driver walked out in the uk over pay what would happen.

People who can drive will do their jobs. Test it out and jack your job in and see if anyone head hunts you ?


The United Road Transport Union speaks for its members. If you want all the drivers to go on strike over pay then just join the Union and get them to organise it. Should be easy enough, blackmail the country into submission and this time next year we’ll all be millionaires…

works for the underground train operators

But not for the tax payer.

when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.

What warrents higher pay?

A job that no one wants - not even the immigrants. :bulb:

so in the event of a walkout any passer by can jump in your lorry and do your job…
No, they can’t!
Not like you to be so blase’, mate! :sunglasses: