If Ad Blue Was Optional

They’ve just got totally carried away with emissions regs. Case in point ramping the cost of a new wagon massively in a recession. They should have introduced them much slower over a period of decades not years.

The difference in emissions between euro 5 & 6 for your extra ten grand is laughable.

All moot as China/India/USA are still pumping out a ridiculous amount of CO2, still at least we can be cool, modern Europe…

I don’t know how true it is, as I was told it in an RDC, but someone said that the air coming out of the exhaust of a Euro 6 engine is actually CLEANER than the air going into the air filter. :question:


That’s the company. I’ve been there since my original company did the transport for the depot i work from back in 2001 then Tennants took over running the vehicles themselves in 2004. Let’s just say the money (at our depot at least, because where based down south) the conditions, the work load and the hour’s worked are that good no one wants to leave. The vehicles could be better tho, but it’s job and knock, you start when you wanna, not when your told too. I don’t intend on leaving that’s for sure. What depot was you applying for?

Manchester. The wages up here aren’t that special though if I’m honest, but I haven’t used my ADR since I passed which is a bit annoying, so was thinking of going for it.

Tennants do pay above the industry standard because of the line of work we do. I’m on 11.48 an hour for a 50 hour week, which i rarely do, but i still get paid for the 50. So i would think they are on a little less up there. What we get paid and the amount of work we do does surprise a few people. I did think of leaving last year but couldn’t find anything that could match my hours and money. Manchester is our head office and the biggest depot and fleet. You should go for it.


And the pointless poll award goes to…

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: Welcome to TNUK I think… :grimacing:

Hold the welcome, depends upon which incarnation he is this time. :wink:

I deliver to the Manchester depot fairly regularly and they all seem like a happy bunch

And a few other uses

Other commercial uses[edit]
A stabilizer in nitrocellulose explosives
A component of animal feed, providing a relatively cheap source of nitrogen to promote growth
A non-corroding alternative to rock salt for road de-icing, and the hardening of ski-resort terrain park take-offs and landings
A flavor-enhancing additive for cigarettes
A main ingredient in hair removers such as Nair and Veet
A browning agent in factory-produced pretzels
An ingredient in some skin cream,[12] moisturizers, hair conditioners
A reactant in some ready-to-use cold compresses for first-aid use, due to the endothermic reaction it creates when mixed with water
A cloud seeding agent, along with other salts
A flame-proofing agent, commonly used in dry chemical fire extinguisher charges such as the urea-potassium bicarbonate mixture
An ingredient in many tooth whitening products
An ingredient in dish soap
Along with ammonium phosphate, as a yeast nutrient, for fermentation of sugars into ethanol
A nutrient used by plankton in ocean nourishment experiments for geoengineering purposes
As an additive to extend the working temperature and open time of hide glue
As a solubility-enhancing and moisture-retaining additive to dye baths for textile dyeing or printing

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
just think when you light up your sucking In ■■■■ …
So if you smoke Camel your having both :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I dont go for the green stuff in any way shape or form, i think its all a big con to squeeze that extra bit of money out of us. Aircraft must have one of the biggest polluting engines, yet we have to pay a green tax, and they still pollute the skies. Then theres ships, especially cruise ones, so people have to pay extra, cos of the green taxes, and aircraft, ships etc, havnt done anything about their pollution, yet truck manufacturers were forced to change their ways of reducing pollution, cos the town planners said Well guys, you cant come into my town, unless you invent a cleaner engine, cars have catalyst that costs the earth, euro ? ( whatever number were on now ) is a lot more expensive than its predessessor but not as efficient, so we are all being conned, and the ice caps are still gonna melt, and the waters will rise, just as they did years ago, and will do in the future. Maybe our problems are within the earth, maybe the earth was being kept cool by the dinosaur ■■■, and bones, yet when that prat discovered the motor car, he also discovered that it needs the same ■■■■ to run it, so started to dig it out of the earth, the seabed, and whats replacing it, i mean if you take a solid out, you must put a solid back, right…so we are interfering with nature, and no one is working on that engine that costs pennys per fortnight to run, cos of the big conglomorates running this planet, so we still have pistons that go up and down, that guzzles tons of oil, when we have the brains to put a small nuclear reactor under the bonnet of my car, the same as our navy that runs on them, cant be anymore dangerous can it, who is stopping the brains from changing the way we do things, oh, you can have petrol/electric you can have diesel/electric, you can have gas/petrol cos we still need oil to produce it, but if anyone ever produces an engine that runs on gnats ■■■■, kill them ! for it will unbalance the world, make billions redundant, cost fortunes, so make sure it doesnt happen. And as for fracking, if it cost less, if we take away profits from foreign companies, and keep them for our own companies, thats a good thing innit, so why are the idiots like swampy campaigning at Balcombe, where they are only surveying at the moment, and good god, theyve got support from some liberal French idiot now, so he can Frack Right Off.

the maoster:


And the pointless poll award goes to…

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: Welcome to TNUK I think… :grimacing:

Hold the welcome, depends upon which incarnation he is this time. :wink:

Ah, I see and there was me being friendly :open_mouth: :wink: :wink:

I dont go for the green stuff in any way shape or form, i think its all a big con to squeeze that extra bit of money out of us.

Which will come as a great comfort to us and our children in the future when we’re all 8ft under water rapidly trying to grow gills in order to survive and (ironically) not being able to find a drop of fresh water to drink.

Like it or lump it, Climate Change is real, it is happening and we are affecting the planet and the climate on it. I tend to rely and listen to professional advise, and the professionals on this matter are giving us news that many do not want to hear!

Having said all that, I was under the impression that AdBlue was meant to heat the exhaust gases to help clear the DPF in the exhaust…or have I got that wrong?

I thought the DFP was to reduce the amount of carbon particles in the atmosphere that can cause cancer and other aliments?

Heaven sent taxation device.

I read somewhere recently that volcano let go in the Southern Hemisphere and chucked out more nasties than all of mankind to date.

Carbon reduction is a giant tax generating scam. It’s foolish to think that those in power actually care about anyone or anything other than themselves.


adblue must create a carbon footprint to manufacture
it certainly creates a carbon footprint to deliver it to the point of sale
the carbon footprint created may well be higher than the alleged savings :astonished:

And it’s nasty stuff when spilt.


it CO2 produced in its manufacture and transportation outweighs any benefits from it.
EGR is fine for the 1st couple of years until it starts clogging up the inlet manifold, reducing airflow, using more fuel and producing mor CO2.
Funny how euro 6 vehicles are less ecconomical than euro 5’s. :unamused:

Strange that my euro6 Daf is better on fuel than my euro5 Daf?