Usually when I’m out I don’t react to certain situations, I always just carry on regardless, mutter a few colourful words to myself but don’t let it bother me. But last night as I was cruising down the motorway at a few kph under top speed (I like to keep a little in reserve) I was overtaken and he pulled in with very little room to spare, now this happens a bit and I just slow up until I’m comfortable with the gap then carry on. But last night I’m afraid I reacted to it, I overtook him and left plenty of space, indicated and moved over safely.
It’s the next bit that is a bit of a sin, I then slowed to my original speed and he pulled out to pass, I then sped up until he moved back in behind, after this happened a couple of times I decided enough was enough and let him pass, he left it until I flashed him in then he indicated and moved over, he even thanked me so maybe he realised why I was being a bit of a ■■■■
What a story
You might wanna put your flack jacket on but I think it’s funny. I wouldn’t of let him pass me though in case he rammed his brakes on as he came in too close. If he’d of retaliated it could of been a disaster.
If he thanked you, he hasn’t noticed you’re playing with him. You ain’t doing it right
Edit. Or maybe you are and that’s why he did!!
Why do people cut in early anyway. Is it because they don’t have a clue with regard to spacial awareness / size of vehicle and possess a very low driving IQ?
Exactly. People make an issue about tailgating, which is bad enough, but what about the brain dead drivers who overtake and pull in leaving you no braking distance. You slow down, and the person behind you pulls out and then pulls in again, doing the same thing. Very few drivers have the awareness or patience to wait until they are safely clear before returning to the inside lane.
I am the driver who will ignore you flashing me in if I feel the gap is too short, and I am the same one who does not flash you in because I can see what your stupid intention is. No wonder there are so many accidents. Standards are looow.
Thankfully the majority of drivers are good at what they do, yes?
I was cruising down the motorway at a few kph under top speed (I like to keep a little in reserve)…
What a story
You might wanna put your flack jacket on
I won’t get anything I don’t deserve , I reacted to poor driving and as a professional this should never ever happen, I doubt very much I was thinking of the children either
Seen many potential motorway road range incidents turn into lovey dovey winky flashy end when i would a laid money on a hardshoulder cut in or ram on the brakes outcome.
What about these turkeys driving the cars that cut in at the last min ,I thought they were flashing the hazard lights to say iam a cheekey zb that knows what I done but just thought I’d flash the lights to avoid you knocking my teeth out if we should stop in a queue ,but no apparently they come on automatically now when these zb s brake too hard !!
Why do people cut in early anyway. Is it because they don’t have a clue with regard to spacial awareness / size of vehicle and possess a very low driving IQ?
I usually put it down to a couple of things - poor judgement or their nearside mirrors are covered in water or crap so they can’t see through them that well.
I usually put it down to a couple of things…
I always put it down to one thing; them being a smartarse ■■■■.
They think you’re on your limiter and they think there’s nothing you can do about it once they’ve cut your nose off.
90% of the time they’ll be right, because 90% of lorry driving cabbages are on the limiter.
Like the OP though, I rarely drive on the limiter. I like to leave a bit in reserve. Not only does it make overtaking easier when you come up against something going slightly slower, it also gives you options on occasions like this.
When a cabbage takes 15 minutes to overtake me and then pulls in so there’s barely a metre between us, I’ll pull straight out and overtake him in less than 15 seconds.
Then, with the help of my rear facing camera, I’ll pull back in front of him with the kind of eye watering precision that a brain surgeon would be proud of. I’m talking being able to read the small print on his front number plate kind of precision.
I’ll then return to my original cruising speed.
Every time I’ve done this, the cabbage behind hasn’t tried to overtake me again. They’ve hung back and followed me at the pace that I set until we go our separate ways. Every single time without fail.
They’ve been educated and I like to think they won’t do it again.
Unfortunately, the memory span of a cabbage is less than that of a potato, so I’m probably wasting my time.
Unfortunately, the memory span of a cabbage is less than that of a potato, so I’m probably wasting my time.
sounds about right
I usually put it down to a couple of things…I always put it down to one thing; them being a smartarse [zb].
They think you’re on your limiter and they think there’s nothing you can do about it once they’ve cut your nose off.
90% of the time they’ll be right, because 90% of lorry driving cabbages are on the limiter.
Like the OP though, I rarely drive on the limiter. I like to leave a bit in reserve. Not only does it make overtaking easier when you come up against something going slightly slower, it also gives you options on occasions like this.
When a cabbage takes 15 minutes to overtake me and then pulls in so there’s barely a metre between us, I’ll pull straight out and overtake him in less than 15 seconds.
Then, with the help of my rear facing camera, I’ll pull back in front of him with the kind of eye watering precision that a brain surgeon would be proud of. I’m talking being able to read the small print on his front number plate kind of precision.
I’ll then return to my original cruising speed.
Every time I’ve done this, the cabbage behind hasn’t tried to overtake me again. They’ve hung back and followed me at the pace that I set until we go our separate ways. Every single time without fail.
They’ve been educated and I like to think they won’t do it again.
Unfortunately, the memory span of a cabbage is less than that of a potato, so I’m probably wasting my time.
When a cabbage takes 15 minutes to overtake me and then pulls in so there’s barely a metre between us, I’ll pull straight out and overtake him in less than 15 seconds.Then, with the help of my rear facing camera, I’ll pull back in front of him with the kind of eye watering precision that a brain surgeon would be proud of. I’m talking being able to read the small print on his front number plate kind of precision.
I’ll then return to my original cruising speed.
Every time I’ve done this, the cabbage behind hasn’t tried to overtake me again. They’ve hung back and followed me at the pace that I set until we go our separate ways. Every single time without fail.
They’ve been educated and I like to think they won’t do it again.
Unfortunately, the memory span of a cabbage is less than that of a potato, so I’m probably wasting my time.
So you let a truck struggle to pass you knowing you have more speed in reserve then as soon as their past you move straight out to overtake them and slow back down again. I don’t think your really in a position to call other truckers a smart arse
Why do people cut in early anyway. Is it because they don’t have a clue with regard to spacial awareness / size of vehicle and possess a very low driving IQ?I usually put it down to a couple of things - poor judgement or their nearside mirrors are covered in water or crap so they can’t see through them that well.
Nah, you are reading too much into it and giving d/heads the benefit of the doubt.
If they had a modicum of common sense and their mirrors were actually ■■■■ up, would they not pull in at a longer distance to allow for it rather than a shorter one As I said a simpler conclusion is d/head syndrome pure and simple.
I usually put it down to a couple of things…I always put it down to one thing; them being a smartarse [zb].
They think you’re on your limiter and they think there’s nothing you can do about it once they’ve cut your nose off.
90% of the time they’ll be right, because 90% of lorry driving cabbages are on the limiter.
Like the OP though, I rarely drive on the limiter. I like to leave a bit in reserve. Not only does it make overtaking easier when you come up against something going slightly slower, it also gives you options on occasions like this.
When a cabbage takes 15 minutes to overtake me and then pulls in so there’s barely a metre between us, I’ll pull straight out and overtake him in less than 15 seconds.
Then, with the help of my rear facing camera, I’ll pull back in front of him with the kind of eye watering precision that a brain surgeon would be proud of. I’m talking being able to read the small print on his front number plate kind of precision.
I’ll then return to my original cruising speed.
Every time I’ve done this, the cabbage behind hasn’t tried to overtake me again. They’ve hung back and followed me at the pace that I set until we go our separate ways. Every single time without fail.
They’ve been educated and I like to think they won’t do it again.
Unfortunately, the memory span of a cabbage is less than that of a potato, so I’m probably wasting my time.
Does that not make you as bad as them? Maybe a better way to ‘educate them’ as you put it would be display as example. ie. Pull out immediately blast your horns alongside them showing you are ■■■■■■ off with them, and do it text book properly, at least that way you have not gone from being a good driver to become one of them ■■■■■■■ s
I usually put it down to a couple of things…I always put it down to one thing; them being a smartarse [zb].
They think you’re on your limiter and they think there’s nothing you can do about it once they’ve cut your nose off.
90% of the time they’ll be right, because 90% of lorry driving cabbages are on the limiter.
Like the OP though, I rarely drive on the limiter. I like to leave a bit in reserve. Not only does it make overtaking easier when you come up against something going slightly slower, it also gives you options on occasions like this.
When a cabbage takes 15 minutes to overtake me and then pulls in so there’s barely a metre between us, I’ll pull straight out and overtake him in less than 15 seconds.
Then, with the help of my rear facing camera, I’ll pull back in front of him with the kind of eye watering precision that a brain surgeon would be proud of. I’m talking being able to read the small print on his front number plate kind of precision.
I’ll then return to my original cruising speed.
Every time I’ve done this, the cabbage behind hasn’t tried to overtake me again. They’ve hung back and followed me at the pace that I set until we go our separate ways. Every single time without fail.
They’ve been educated and I like to think they won’t do it again.
Unfortunately, the memory span of a cabbage is less than that of a potato, so I’m probably wasting my time.
Do you do this to everyone who passes you or only the ones who take your wipers off when coming back in? You want to leave a bit on reserve but when someone passes you,all of a sudden its foot to the floor time?
And who decided you were the person to educate anyone,cabbage or not?
They’ve been educated and I like to think they won’t do it again.
Can I ask what lesson you think you’re teaching them?
What you’ve described is no better than playground bullying…“I’m faster & better than you so you’d better get behind me cos I know more than you, and I don’t like the way you overtook me” is a rather childish and petty way to drive. What happens if they don’t want to sit at your chosen cruising speed and they pull out again to pass you? Do you let them go past and then pull the frankly stupid stunt you described above again…or do you put the power down and leave them out to dry, before slowing down again? Who made you the arbiter of other people’s speed? If we all played petty little games with other drivers who might (God forbid) have made a mistake and ■■■■■■ us off then we’d all go round in circles until we disappeared up our own ■■■■■■■■■■
Hmmm, that’s opened a can of worms hasn’t it? Of course CF would never have known that before he posted would he?