Was with a guy the other day who would ride so close to the car in front at times, its really uncomfortable. How can you feel safe driving that close?
Those that do it as a matter of course are just so stupid that it doesn’t cross their mind what would happen if the vehicle in front had to stop in a hurry. It seems to be quite a proportion of the lorry driving community that fall into this category from my observations.
Maybe its because I’m still new at driving or something but I always try and leave a gap big enough for an artic to find into between me and the person in front.
Thats not being new thats being a good driver (I’m presuming approx 3 x artic spaces to allow one in, oh alright 2 1/2), I do the same and i’m crap but I do it in case of tea spillage if I have to slam the anchors on.
Allways expect to have to stop in an emergency and then the time it happens (which it will) it wont be a surprise.
Born Idle:
This idiot was on the M5 near Worcester last summer. He looks wider than 6’6" to me. I followed him for at least 2 miles before he pulled in and switched on the dashcam to prove I wasn’t seeing things.
(The image is a still from my dashcam, before you all start!)
it’s amazing how many drivers that are on the road that dont know the width or height of there vehicles
Was with a guy the other day who would ride so close to the car in front at times, its really uncomfortable. How can you feel safe driving that close?
Those that do it as a matter of course are just so stupid that it doesn’t cross their mind what would happen if the vehicle in front had to stop in a hurry. It seems to be quite a proportion of the lorry driving community that fall into this category from my observations.
Maybe its because I’m still new at driving or something but I always try and leave a gap big enough for an artic to find into between me and the person in front.
And what’s really frustrating is some bonehead will try and slide into that space, usually slamming brakes on to avoid hitting the vehicle in front. I get annoyed at cars that overtake you simply to get to a slip road ahead of you. I’m really not sure how much time they think they’re saving.
Was with a guy the other day who would ride so close to the car in front at times, its really uncomfortable. How can you feel safe driving that close?
Those that do it as a matter of course are just so stupid that it doesn’t cross their mind what would happen if the vehicle in front had to stop in a hurry. It seems to be quite a proportion of the lorry driving community that fall into this category from my observations.
Maybe its because I’m still new at driving or something but I always try and leave a gap big enough for an artic to find into between me and the person in front.
And what’s really frustrating is some bonehead will try and slide into that space, usually slamming brakes on to avoid hitting the vehicle in front. I get annoyed at cars that overtake you simply to get to a slip road ahead of you. I’m really not sure how much time they think they’re saving.
I feel your pain, but all they see is an obsticle they can pass without having to decelerate (which takes effort). As a species we are all lazy buggers so will try and follow the path of percieved less resistence, even if this is the more dangerous option.
I was once taught by a very wise driver that the road to true enlightenment is to be able to remove all emotion from driving (yep ignore the coffee bean reflex), and treat cars as naughty children who will sometimes surprise you by letting you out but inevitably need watching as they missbehave and occasionally require protecting from themselves.
As pro drivers we are the parents of the road and must make allowances to a point to ensure the weaker flesh and bone occupants of other vehicles arrive at their destination safely. Its a thankless task.
Car joins via slip road and is only doing 45-50, now I’m doing 55 but have let them in (stupidly expecting them to accelerate away)- so I ease off and stay behind confident that they are inexperienced and probably not going far and pulling off at the next slip road anyway. If I attempt to overtake they may get scared then accelerate and leave me mucking about / elephant racing a car and causing an inconvenience to others when I can just think bollox to it and have a cup of tea. Doesn’t always work though and I can be stuck behind them for hours…
In reality Im usually up thier arse giving them the beans and if I do overtake I cut in inches from them, unless they speed up whilst I’m overtaking then I indicate and pull in anyway, usually resulting in a dip of their bonnet as they brake sharply.
Totally agree ive seen a lot of trucks doing over 50 mph 2 feet from the car in front, very dangerous, i think to my self can i stop now if that car slams on in front now, if the answer is no then your to close. i seen a truck on the m60 a few weeks back swerve at a car in the first lane and push him into the hard shoulder, the truck went up behind him in the second lane full on the horn as the chap in the car thought it was ok to stop dead in the second lane and indicate to pull into the first lane to get off the motorway so the guy in the truck must of terrified him so he pulls into the first lane and give the trucker the f u sign so the trucker went to ram him quite unbelievable really in rush hour traffic aswell.
Born Idle:
This idiot was on the M5 near Worcester last summer. He looks wider than 6’6" to me. I followed him for at least 2 miles before he pulled in and switched on the dashcam to prove I wasn’t seeing things.
(The image is a still from my dashcam, before you all start!)
it’s amazing how many drivers that are on the road that dont know the width or height of there vehicles
Even so, he must know that he isn’t allowed in lane 3 on the motorway in an artic, roadworks or not!
Agree gettin close is dangerous but the space were meant to leave is an invite for a idiot car driver to pull into, I find closing the gap a little we’re possible stops pricks pulling in front then slamming on for the next junction
mark h:
Agree gettin close is dangerous but the space were meant to leave is an invite for a idiot car driver to pull into, I find closing the gap a little we’re possible stops pricks pulling in front then slamming on for the next junction
agree the worst place is M60/62 road works full of pricks
6’ 6" isn’t the width of the lane. Its the max width of vehicle they want in that lane.
Not always a width restriction through roadworks though. Example M1 North and South bound. Nothing wrong with using lane 3 in that stretch in hgv.
6’ 6" isn’t the width of the lane. Its the max width of vehicle they want in that lane.
Not always a width restriction through roadworks though. Example M1 North and South bound. Nothing wrong with using lane 3 in that stretch in hgv.
6’ 6" isn’t the width of the lane. Its the max width of vehicle they want in that lane.
Not always a width restriction through roadworks though. Example M1 North and South bound. Nothing wrong with using lane 3 in that stretch in hgv.
Even so lane 2 sometimes isn’t wide enough for trucks.
It is illegal to use 3rd lane on a 3 lane motorway. But in roadworks on a 3 lane motorway the motorway status is not in force. That’s why sometimes 6’6" restriction for lane 3. Other times maybe no restriction and all lanes available to any vehicle. It’s to keep traffic flow through roadworks. Have a look at signs beginning of M1 roadworks. Have a proper look.
It is illegal to use 3rd lane on a 3 lane motorway. But in roadworks on a 3 lane motorway the motorway status is not in force. That’s why sometimes 6’6" restriction for lane 3. Other times maybe no restriction and all lanes available to any vehicle. It’s to keep traffic flow through roadworks. Have a look at signs beginning of M1 roadworks. Have a proper look.
Well,you’ve taught me something and I thought it was only at night and then only if quiet.
It is illegal to use 3rd lane on a 3 lane motorway. But in roadworks on a 3 lane motorway the motorway status is not in force. That’s why sometimes 6’6" restriction for lane 3. Other times maybe no restriction and all lanes available to any vehicle. It’s to keep traffic flow through roadworks. Have a look at signs beginning of M1 roadworks. Have a proper look.
Well,you’ve taught me something and I thought it was only at night and then only if quiet.
It’s not as clear cut as lorry driver tailgating poor muppet car driver, sometime infact a lot of the time the car driver could get the zb out of the lorry drivers way,but they don’t because they are often pillocks that have ■■■■■■■■ for brains you can spot e’m a mile of as soon as those over head ganteries light up there on the brakes even if they aren’t even going fast enough to need to slow down ffs, no wonder our motorway network is so zb up!!
Then what about the ones that sit at your back wheel even though you have been indicating for an eternity to pull into their lane(usually the middle one) even though there isnt any vehicles in the lane to their right(in uk) or comming up from behind them at speed, they just sit there until you move that is, then they panic slamming on the anchors or swerving for no reason. i’m sure some where blinkers because using their mirrors and changing lanes and lets not forget being aware of other vehicles around them seems to be asking too much of them, the non professional car drivers are 90% or more lemmings
Not a driving idiot, but when I worked as a plant operator, the company owner asked me what I wanted antifreeze for. I told him it was Friday, and after work I was going to get ■■■■■■ on it.
tommy t:
It’s not as clear cut as lorry driver tailgating poor muppet car driver, sometime infact a lot of the time the car driver could get the zb out of the lorry drivers way,but they don’t because they are often pillocks that have ■■■■■■■■ for brains you can spot e’m a mile of as soon as those over head ganteries light up there on the brakes even if they aren’t even going fast enough to need to slow down ffs, no wonder our motorway network is so zb up!!
works for me zb em if they wont move i’ll go round em talking of using the 3rd lane i love the looks you get when the motorway becomes 2 lanes the M4 in wales is a prime example when you overtake in the outside lane in a 44t artic, what would Joe And Petunia think of that then youtube.com/watch?v=aysRn-P … 2F1C404EBB