If Ad Blue Was Optional

I wouldn’t bother with it, as I don’t buy all this think green nonsense. Would you?

My mate brought 20ltrs, in 10ltr bottles, when our pumps were not working, apparently it cost £30 (so he says), I’m pretty sure at that price, every haulier or owner driver wouldn’t bother if they didn’t have to.

I think it’s a lot of pish if you ask me. :laughing: (there’s a joke in there for those of you who know your chemistry!) :laughing:

it CO2 produced in its manufacture and transportation outweighs any benefits from it.
EGR is fine for the 1st couple of years until it starts clogging up the inlet manifold, reducing airflow, using more fuel and producing mor CO2.
Funny how euro 6 vehicles are less ecconomical than euro 5’s. :unamused:

And the pointless poll award goes to…

And the pointless poll award goes to…

Not at all. Following the recycling thread, let’s see if drivers care about the environment enough to use ad blue given the choice. I think it’s one of the biggest and most pointless gimmicks since those crap talking Maestros.

adblue must create a carbon footprint to manufacture
it certainly creates a carbon footprint to deliver it to the point of sale
the carbon footprint created may well be higher than the alleged savings :astonished:

adblue must create a carbon footprint to manufacture
it certainly creates a carbon footprint to deliver it to the point of sale
the carbon footprint created may well be higher than the alleged savings :astonished:

And it’s nasty stuff when spilt.

An interesting debate…and one where MAN would have sided with Muckaway up until Euro 6!

Navistar tried to reach the US equivalent of Euro 6 without using SCR, and almost went bust as a result. Navistar now uses ■■■■■■■ SCR engines.

Fact is, if you want to keep using diesel engines and meet acceptable air quality standards locally, it’s the only game in town (you can achieve a NOx reduction to Euro 6 levels injecting water into the combustion chamber, but you’d use more water than diesel).

What I’ve never seen though, is an environmental impact assessment not only on AdBlue’s production and delivery, but also on the chemistry set in the exhaust system ie the precious metal washes on the catalytic converter etc.

And yes, I’ve asked, but no one’s got the data…or if they have they won’t admit it.

Sadly I suspect most of the environmental impact of adblue/scr is made outside the EU and therefore doesn’t count in the eyes of Brussels…who would always kick the can down the road than take responsibility for the consequences of their decisions.

But from a selfish point of view, if you work all day in traffic fumes then Euro 6 & AdBlue are to your benefit so as a truck driver best not to even ask the question.

What about aircraft - 747’s weigh around 300 tonnes - getting those babies into the air every few minutes at major hubs must cause severe pollution.

You can smell the fumes of aviation spirit far and wide.

Apparently hand held tools such as chainsaws etc have to be green…

What about aircraft - 747’s weigh around 300 tonnes - getting those babies into the air every few minutes at major hubs must cause severe pollution.

You can smell the fumes of aviation spirit far and wide.

Apparently hand held tools such as chainsaws etc have to be green…

Did you notice how clear the skies were when all the planes were grounded because of the icelandic volcano?

The company i work for manufactures and delivers AdBlue, and all the time truck/buses/coaches etc need it, it’s keeping me and my fellow drivers and those who help make and package it in a job, as although my company’s main sales and supplies is chemicals, AdBlue is the main bulk of our work. The stuff isn’t of any such danger either otherwise it would carry a dangerous goods un number and category. AdBlue is made up mainly of Demineralised water with a small percentage being urea which is a by product of animal pee. It doesn’t burn in you get it on yourself, it just feels sticky for a little while. Although it is corrosive to certain metals, it takes an extremely long time to take affect.

Didn’t cast my vote … Firstly the question is not clear what we are supposed to be voting for, secondly … Nobody in their right mind would use it if if was optional, why would they pay for something they don’t need ?

And the pointless poll award goes to…

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: Welcome to TNUK I think… :grimacing:

Pat Hasler:
Didn’t cast my vote … Firstly the question is not clear what we are supposed to be voting for, secondly … Nobody in their right mind would use it if if was optional, why would they pay for something they don’t need ?

It is optional, a bit like re mapping, not all operators choose this either!

The active ingredient in AdBlue is synthetic Urea…the same as the chemical found in urine, but it’s not made from urine.

Quite a lot of medical and cosmetic skin creams also contain urea…so it’s not a health hazard.

It is corrosive to some metals though, and will kill electrics/electronics if split.

It’s also a water pollutant and won’t be stopped by oil/water interceptors.

The company i work for manufactures and delivers AdBlue.

Tennants? My mate used to work for them for a while, I was tempted to apply when I did my ADR 2 yrs ago but never got round to it, any good?

That’s the company. I’ve been there since my original company did the transport for the depot i work from back in 2001 then Tennants took over running the vehicles themselves in 2004. Let’s just say the money (at our depot at least, because where based down south) the conditions, the work load and the hour’s worked are that good no one wants to leave. The vehicles could be better tho, but it’s job and knock, you start when you wanna, not when your told too. I don’t intend on leaving that’s for sure. What depot was you applying for?

They’ve just got totally carried away with emissions regs. Case in point ramping the cost of a new wagon massively in a recession. They should have introduced them much slower over a period of decades not years.

The difference in emissions between euro 5 & 6 for your extra ten grand is laughable.

All moot as China/India/USA are still pumping out a ridiculous amount of CO2, still at least we can be cool, modern Europe…

That’s the company. I’ve been there since my original company did the transport for the depot i work from back in 2001 then Tennants took over running the vehicles themselves in 2004. Let’s just say the money (at our depot at least, because where based down south) the conditions, the work load and the hour’s worked are that good no one wants to leave. The vehicles could be better tho, but it’s job and knock, you start when you wanna, not when your told too. I don’t intend on leaving that’s for sure. What depot was you applying for?

Manchester. The wages up here aren’t that special though if I’m honest, but I haven’t used my ADR since I passed which is a bit annoying, so was thinking of going for it.