I like technology but is this too much too soon?

I wouldn’t trust technology that far, steam ain’t safe - look what happened to that one in Cornwall - BOOM ,and they will never be 100% failsafe.”

Aye, but that was one of those jackeens from across the sea driving that one for a grockle down there, can’t really blame the equipment now can you? Should keep those wealhs out, blame the government for that one can’t be having that in the 19th century now can we.

Load of pish, more chance of hoover boards this Christmas.

Got one on order already: huvrtech.com/


I wouldn’t trust technology that far, steam ain’t safe - look what happened to that one in Cornwall - BOOM ,and they will never be 100% failsafe.”

Aye, but that was one of those jackeens from across the sea driving that one for a grockle down there, can’t really blame the equipment now can you? Should keep those wealhs out, blame the government for that one can’t be having that in the 19th century now can we.

An now I hear that some toff called Babbage ‘as come up with a ‘difference engine’ that does all kinds of complicated stuff by itself. I s’pose it’ll not be long afore some clown puts one in one of these new fangled engines an’ we’ll all be out of a job.



I wouldn’t trust technology that far, steam ain’t safe - look what happened to that one in Cornwall - BOOM ,and they will never be 100% failsafe.”

Aye, but that was one of those jackeens from across the sea driving that one for a grockle down there, can’t really blame the equipment now can you? Should keep those wealhs out, blame the government for that one can’t be having that in the 19th century now can we.

An now I hear that some toff called Babbage ‘as come up with a ‘difference engine’ that does all kinds of complicated stuff by itself. I s’pose it’ll not be long afore some clown puts one in one of these new fangled engines an’ we’ll all be out of a job.

Aye, at least us loomers will be safe, there will always be a need for us…cann’it be teach’n one of t’ose new fand’dangles all we know…

Trailer security will have to improve. Can see this getting looted when its crawling through traffic

Ok so just working out how to hook up my laptop to ecu, then i can sleep my way up the m3 and have another couple hours while they tip box!

All sounds good to me.

The principle of it may sound good, the computer will “drive” the motor correctly and legally; hence no fines. So how long will it take the plod and government to realise the money for their doughnut and pension fund has dried up?

So what happens when two driverless vehicles meet each other on a road where they cannot pass?
With drivers, one would normally go onto the path etc to make room, will a computer be able to do this , or will they simply wait there…for ever?

Presumably with vehicles in communication with each other, this simply wouldn’t happen.

How would a computer put the airlines on , dogclip , number plate on trailer swaps etc

Here’s the video I mentioned earlier. It’s just over 5 mins long but quite interesting. The music is dreadful so you might want the sound down.


How would a computer put the airlines on , dogclip , number plate on trailer swaps etc

Here’s the video I mentioned earlier. It’s just over 5 mins long but quite interesting. The music is dreadful so you might want the sound down.

I’ll give it a blast cheers mate

What people are missing is that the automated system is for 80 kph upwards…motorway and main duals…rest of driving like towns and reversing and roundabouts as others have mentioned will all be controlled by the driver manually.

So you drive out of ‘A’ put it on motorway, set the automation and then switch it off as you approaching junction. Then you approach ‘B’ yourself and park yourself…The middle part you relax.

Agree it will change jobs, not necessarily job losses but possibly pay as you will be on break for the main bulk.

What people are missing is that the automated system is for 80 kph upwards…motorway and main duals…rest of driving like towns and reversing and roundabouts as others have mentioned will all be controlled by the driver manually.

Aye, by waving your arms?

Google’s new car. It has no gas pedal, no brake and no steering wheel

edition.cnn.com/2014/05/28/tech/ … iving-car/


What people are missing is that the automated system is for 80 kph upwards…motorway and main duals…rest of driving like towns and reversing and roundabouts as others have mentioned will all be controlled by the driver manually.

Aye, by waving your arms?

Google’s new car. It has no gas pedal, no brake and no steering wheel

edition.cnn.com/2014/05/28/tech/ … iving-car/

I was talking about the trucks not the car. Check out the offical video with the actros…

straight from daimler.com

Mercedes-Benz presents the “Future Truck 2025” as the world’s first autonomously driving truck.
A truck drives along a motorway all by itself, at a speed of 80 km/h, communicating with its surroundings and ensuring more safety on the roads. It also saves its operator money, and relieves its driver of stress and fatigue in monotonous traffic situations.
Sounds like science fiction? Think again, as it is already here today - the Future Truck 2025 from Mercedes-Benz. The Highway Pilot system enables this truck to drive autonomously at a speed of 80 kilometres per hour. With it we are presenting the long-distance truck of tomorrow, and giving an outlook on the transport system of the future. It is based on intelligent networking of all the safety systems already available, plus cameras, radar sensors and vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
There are many challenges facing the road transport sector: Despite increasing traffic density, investment in the infrastructure is in decline. Added to this are increasing cost pressure on transport operators and the already acute shortage of drivers. Daimler Trucks has an answer to all this — the truck of tomorrow: safer, more efficient, highly networked and autonomous.
Thanks to autonomous driving, the transport sector could look like this in only ten years: Traffic flows are smoother, more predictable and safer. Human error behind the wheel is avoided. Freight forwarders operate more profitably and flexibly. The professional profile of the truck driver has undergone a change — from a trucker to a transport manager with far more responsibilities.
Hard to believe? Then take a look at this Special, where we have put together everything worth knowing about the Future Truck 2025 for you. And from tomorrow you can see it in “autonomous action” — in a recording of the world premiere run on a section of the A 14 autobahn near Magdeburg

How will it ‘relieve the driver of stress’ when the poor sod has hours on end to think about how he’s going to pay his mortgage on five quid an hour?

If you ask me… No one has but…

No one is particularly interested in driver less cars because most people like to drive and like to be in control. People with disabilities of course and those who have become too old could benefit but there might not be all that much profit in that.

No, it’s driver less trucks buses and taxis, that’s where the investment is coming from, they want to get rid of us. Why? Well we are a bloody nuisance, we moan, we come in late, we take time of sick and we expect to take breaks during the working day. Sometimes we get careless and they have to pay for it, and sooner or later they might have to give us a pension, who wouldn’t want to get rid of us?

What are we going to do when all of the trucks are driven by computers? What will our kids do? Even if they pay us benefits we aren’t going to be happy we’re used to being out doing a useful job and we need our self respect. Let’s face it, it isn’t a great job but we like it and we want to keep it. You don’t have to be very bright or clever but you do something that needs to be done and they want to get rid of you! They want trucks that run 24/7 without a break and without a wage bill.

What are we to do about it? Actually we have a considerable advantage over other workers who have been replaced by machines. The advantage we have is that the general public are likely to be frightened by the idea of a 44 tonne truck careering along the road with nobody at the controls.

Don’t get me wrong I have no doubt that the computer will do the job better than me, I mean look at these auto boxes they are really good. I don’t remember gear changing being a problem but I couldn’t be bothered with it now.

Anyway if there happened to be any type of incident with a driver less vehicle while they are testing them on the roads, then the press would be on our side. You can imagine the headlines “Frankenstein car crashes”? I don’t think it would matter too much who was actually to blame, you just say, “came from nowhere, going far to fast”. Enough incidents early on and I think they would be forced to give up. Maybe not but if they do become accepted there will be no going back, so if you see one give it a nudge.

It’s only a matter of time before driverless vehicle come in like all new inventions /robots etc the teething troubles are soon fixed and you have the finished article I think within 10years I remember working as a office boy at LeverBos Port sunlight there was about 5000 people worked there mostly girls packing soap plus wharehousmen ,drivers, typist pool ,time office ,mail office ,the list is endless ,train drivers even, now nearly all gone its automated it’s like a ghost town not even a canteen even the road trailers load themselves there are thousands such examples car factories ,robots do some of the work like painting new cars, if big firms can go automated they will .i am 72now and won’t be around to see the result but imagine a population which will reach 80million no jobs no health service( because to many people) I might sound loopy but I can really see it happening

Ps ,I seen a program last year about BMW where they park the finished cars in a giant multi storey car park and they parked themselves when they wanted a certain car the computer contacted the car and it came down through a lift system about 700cars and not a driver in sight. In Rotterdam containers are dropped onto a trailer and the driverless truck takes it to it’s allocated bay and it’s lifted off so it’s happening