Idiots in the industry

tango boy:

Nah. Job ‘n’ knock boys on a salary. Agency are in no kind of hurry, so have no business being up some other guy’s arse unless they’re that way inclined of course. :stuck_out_tongue: :unamused:

Muppet lorry drivers that drive wearing their grease stained hiviz vests.Total tools, that are too lazy to take their elf n safety, don’t knock me down babies bibs.

It is illegal to use 3rd lane on a 3 lane motorway. But in roadworks on a 3 lane motorway the motorway status is not in force. That’s why sometimes 6’6" restriction for lane 3. Other times maybe no restriction and all lanes available to any vehicle. It’s to keep traffic flow through roadworks. Have a look at signs beginning of M1 roadworks. Have a proper look.

:open_mouth: Didn’t know about that, will have to look it up!

I’ve seen the black arrows for all 3 lanes but didn’t know the status of motorways altered, to me a motorway is a motorway - dictated by the ‘M’


Nothing wrong with using lane 3 in that stretch in hgv.

Apart from the fact its illegal for an HGV to use lane 3 of a motorway of course


It is illegal to use 3rd lane on a 3 lane motorway. But in roadworks on a 3 lane motorway the motorway status is not in force. That’s why sometimes 6’6" restriction for lane 3. Other times maybe no restriction and all lanes available to any vehicle. It’s to keep traffic flow through roadworks. Have a look at signs beginning of M1 roadworks. Have a proper look.

I think you’ll find that a motorway remains a motorway and motorway regulations apply regardless of whether or not there are roadworks, the only difference is that because of the signs different speeds and lane restrictions can be applied.

If you think it’s not a motorway because of roadworks try stopping for a rest in lane one and see what happens :wink:


tommy t:
It’s not as clear cut as lorry driver tailgating poor muppet car driver, sometime infact a lot of the time the car driver could get the zb out of the lorry drivers way,but they don’t because they are often pillocks that have ■■■■■■■■ for brains you can spot e’m a mile of as soon as those over head ganteries light up there on the brakes even if they aren’t even going fast enough to need to slow down ffs, no wonder our motorway network is so zb up!!

Still not an excuse though is it!!!

Clearly it is an excuse to the Big Trucker, on-the-limiter-everywhere idiots.


It is illegal to use 3rd lane on a 3 lane motorway. But in roadworks on a 3 lane motorway the motorway status is not in force. That’s why sometimes 6’6" restriction for lane 3. Other times maybe no restriction and all lanes available to any vehicle. It’s to keep traffic flow through roadworks. Have a look at signs beginning of M1 roadworks. Have a proper look.

I think you’ll find that a motorway remains a motorway and motorway regulations apply regardless of whether or not there are roadworks, the only difference is that because of the signs different speeds and lane restrictions can be applied.

If you think it’s not a motorway because of roadworks try stopping for a rest in lane one and see what happens :wink:

Exactly. The post from Irish Tony sounds like rdc bull. Does that mean learners are allowed on the m1/m62/m25 then? Of course not.

looking at some of the posts here , it is a damned good job limiters were invented . the billy big balls would be up and down at silly speeds and causing mayhem .

Well rikki yer wouldnt stop for a break in any live lane on any road so stop being silly.
Not even rdc bull either. Lane 3 to myself then through the M1 roadworks that have no restriction on lane 3. Just a sign that only i can interperet. Well i’ll leave yers to yer sat navs. Digi cards. Crap wages. Vosa bashing. Agency bashing. Eddie bashing. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence bashing. Would you wouldnt you. Racist. Selves. Its dinnertime

Well rikki yer wouldnt stop for a break in any live lane on any road so stop being silly.
Not even rdc bull either. Lane 3 to myself then through the M1 roadworks that have no restriction on lane 3. Just a sign that only i can interperet. Well i’ll leave yers to yer sat navs. Digi cards. Crap wages. Vosa bashing. Agency bashing. Eddie bashing. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence bashing. Would you wouldnt you. Racist. Selves. Its dinnertime

Good luck my friend!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

tango boy:

Well rikki yer wouldnt stop for a break in any live lane on any road so stop being silly.
Not even rdc bull either. Lane 3 to myself then through the M1 roadworks that have no restriction on lane 3. Just a sign that only i can interperet. Well i’ll leave yers to yer sat navs. Digi cards. Crap wages. Vosa bashing. Agency bashing. Eddie bashing. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence bashing. Would you wouldnt you. Racist. Selves. Its dinnertime

Good luck my friend!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yea irish tony dint last long did he,5 posts then history :laughing: :unamused: :laughing:

Well rikki yer wouldnt stop for a break in any live lane on any road so stop being silly.
Not even rdc bull either. Lane 3 to myself then through the M1 roadworks that have no restriction on lane 3. Just a sign that only i can interperet. Well i’ll leave yers to yer sat navs. Digi cards. Crap wages. Vosa bashing. Agency bashing. Eddie bashing. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence bashing. Would you wouldnt you. Racist. Selves. Its dinnertime

It wasn’t rikki that posted, I’ll have to change my avatar some time.

What’s this sign that only you can interpret ?

No offence intended but the rest of the post isn’t worth responding to, it’s just the usual nonsense we get off people who are unable to back up what they say when their opinions are challenged.

I thought I was right that a motorway is a motorway and doesn’t lose its status. I think he’s mixing up with the 3 black arrows correctly denoting any vehicle bit is usually on 2 lane stretch where outside lane has lifted width restriction for several hundred yards - usually for slip roads like on the M18

Well rikki yer wouldnt stop for a break in any live lane on any road so stop being silly.
Not even rdc bull either. Lane 3 to myself then through the M1 roadworks that have no restriction on lane 3. Just a sign that only i can interperet. Well i’ll leave yers to yer sat navs. Digi cards. Crap wages. Vosa bashing. Agency bashing. Eddie bashing. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence bashing. Would you wouldnt you. Racist. Selves. Its dinnertime

Spoken like a man that suddenly realises he has made an untrue and stupid original comment, and rather than hold up his hands and admit it, goes down the road of insulting every ■■■■ on here in a (failed) attempt to regain some credence :unamused: …Classic :laughing:

I’ll keep my eye open for Irish Tony next time I happen to be driving in some roadworks on the motorway. He’ll be the bloke in the Topline Scania with the fog lights on, sitting two inches off someone’s bumper in lane three.

Taxi for Irish_tony then who appears a bit confused about well almost everything really.

Well rikki yer wouldnt stop for a break in any live lane on any road so stop being silly.
Not even rdc bull either. Lane 3 to myself then through the M1 roadworks that have no restriction on lane 3. Just a sign that only i can interperet. Well i’ll leave yers to yer sat navs. Digi cards. Crap wages. Vosa bashing. Agency bashing. Eddie bashing. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence bashing. Would you wouldnt you. Racist. Selves. Its dinnertime

Oh its a sign only YOU can interpret now? Maybe you ever so slightly sarcastic post telling us to read the signs,really read them,should have said that. I have looked and looked and I cant find anywhere that it says an HGV is allowed in lane 3 if there are roadworks. Lane 3 to yourself? If that means the road was empty and you were in lane 3 then you’ll need to explain why you wern’t in the left hand lane. Middle lane hoggers are bad enough without people sitting in the far outside lane.
If its not RDC bull (and to be honest you come across as one of those types in a waiting room who spouts all sorts of guff) then where is the link to prove it?

Can I Just ask how many lanes woe the motorway in question is



It is illegal to use 3rd lane on a 3 lane motorway. But in roadworks on a 3 lane motorway the motorway status is not in force. That’s why sometimes 6’6" restriction for lane 3. Other times maybe no restriction and all lanes available to any vehicle. It’s to keep traffic flow through roadworks. Have a look at signs beginning of M1 roadworks. Have a proper look.

I think you’ll find that a motorway remains a motorway and motorway regulations apply regardless of whether or not there are roadworks, the only difference is that because of the signs different speeds and lane restrictions can be applied.

If you think it’s not a motorway because of roadworks try stopping for a rest in lane one and see what happens :wink:

Exactly. The post from Irish Tony sounds like rdc bull. Does that mean learners are allowed on the m1/m62/m25 then? Of course not.

Ere,now have I got this wrong…When I was on ‘L’ s,a learner wagon could use the motorway?

A hgv on l plates is fine on a motor way, a car driver on l plates isn’t.